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Is a Polygraph test necessary? Seriously? Seriously?


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Okay, I'll try to keep this short.


GF of 10 years broke up with me on my graduation day. We've had a LDR for 2 years, everything was good. A lot of visitation, daily Skype and Facetime, nightly talks, etc etc. We did it right.


She's been a jealous person but never obsessive. Naturally, because of distance and what not, she started to get a little more "snoopy" so I got kind of upset and set out to prove to her that one of her BFFs (mutual friend, who is married to one of my best friends) has no interest in me.


So, how was I going to prove this that this girl had nothing for me? Easily (I'm an idiot and I should have my college degree rescinded). I sent her BFF a non-explicit open ended text that could be interpreted sexually if there was something there.


Needless to say, this girl has responded with her sexual fantasy involving me. I felt horrible and ashamed and I felt embarrassment for her because I truly am a one girl type of guy (my GF took my virginity and I have not strayed nor even contemplated it). So to alleviate my embarrassment and hers as well, I replied with "the things I would do to you" and ended it there. Nothing of this nature was ever spoken of. I was going to tell my GF on my own terms.


However, I waited a little too much because I didn't want to experience the ensuing fight, that was inevitably going to occur, while on my short vacation which me and my girl cherish so much.


You guys already know what I am about to say.... My GF found the texts on her BFF's phone and... well, you can imagine. All her suspicions and all her fears were now validated in her head. I was ALWAYS cheating on her and I've been a dog, it was never true love, we've been living a lie, etc etc. I imagine that was all going through her head.


We tried to overcome the situation for 8 months, via long distance, and we almost did it. However, in order for her to buy time until I got back home she distracted herself by going out with new BFFs and she started drinking a bit more and going out quite frequently to the bars. This is something she had never really been a fan of, really both of us are not big fans of doing these things without one another.


So now, on my graduation day, she came up, we celebrated with the families (her family is also my family now due to the 10 years) but I could see it on her face.


She proceeded to tell me that she was hurt but that she knows one day she'll grow to forgive me. (I was under the impression that she actually believed me on what actually took place and why I did it)

But she then told me that she wanted to be alone and that she didn't know if *this* is what she wanted and she still doesn't. She wants to know if this is real love or just comfort. So she wants to be alone, 100% (although I can clearly see that she's 50/50 on this and so does everyone else) so she called it quits.


I've been in NO CONTACT for a little over a week. She's contacted me twice during that week and I've replied with succinct messages only.


Tomorrow I am going back home. I need my belongings from her house so I sent her a text "I'm going home tomorrow. When would it be convenient for me to go get my belongings?" and she later replied with "Wow that's cool. Do you need them soon? I want to take some time to gather them so you just have to swing by and pick them up." So I replied with "Yea. Just tell me when."


Okay, so here's the deal. We are a wonderful couple. No big issues, lots of fun, lots of love, lots of compassion and understanding. There's a true bond there between us. I know it and I feel it and I believe it. I believe it when she tells me told me just a few weeks ago that she doesn't see herself with anyone else and that she wants to be with me and that she wants to be married to me and only sees me as the father of her kids. I believe her when she tells me that whenever she looks ahead to the future I am right there beside her as her man.


Well, today I spoke to a mutual friend who's wife is her bestest (I know this is not a word but it sounds cool and drives the point home) friend. He tells me that his wife told him that my GF feels 100% certain that I cheated on her!!!


* * * ?!?!?!? It isn't even geographically possible for me to do so but whatever. I've tried to explain that to her before and I assumed that she acknowledged, logically, that I was telling the truth.


So, now I am wondering if her "G.I.G.S." (Grass Is Greener Syndrome) is because of her believe that I cheated on her. She didn't tell me that was the reason she was breaking up with me but her reasons seem like it is a minor case of the GIGS.

If she does have the GIGS then I fully understand her reasoning and she's entitled (I don't like it though) to go and seek out answers on her own. But if the real reason behind the break up of a happy and loving and very mutual relationship is because she is still under the impressions that I cheated then don't I have to act?


