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Wow! I can't believe what my ex did!

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There isn't a whole lot to say, but outside of the other day, I hadn't saw my ex in almost two years. The other day, we had a random encounter and, to be honest, it was quite painful seeing her. Eye opening to reality. She's engaged and has a 1-year-old daughter. Regardless, the same day, that evening, she emailed me. I emailed her back. This lasted a few emails. They were cordial. No emotions being divulged. Just updates on our lives. Nothing more, nothing less.


Then a few hours ago, I got two random back to back phone calls by a number I didn't recognize. After the second call, they left a voice message, and when I checked it, the voice was a man, and it started off, "Hello, Mr. [my last name], this is Officer [his name] on behalf of [police department]" and he went on to tell me about the "HARASSMENT" that I've been involved in on [her name]!!! That she had told him the 'details' of what had been 'going on with us' and that he 'advised me to stop contacting her'.


WHAT?! He left me a number to call back and a 'reference number' to get in touch "if I wanted to". I'm not calling back, though. What a strange situation. I didn't do anything. Harassment? What?! Needless to say I am NOT going to contact her again, but who in the world initiates contact with an ex and THEN claims harassment? I'm incredibly confused, angered, agitated, tired and sad over this ploy.


Has anything like this happened to anybody else? This is nuts.

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You shouldn't tell her. You should come to terms with what u did and move on. You can't predict the future and telling her will only make it worse.

Huh? What? I didn't do anything. Did you post on the wrong thread or did I mistakenly convey the original post of this thread inarticulately?

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You shouldn't tell her. You should come to terms with what u did and move on. You can't predict the future and telling her will only make it worse.


Rotto....I think your ex followed you here.


If it really is a police officer, I'd call him back, let him know she initiated contact after running into you, that you only responded to her email, and to rest assured, you'll never speak to her again as she's clearly disturbed. I hope you don't need a restraining order to keep her from harassing you.

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I wouldn't call that number back or answer anything. It sounds WAY too fishy to me especially that part about "getting in touch if you want to". Wanting to is NOT an option with something like this. If the cops call you about a complaint, a response is mandatory and they will generally come knock on your door, not call and leave some kind of cryptic messages like that.


I would call the police department that this call supposedly came from and ask to speak to either the watch captain, duty officer or sergeant in charge. I would advise them of the call, ask if there really is an officer so-and-so and verify the legitimacy of this message before I did anything. If it's legit, fill them in on your side and let them know she initiated contact, not you, and that you will not be initiating or responding to any kind of contact with her in the future. If it is NOT legit, well, I'd suspect her current SO or someone she knows could get themselves in some very hot water over impersonating a police officer and I would file a complaint.


In ANY case, delete her contact info and block her. This level of drama is unreal and you don't need any stupid fallout because someone wants to play little kid games.

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No way. The police would not call you about a harassment claim. An officer would come to your door about such things. Why? Because if it really was harassment and you were psycho and they called you, what happens if you freak out at hearing the news?


Someone is playing you.


Do not respond. Do not react. Do not contact.


Edit: Also just noticed there were TWO calls. Nope. Sorry. Not at all. Somebody is trying to pull your strings.

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