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Suffered an early miscarriage. Feeling lost.


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I loved that feeling! And eventually laying with my stomach to my husbands back and he could feel her kick him! So amazing! I miss it actually and everytime I feel a gas bubble or my stomach moving I touch it just assuming she's still in there! Such a foreign feeling to have that gone! It's terrible to have baby fever already but I loved being pregnant and cannot wait for it again!

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The movements are my favourite part of being pregnant that and having a nice big bump. I love how I look when I'm pregnant. I feel like I could have another baby! I think the hormones are giving me baby fever but realistically we will probably only have two. If we had three we'd want the first two at school first.


Little lady is 3 weeks old and doing well. She's a very peaceful content baby and she sleeps and breastfeeds and thats about it lol. Which is good because my son is certainly hitting the terrible twos a little early. he's quite challenging at the moment. I have my hands full!

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I swear this child plugged in her battery almost 2 weeks ago and hasn't stopped moving since. I see her poking dead smack in the middle of my stomach, then minutes later she is on the left, then the right. I think she might be tumbling. I should consider tot gymnastics, huh?


This, along with my finally-popped belly, are definitely the highlights of my pregnancy so far.

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Mine had hiccups constantly. A dozen times a day. At first I had no clue, and once I actually thought maybe she was in distress and panicked until I wondered if it was hiccuping! It's more like a rhythmic muscle twitch. Mine were visible from the outside and as the pregnancy progressed my whole stomach would twitch! And when she was born she continued with the constant hiccuping too!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Oh my gosh, are you that far along already? I know I did it at the tail end around 27 weeks(and passed). I asked them if I could go outside and they were like, no we can't have you lowering your blood glucose moving around. So I'm hoping you pass and don't have to sit for 3 hours later on!

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Yeah it tasted like flat orange pop, I thought...Very sweet flat orange pop. Apparently you can ask for other flavors! They just give you the orange by default. Not that I can think of any flavors that would be appealing.


My son kicked like a loon after I had that. He was hyped up for sure. When I used to have to get the NSTs, if he wouldn't wake up with the buzzer(they needed to see an increase in heart rate during the movements), they'd give me orange juice to wake him up.

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Aw, rousing up that poor little babe! Did they have to do the NSTs because you felt he wasn't moving as much or you were past due?


I think I finally felt her hiccups about an hour after I was done testing. I can't say those were from the glucose, but she did deliver quite a few strong kicks through my stomach after I downed the drink. Sugar rush!

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I was taking Atenolol, so my OB said starting at 30 weeks we would have to do twice weekly monitoring to check on growth, make sure baby is getting enough oxygen, etc. Because it was for tachycardia vs. blood pressure, they kept me on it despite it not being an ideal medication to be on when pregnant. Benefits>risks and all that(it does work very well for me as opposed to other beta blockers).


Now you know how to wake her up! They usually will respond to sweet, fizzy drinks.

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I would always drink something sweet or fizzy before my non stress tests. The first one I had lasted 45 minutes because she just wasn't moving enough (I was getting them done several times a week so it was a pain) so I would always stopped for something really cold or fizzy (iced frozen lemonade worked like magic!) and would be in and out in 10 minutes!

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Haha, I love these stories!


This little chickie loves chocolate milk. She goes crazy anytime I have a nice cold glass -- and it's one of the very few food items that she always allows me to keep down. It's kind of embarrassing how much of it I drink because of this -- I've been going through cartons in 2-3 days.


Her kicks are usually so strong, too. I'm attributing it to awesome bone development with all the calcium she's getting.


Cheetarah, my OB said the same thing about Lexapro for my anxiety -- I'm on a low dose (5 mg) and she really discouraged me from weaning or trying a different med in a lower pregnancy class since it's worked ridiculously well. She said panic attacks and states of high stress are far more potentially harmful to the baby than a small dose of an SSRI might be. I was nervous about it, but now that I see everything has been moving along as expected at this point (almost 3rd Tri! I'm very glad I kept status quo. There may have been 2 or 3 occasions that I've felt a little wound up, but I've been able to just walk around the house for a bit and it eased. I haven't had a single panic attack this whole pregnancy. Knock on wood!

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Well, we made it just under the wire with the 1-hour glucose test (level: 130)! I threw myself into a tizzy because the lab marked it as high, saying the normal range is


We're a few days away from the 7-month mark, baby girl is kicking away, and belly is measuring about 26 cm. Happy Mommy-to-be here


Hope all things baby and child are doing well with you ladies!

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Well, we made it just under the wire with the 1-hour glucose test (level: 130)! I threw myself into a tizzy because the lab marked it as high, saying the normal range is


We're a few days away from the 7-month mark, baby girl is kicking away, and belly is measuring about 26 cm. Happy Mommy-to-be here


Hope all things baby and child are doing well with you ladies!


I was about to say it couldn't be 7 months already for you... But then again my baby is 5 months old today!!! Where did it go? Holy man time is flying!!

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Aww happy 5 month-day to baby Asti


Asti, you and your husband have been together a number of years, right? What was the transition to becoming parents really like? I have a hard time imagining our life now vs. our life with children. After 8 years just us, it’s really daunting!

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She's a dream baby! Not sure how we got so lucky! So happy, chill and easy going. Sleeps 12hrs at night, naps like a champ. I'm sure the 2nd baby will be like my husband and super high needs haha!

She's growing well. Feel like she slowed a bit. But she's on the charts finally for everything so that's good.

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