I've discussed the idea of a polygraph test with her before, while we had reconciled, and she called me crazy and that it was not necessary. She said she believed me. So I said "good, because a relationship is based on trust and going to the great lengths of a polygraph is really setting a dangerous precedence in our relationship." She agreed.


GUYS, I love her. In my eyes she's already my wife. I came to school and got a college degree for US, not me and not her, but for US. For OUR future. because I wanted to provide for her and I wanted to give her the life she wants and I want us to travel (we do that a lot but on a very small budget) and I want to make her happy. She's the only woman I've ever experienced. I want this fairytale to continue. We had everything planned out. She's been wanting this so bad and i've been wanting to give it to her even more.


I have taken several personality tests (due to school) and I am not career driven. Neither is she. She took the tests as well. I'm an ESFJ and she's an ISFJ (most compatible personalities in couples) and we are both FAMILY oriented people. Our happiness in life derives from a happy home. We don't need to have EVERYTHING and we don't have big ambitions in the business world.


What do I do? I initiated NC because I was dumped and because I was hoping that this is the way to sort of get her to realize what a wonderful relationship she has with me. i was hoping the minor case of the GIGS faded away by the NC.

But, if she is under the believe that I cheated and this is propelling her GIGS then shouldn't I do whatever it is necessary to save this relationship? Shouldn't I get the polygraph test even though it is a bad idea and a bad precedence?


Isn't love something that you go to war for? Isn't love something that you fight for until the very end? I feel like I MUST do this for the sake of what I feel for this woman.


I don't even mind keeping the NC going and just dropping off the polygraph test scores when I go pick up my belongings.


Please help? What are your opinions? Do I fight for this? Do I just let go and hope she realizes what we have and have her fight for it?


I am hurt, I am sad, I feel a little anger and a little resentment but I can manage the latter two. They won't consume me nor my feelings for her.


What if she goes out and out of anger and out for revenge she sleeps with some guy and then, now feeling guilty, decides that she was wrong in letting me go and wants to come back? What then? I've never cheated on her. We've both been faithful to one another. This would ruin the purity of our relationship.




Women, please chime in. I know I was wrong for doing what I did. I know it and I have learned my lesson very well. But isn't she going to a bit of an extreme here? I mean, couples go through infidelity and they don't break up sometimes. I mean, at least give us a chance by going to couples counselling or something.


If Chris Brown can beat the crap out of Rihanna, publicly, and a year or two later they reconcile despite everyone telling her not to take him back... Why can't we reconcile if it was just a text message? (I know this is a stupid idea of mine and horrible but I am desperate here)


Thanks in advanced.

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I want to add that her case of the GIGS is not really the one where she wants to experience other men and the dating scene. None of that. According to her mother and her sister, she has no desire to be with any other guys and she definitely does not want any relationships. She wants to be alone. She wants to move out on her own.


I'm not a fool though, I know that "Out of sight, Out of mind" and eventually she's going to be out and a guy will tell her just the right things and there she'll go and there WE'LL go.


But what I am saying is that she's satisfied with me. I know her and I know her real well. She tells me everything with her face and body language. I know this love is DEEEEEPPP and I know she feels I am the ONE.


I screwed up, I know this. This is why this is so much easier for her.


I don't know if she secretly wants me to go chasing after her and conquer her heart again. I did it once and I know I can do it again but I'm so confused. if she has the GIGS then in 3 years she'll just end up leaving again. HELP!!!

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If you do not have trust there is nothing, no relationship. I know it is not what you want to hear. As long as her buddies are telling her you are a cheater you don't stand a chance.


I think she DOES want you to chase her because she called you twice during no contact and she seems reluctant to give you your things and she seemed shocked you wanted them.


If she is a jealous person you are always going to be dealing with this every few years.

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i am seriously wondering how you could claim to love your gf so much but send those super shady texts????? i mean, i don't blame her for being suspicious. it's a shame that a 10 year relationship has gone down the tubes because of one text, but yeah, the content is so shady, it sure seems like there was cheating going on (even if as you say, there was none).


ps - rhianna should RUN RUN away from chris brown!!

