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Paid for any sexual experience??? Feelings afterwards???


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I'm a 33 year old virgin. Never kissed girl before. I have TERRIBLE luck. I'd rather never pay for anything sexually.


I'm just wondering if anybody has paid for something sexual and what their feelings were afterwards.


Did you regret it?


We're you satisfied?


I'm afraid to do this, because I still have HOPE that I will find the one.

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My brother wasn't in the same predicament as you...he had been married for 30 years. Came home and she had left.


After 8 months of hoping and on anti-depressants...he then decided to hate her.


So he then found a 'girlfriend'. Well...that's what he told us. He showed u pics, they texted etc. She was a $400 an hour escort. And was GORGEOUS and about 27. She had model like portfolio pics. He even showed his councelor her picture, and he claimed he was 'impressed'.


He did this to get his self-esteem back...and i guess it worked. He was under the illusion that they 'cared' for him. (she also had a partner...and the first time he was with them BOTH!) I think he still feels like he was 'special'. I told him they will tell you anything...for $400!!! duh.


But then he went on to smaller paid escorts, and finally to eHarmony to find a wife. Which he did.


I KNOW he has fond memories of it. BUT doesn't mean YOU will.


If you have the money, and can find someone you connect with, and they help you out in the 'technical' aspects of kissing and sex...eh. Think of it as a 'sex aid teacher' kinda person. They have those too!


So I can't say you will regret it for sure...but i can't say it will be a good experience either.


None of us know...and you won't either. I had plenty of sex with guys that made me feel like CRAP afterwards. At least these girls are paid to make you feel 'special'. For the moment anyway.

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Dougie, no offense, but with the money you make alone, the only kind of sex you could pay for would be with someone who is likely to give you a disease (even with a condom), and the only outcome would be that you've stuck your member in a place you never have before. And I don't think that brings any greater experience to a man, except that now they can say to themselves (and only to themselves), "I guess some day it's supposed to feel better than that."


And stop saying you have bad "luck." None of the dozens of threads you've made, with all the issues that have been discussed, should be bringing you to the conclusion that randomness is the reason you're without sexual partners and experience.

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Dougie, no offense, but with the money you make alone, the only kind of sex you could pay for would be with someone who is likely to give you a disease (even with a condom), and the only outcome would be that you've stuck your member in a place you never have before. And I don't think that brings any greater experience to a man, except that now they can say to themselves (and only to themselves), "I guess some day it's supposed to feel better than that."


And stop saying you have bad "luck." None of the dozens of threads you've made, with all the issues that have been discussed, should be bringing you to the conclusion that randomness is the reason you're without sexual partners and experience.


For real.


This isn't even a feasible option for you. With the money you make, you are looking at picking up someone on the bottom of the bottom of the ranks of prosties. Drug addicts, missing teeth, carrying serious disease, doesn't give a s/t about anything.


It would be dangerous, very dangerous. Not only emotionally, hell, that is secondary when you are talking what you are thinking of doing. I'm talking about you pick someone up Dougie, you are risking your life.


So if you are cool with being another statistic, yeah, go for it. Worst idea ever, dude.

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