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My Life- Thoughts and Happenings

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My work has been stressful. There is a coworker that is very effective at what s/he does. And s/he is retiring in June. S/he does not do what I do, but the work is peripherally related.


S/he has been meeting with my boss. Apparently s/he wants to volunteer at our school next year for my area. Thing is, S/he is very directive and a one person show. Already, s/he is meddling with how I do things in my position.


This person is very good. But not always up on current research. We are very different personalities, and approach things differently. I'm a bit worried about that person trying to come in and taking over my position, which I love. On the other hand, s/he has very effective techniques and I should probably learn as much as I can, and feel confident in my abilities..but in the end I make the decisions for my position.


My coworker thinks that s/he will end up liking retirement so much, they won't be in as much. We will see. S/he has a daughter who is expecting her 2nd baby this summer, so maybe that will help.

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Today, a few friends and I drove to one of the women's marches in Oregon. It was a decent day- cloudy but not too cold and no rain during the march!


Our Representative was stuck in Washington due to the govt shutdown, but he spoke with us by phone at the rally before the march.


Saw some of my coworkers there, which was nice. And other friends too.


My family and friends attended marches across the nation. My cousin went to one in Connecticut, and my sister in law went to one in Michigan. Nice to see pictures posted on Facebook.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Silver, some people did marches around the world. But mostly this has to do with some huge and pervasive problems with our government right now. It will take a few years to undo the mess, but in the meantime it is amazing to feel the positive energy from so many.


I've never marched before. I've always been complacent when it comes to political stuff. But now is the time to stand up for others- women, the poor, the marginalized, persons of all faiths, race, gender identity and/or sexual orientation. We are all One.


IAmFCA, not sure in what part of the world you are. If in US, then maybe you marched?

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Having a nice weekend. Got to go for a walk this morning. Some spring bulbs are beginning to come up, so we will have blooms out in the next few weeks. Spring weather is a little early this year. Hopefully that does not mean a drought this summer. Too many fires last year.


I am going to get serious about trimming back the vegetation in my back yard, for fire safety. I have invasive blackberries all over in the back. Beside being a big mess taking over my yard, it is also a fire hazard.

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A www, you're Dad sounds so nice. Lum, I had a blackberry problem once and then acquired a goat for a short while. The goat ate the blackberries completely away.


My sister in law would have lent me her goats, but my fence is collapsed under all the blackberry vines, and one part of the yard has no gate or fence. So since they would escape, then it won't work. Sadly.

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Good day today

My younger son was accepted to a couple of state schools, so he will have a choice of where to go.


Older son had his interview for his absolute dream job today. They flew him out for the interview and he comes back tonight. He thinks the interview went well.


Worked with some little students today. In their reading passage was a reference to canvas, so I was explaining what canvas is. A little girl piped up and said excitedly " Oh yeah, my dad works with cannibis!" Lol, lol, yes, the words start out with the same sounds, but they are not the same thing!

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