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i am seriously wondering how you could claim to love your gf so much but send those super shady texts????? i mean, i don't blame her for being suspicious. it's a shame that a 10 year relationship has gone down the tubes because of one text, but yeah, the content is so shady, it sure seems like there was cheating going on (even if as you say, there was none).


ps - rhianna should RUN RUN away from chris brown!!


I agree, those texts were a massively stupid idea.

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10 years... we got together at the age of 17 (her) and 19 (me). We've planned our wedding for March 1st 2014. That would have been 2 years out of college, plenty of time for both of us to get our $h!t straight and save for an appropriate wedding. It was all spoken of and taken care of. She knows my commitment and devotion to her. She knows! We made the decision together with our future in mind about me going away for college for 2 years.


I do love my GF, very dearly. I was so certain that there was nothing going on from her BFF and I was so certain that I would be able to disprove her suspicions but I failed. I failed horribly. I did it out of anger and irrationality. I was so upset that my woman could even have the capability to ever distrust me. Why? Because I am so in love with her and I am SO CERTAIN that I do not have it in me to cheat... I am just not capable. it is not who I am. I am not made up that way. Infidelity goes against all I stand for and all my morals. It is such an ugly act that I think people who do that are the absolute scum of the universe. How could she doubt me? How????? So I set out to disprove her and BOOM! World War III erupts.


The fact that she's a jealous person is something of a weakness of her. She's been that way for 10 years. She's got a little insecurity issues as well. It doesn't help that people compliment HER for being able to land a guy like me. It doesn't help that people have told me that I could do way better. Unfortunately for these DUMB BLIND IDIOTS they can't see what I see. I see the most beautiful human being in the world. She's such a pretty woman and she's the NICEST person in the world. She matches and surpasses my kind heart. I remember her giving a parking attendant her sweater one cold evening because she felt bad for the girl since she didn't have one. She's just a perfect 10/10 in my book. I don't care what anyone says or thinks. All that matters is what I think.


My own mother didn't approve of her when we first got together. She said she was too short and too "simple" looking. Mothers, I tell you LOL. Regardless, I think we make a beautiful couple. I'm tall (6'7) and dark skinned while she's 5'1 and fair skinned. She's freaking beautiful. Words don't do her justice. Just take my word for it.


She has the sweetest voice, the best smile (she won best smile in HS), she has these little weird gait and when she walks. I can pick her out of a line up of 100 women her size and wearing the same outfits, just by her walk. She does this little thing with her left foot. I can't explain it.


Guys, she's my life. THIS IS THE ONE!!!! There's no one else. I know there isn't. She's my brightest star in the universe. I know realistically speaking that I could find a few new girls and grow to love them and have a wonderful family and a nice life with them... but this ONE girl is second to none. She's it. Trust me... when you know.. YOU KNOW!


And she feels the same way about me. We are perfect together. I love all of her flaws and she loves mine. I love her just as much for her weaknesses as I do for her strengths.


I know I screwed up. I know it. I acted out of anger and hurt. I've read and done introspection like a BEAST during these last 8 months.


I understand that her jealousy will get the best of her every once in a while, but let's give her some credit here, she recognizes her weaknesses and is trying to control them. I am more than willing to live life with her baggage.


We all have baggage. It's what makes us unique. You just have to find a partner that can accept them and embrace them.


I have my own stupid baggage. No one is perfect. I am far from it. Yet, she loves me nonetheless for my weaknesses as well.


Thank GOD women and drugs and infidelity are not one of my weaknesses.


Guys, I can't let her go. I may have no other choice but I have to fight for her don't I?


Isn't that what you do for love? You fight for it. She barely gets any trouble out of me and the bit that she does, that I am aware of is stupid stuff like me playing video games a little too much, me not putting the seat back down in the bathroom, me not using the hamper properly sometimes... And of course... the bad one... I am very friendly. I can strike up a meaningful conversation with anyone, including females, and this can fuel her insecurities. This is something that I've gradually changed about myself though. See? Men can change :surprise:

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My question still remains. Should I take the polygraph and just give it to her and let her read it. That way IF she is doing this because she thinks I cheated on her then at least now she'll know that I didn't.

if she follows through with the break up do to GIGS then fine. I can live with that. She'll come around and if not then she'll always be imprinted in my heart and she'll be present in my life forever and always, even though I will have moved on.


