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To soon for this to come up?


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Not long after we exchanged numbers a guy asked me if i could squirt!? I didn't know what to say but i felt it was a little childish for a sexual topic to come out of his mouth that soon and we hadn't started to date yet. Major red flag or what!?

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Depends what you're looking for in a relationship, but this would be a major turnoff for me. On all sorts of levels.


Exactly!!! Major turn off!! I'm looking to date in hopes of a relationship. I thought he was too but that question just threw me for a loop!! Big time!!!

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Yes, big red flag. It's one thing if you're only looking for sex in a relationship (because in that case, you most likely wouldn't mind that question being asked), but if you're looking for something more serious, this guy doesn't sound like he's on the same wave length as you. I went out on a blind date with a guy once and one of the very first questions he asked me was about sex. Let's just say I ended the date early and couldn't wait to get away from this guy. I wanted that hour of my life back!

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Yes, big red flag. It's one thing if you're only looking for sex in a relationship (because in that case, you most likely wouldn't mind that question being asked), but if you're looking for something more serious, this guy doesn't sound like he's on the same wave length as you. I went out on a blind date with a guy once and one of the very first questions he asked me was about sex. Let's just say I ended the date early and couldn't wait to get away from this guy. I wanted that hour of my life back!


Yes, thats really a waste of time and this dude was a major waste of my time. A guess some women would like it but not me!!

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I can't believe he actually said that!!! I mean, I guess I should, people are crazy... But seriously?! Even a guy with no game knows better than to go in with the big guns right off the bat. It's kind of funny... Except for the part where it's true and it actually happened. Lol

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I can't believe he actually said that!!! I mean, I guess I should, people are crazy... But seriously?! Even a guy with no game knows better than to go in with the big guns right off the bat. It's kind of funny... Except for the part where it's true and it actually happened. Lol


Yeah, i'm still in shock!!! His exact words were this "hey, let me ask u this... Can u squirt" i kinda paused for a minute and i was like really!? Why would u ask me that!????

But like i said i think this is an alcoholic so his brain is probably mush and he saw nothing wrong with the question.

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Ewww...I say run for the hills, Ladytmt! This guys sounds like a slimeball. I don't understand, nor will I ever understand, why things like this happen. Blows my mind, seriously. I just don't understand the mentality and frankly, I don't want to.

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Ewww...I say run for the hills, Ladytmt! This guys sounds like a slimeball. I don't understand, nor will I ever understand, why things like this happen. Blows my mind, seriously. I just don't understand the mentality and frankly, I don't want to.


Yes, i agree. Really weird! I've never had someone ask me anything even close to that, but i guess i shouldn't be too surprised... Weirdos everywhere.

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Red flag! Red flag! Run! What the...? Apparently no one ever told him what what proper conversation is. Cripes maybe when you're both getting naked it could bet brought up, but like you said you haven't even dated yet. I don't know, that sort of comment/question just begs for a response like, "Answer me this first, do you suffer from premature ejaculation and what are your thoughts on making sure your woman is happy in bed?" Sit down and pull out a pen and paper while you ask him these things then go on to ask him about how much he makes in a year, the car he drives and his political and religious views since he's so willing to bring up really personal things before a first date.


Okay, I'm kidding but ewww, just run.

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Maybe it's the pride, but that wouldn't be a turn off for me, I'd be more like "ya baby, if your good enough!"


But on a serious note- be aware that he is clearly wanting sex, he didn't even try to hide that fact from you. That's cool, if you want some casual sex in your life.

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