I just wanna make sure she does this for the right reasons and not for an event that never took place.


Oh and just FYI... RIHANNA SHOULD RUNAWAY FAST AND HARD! I agree. Chris Brown is a scumbag and he should not have her heart again. He doesn't deserve it. He needs to learn his lesson.


Women are little angels and they should be treated as such... to a degree lol. Sometimes they can be mean, like my GF, but I like it! I'm a masochist for her lol. She's super grouchy in the mornings. And has mood swings. I love it!!!

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sure, take the polygraph. i don't think it will make things worse at this point. whether or not she accepts and believes the results is another matter.


i don't necessarily see this as a GIGS situation. you did something that broke her trust, you mentioned she has jealousy problems already, and between that and her gfs who are telling her you are up to no good (i would probably tell her the same thing, having read the texts) - well, i understand why she needs to take time out.


maybe time out would be good for both of you?

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Maybe it will. But in the event that it is not a time out, I mean she called it quits and not just a break, I do want her to be able to speak of me in the future as perhaps and idiot and an a-hole, but not a cheater.


At least she can have that peace. The peace that she did not get taken for granted and that she was not being played.


I know that a scar like this one would be traumatizing to say the least. I'd be a huge disservice for her future well-being if she went about life thinking that all guys are cheaters and that her "true love" cheated on her.


I'm just gonna take the polygraph and let her do her thing. I think me chasing her is just going to push her away even further.


I know what we had was real and I think she knows it as well. She's upset and hurt but those things heal. Maybe in a future she'll come back but I think that perhaps I should just let her be. I don't know. Part of me wants to fight for this relationship still.

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I'm sorry but I wouldn't believe that story if you passed a polygraph. I'm beyond cynical I guess. But I don't believe anyone would do something like that unless he wanted to cheat. Even a 5 year old child would know better.


Ok fine. So then if I am hundreds of miles away for 2 years... how could I have cheated? It makes no sense. What? Did I take a plane back home for a one night stand in the middle of a semester? Mind you, we have a joint account so if I even HAD any money (I'm a poor college student) she would be able to see it. Not to mention that I don't own a car.


Seriously, me cheating is not geographically possible. But whatever. I know what my intentions were and I know what I did and what I didn't do. The sole reason I can sleep at night, granted with a heavy heart, is because at the very end of it all I know I never cheated nor intended to. Especially on the love of my life AND with my best friend's wife!! I mean, who can even fathom something as despicable as that? Seriously. Had I done that I would've off'ed myself by now lol.


But you know what, true love forgives. Especially this love we have. I am certain this is the purest love there is. I know it down to my bone. She'll forgive me at one point or another and one day, one distant day, she'll probably come tot he conclusion that I couldn't have cheated on her and that I didn't.


In the meantime, unless convinced by some of your inputs, I will be taking that polygraph and dropping it off to her when I go pick up my belongings. She has my Shakespeare collection and I cannot think of a better time to read his work again.


Please, continue to input though. I want more opinions on this matter.


Mrs. Darcy... I already know what you're going to say. I should rot in hell and yada yada yada. Please, spare me the lecture. I AM in Hell already. I'm living through it.

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I agree with you that people can move on from this and forgive each other, but the part that I bolded is concerning. I can only imagine someone saying that if they were delusional or seriously desperate. I think you need to take a step back and examine your relationship with her more objectively. Why do you want to continue your relationship with this girl? What are your compatibilities? Why do you suit each other? It can't just be because you love each other so much.

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I agree with you that people can move on from this and forgive each other, but the part that I bolded is concerning. I can only imagine someone saying that if they were delusional or seriously desperate. I think you need to take a step back and examine your relationship with her more objectively. Why do you want to continue your relationship with this girl? What are your compatibilities? Why do you suit each other? It can't just be because you love each other so much.


I thought I had made that clear though. We have a wonderful relationship, including all the little fights and stuff. We suit each other perfectly. Her words but I agree. We do the things that we want to do and we enjoy it thoroughly. She barely ever complains about my ways of being and I of hers. Obviously there are small fights and stuff but WE, together, solve the matter on mutual terms. In 10 years rarely did we ever go to sleep mad at each other. We don't let things get too out of control.


I would love to sit down with her at this point and examine our relationship like you suggest but I don't think this is the right time to do this. I mean, she dumped me. How am I going to go about asking her to sit down with me so we can examine the relationship at this point.


I don't see why and how it can be delusional to believe that this relationship we have and the bond we have is pure love. I really don't. I mean, isn't this the way you're supposed to feel when you're in love? Aren't you supposed to feel like the person you're in love with was hand picked for you since birth? If it is not then I don't want to live in a world like yours. No disrespect. But when I give my all to someone I REALLY give my entire heart and I fall head over heels. There's no holding back. I feel like she gave me her all and I know I gave her my all. Call me naive but isn't that love? True love.



Miss Firecracker, had those been my intentions then I wouldn't be feeling so bad. I'd be accepting this as punishment. I'd be feeling horrible. I understand how it may look from the outside looking in, but there's no one that besides me that can truly look in me and see that my intentions were as I said. We live in a cynical world. I realize that now more than ever.


Part of the lesson I've learned is precisely that. No matter what my intentions are, actions speak louder than words.


Also, I gain nothing by keeping the truth from you all. If indeed that was the truth, that I intended to do something with her, then it would behoove me to disclose that so that I can get proper input from you all. But those were not my intentions at all.


Oh and FYI, I asked the girl to speak to her husband about it because he had to know from her first but once she told him everything, him and I spoke and I told him all as I did to you guys and as I did to my GF and he understood. He was mad but we remain friends and he believed me. he asked me just once "Did you guys do anything?" I told him we did not. Then he said "Okay. Then no harm done on my end. Feel bad because this is not right BUT I understand and I get you. No hard feelings."


I guess you just have to know me and know me well to understand that this is completely out of character for me. I'm being sincere about this with everyone.


Regardless of my intentions I recognize that what I did was horrible. It was selfish and stupid, childish, ill-advised, and despicable. I used a friend for my own reasons to get something that I wanted. That poor girl did not deserve that and neither did her husband nor my GF. I bet that she would have never disclosed those feelings and that fantasy had I not goaded her into it. For this all I do feel bad. I feel horrible and I am ashamed of it. And I don't deserve my friend's friendship and perhaps I may not even deserve my relationship. But I just think that we can overcome this and that it has been too precious to let this text message come between us. I should be made to work hard at attaining my GF's trust once again. And I should be made hard to attain her forgiveness. And I am willing to work for it. I am.


Whatever ends up happening, at the very least you all should learn from my mistakes. Whether it be for your current relationships or for future relationships. Actions speak louder than words and remember that no matter what your intentions are no one else can see them so be careful with what you choose to do.

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I would be more concerned about my part in destroying a marriage than any other thing.


LOL. Had that been the case I would be going craaaaazzzzyyyyy. They're good. They discussed the situation. I don't know what she told him and I don't care. All I know is that they are good and that it wasn't a big deal, not even a fight on their end. Actually, they were both more concerned with my relationship than anything else. They know her well and they already imagined the drama that was going to ensue.


Honestly, from everyone that knows us both they don't see this as a HUGE deal. Sure, there will be a big disagreement and etc but not to the extent of this.


Her mom, her own mother is on my side in all of this. Sadly, the only two people who see this as a big issue is my GF and I. Everyone else thinks it is ridiculous to be calling off this relationship over this. Her sister included.


But, like I said. I know my GF well and I know myself. I know this was a huge deal. We've never really listened or compared ourselves to others.


I know this may seem difficult to understand for some but I'm being serious here, we have/had a really really good relationship. Everything just made perfect sense.


This is why I have been left to think she is suffering from the GIGS. It's my only explanation for this situation. I think maybe she is issuing the whole text thing as a way to reinforce her GIGS.


If it is GIGS I have no problem letting go. She's entitled to go and find whatever she's looking for all on her own, although I've stated in other posts that through counselling and with professional guidance one can overcome the GIGS and manage to save the relationship.


But whatever, if it is GIGS then she'll sooner or later find out if it was or it wasn't greener.


I just don't want this to end on the pretenses that I cheated...because I DIDN'T!


I'm sure you guys can understand that.

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LOL. Had that been the case I would be going craaaaazzzzyyyyy. They're good.


This isn't believable either. I guess I'm just not understanding any of this story. And I think maybe you and your girlfriend have just outgrown this relationship...at least she has. It is just something you need to accept. Learn from this and move on is what I'd do.

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Well, I can't prove anything but from my friend's end, everything is good. Nothing but concern over my relationship.

Now, if you're questioning that I whether I would care or not care if I had caused their marriage to end, well... that's a different story. I can say with certainty that I will be crushed but then again, who's to believe me? It'll be me who will be drowning in a pool of guilt and shame, no one else needs to believe me or even see me doing it.


Now, as far as out grown the relationship goes. perhaps this is the case and if that is it then it will hurt but I will move on. you can't convince someone to love you. But that gets us back to the root of the problem that I originally posted. She told me she believed me and now my friend's wife (her Bestest BFF) tells him that my girl is 100% certain I cheated. Obviously this cannot be true because I did not cheat. So what is it then?


So, if you're telling me that she's out grown the relationship and she's using this whole "you cheated on me" thing as an excuse to save face then that's different. Perhaps she is trying to use this to do just that. She's ashamed of wanting something more and because everything has been good and everyone seems to believe we're a match made in heaven she doesn't want to disappoint anyone and uses this as a reason to call it off.


Jesus, why is this so complex. Why can't she just say "hey, I'm bored and I want something more, sorry." or "hey, you're all i know and i want to know more... maybe later in life we'll find our way back to each other" or maybe.... like one of my friends suggested she's got something to hide.. "perhaps she cheated on you and never told you and now that you messed up she's using it as an excuse to relieve her guilt."


Whatever. I guess it is true after all. Love really is a battlefield.

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Just FYI, I would love all and any input on this matter.


Basically, I am asking, given the situation at hand should I stick to NO CONTACT or should I take a polygraph test and give her the results and let her sit with them for a good while and see what she decides? I'm at a loss here.

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To be honest if I were your girlfriend, a polygraph wouldn't do anything for me. I don't really think polygraphs are that reliable to begin with, and with the nature of those texts, I would always be questioning things.


I'd say no contact. I'm sorry that your relationship has ended but I don't think there's much chance of rectifying things. Let her move on.

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Rated X is not open-ended. Unless you want to argue that it could mean extreme violence. :sneakiness:


From your first post -




On that note, I would be pretty leery of the results, too. I agree with PF that purely with the nature of the texts, I'd probably always be thinking. Given she has a jealous nature, she likely would as well. I've told you a couple times, I think it's in your best interest, and hers, to let the sleeping dog lie, so to speak.

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I'm sorry but if a woman is violating your piracy and ANOTHER person's privacy... That qualifies as PSYCHO 100% in any sane person's mind.


Most women think that this is acceptable behavior, but it really is not. I can go on and on about this but you guys are all going to get defensive about it.


Without trust in a relationship there is no healthy relationship.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, look how funny life is. I got back home and found she has been cheating on me for four years with a co-worker and her friends I spoke about have been I stinting it and telling her "you're young, live life. Enjoy your youth." they didn't even have the decency to tell her to at least break up with me. Wow.

And here I was losing sleep and weight because I sent a girl a text out of anger to prove to her I didn't cheat. She made me feel like it was all on me for ruining the relationship.

Haha. Joke is on her now. I feel liberated. I had placed all the weight on my shoulders for the break up.

Now it's all on her.


I'm sad because I still love her. She's going through an identity crisis and I tried to help but she feels she's in good hands with her hoe friends. Oh well.

Sad. She'll see the light one day.

Sad to see such a beautiful person go from an innocent 16 year old to a 26 year old office * * * * . So sad. Even sadder is that I love her and forgave her already.

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