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Do you think women tell everyone that a guy has a small penis?


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I don't think my female friends or I have ever brought up our significant other's size. I have a number of girlfriends who are explicit about sexuality and even they have never mentioned a boyfriend being big or small. Because, seriously, if the sex is good, it doesn't freakin' matter.


To me, the only function a big penis serves is that it looks nice on camera (read: porn).

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in my experience we comment lightly on the normal sized (if needed), brag about the extra large ones and keep a no-comment policy on the not-so-well-endowed. usually I don't comment on the one I'm seeing at the moment, just about past experiences. and 9 out of 10 times, technique matters way more than size.

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Sure, there are females who will blab about their partners penis size to people they know relatively well while in the relationship regardless of size.

When they break up with their ex on bad terms, I am sure they would tell people as well.

This can potentially stop their ex from moving on to someone that their ex knows as well.

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So what if she tells her friends? Do you honestly think that that news will spread all the way to your friends and family? Do you even realize how many people there are in this world and how rare of a chance to actually run into someone that might know that person who had sex with you.


Here's what's gonna happen if she has a big mouth: she tells 10 friends. 6 of those friends tell a few of their friends. A few of those friends tell someone else and then it will die off and not even gonna make it to anyone that you know unless you live in a small town where everyone knows everyone else.


Plus, just because one girl has a big mouth and tells other people, doesn't mean that those people have big mouths also and will continue to spread the rumor. Eventually it will get to someone that doesn't need to share the news and it will die.

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BEST IDEA YET: Do not date or have sex with a girl who seems like the sort to blab to her friends.


Get to know her first. Is she more of a private person? Does she tell her "besties" everything? How does she view friendships and secrets? Does she believe that sexual details should remain in a relationship.


I have only talked about my sexual details to my therapist and an anonymous forum (here!) and anyone who knows me knows that I have better stuff to do than to gab to people about my boyfriend's penis size. You really need to get to know about a girl first, particularly before you decide to have sex with her. It amazes me how much people are like "Well I don't know if I can trust him/her..." when they have already slept together. If you have doubts, then don't do it.

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my bestfriends and i talk about everything (bestfriends for 5-7 years), but i keep most things private to other friends/family because it would reflect badly on me if i blab. you know? go for a girl with self respect and mature and chances are, her lips are sealed~.



and honestly, small penis is recoverable. there are other ways to be good in bed and not to mention, outside of. most guys think being good in bed will keep the girl, but being good outside of bed will also keep them around.

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One of my biggest fears is that if I ever did have sex, the girl would go around and tell everyone that I was small. If my friends and family found out I had a very small penis I wouldn't be able to live with the embarassment and shame from that. Do you think women tell people about a guys size?


For me, I don't.


What goes on with my sex life is between me and the guy I'm having sex with.


Some women like to gossip, some women don't.

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Yeah, some women certainly do spread this kind of stuff around. I've known plenty of women that have joked with me about guys they slept with that weren't particularly well-equipped. I'm sure many more women are more respectful though and keep that kind of stuff to themselves.


To be honest, from the man's perspective the key is confidence. I know a few guys that are totally honest about the fact they're not packing anything special and they just make jokes about it. The thing is, they do it in such a confident way that it never comes accross as insecure and so they still do great with women.


Easier said than done I guess. But like any insecurity, the more it's an issue for you, the more it'll be an issue for the people you date or hook up with. Worst comes to worst though, if they ever did spread it around and someone made fun of you for it, you could just laugh and say "Ha, so that's what her version of what happened is, is it? Okay, I'll respect her privacy and just go along with that then."

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One of my biggest fears is that if I ever did have sex, the girl would go around and tell everyone that I was small. If my friends and family found out I had a very small penis I wouldn't be able to live with the embarassment and shame from that. Do you think women tell people about a guys size?


Honestly, not all women would. But I would bet that there are some women out there who would tell people. No different then there are some guys out here who mouth off to their friends about a woman's vagina and how good, how wet or how dry it was.

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  • 2 weeks later...
My bf has a small penis and im proud of it how big is yours?

Before i met my bf my friend told me that he was very small and that was a huge reason why i am with him now



He must be very brave, or crazy to tell you that before you two met. LOL


I can't imagine telling that to a girl that might be interested in me.

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You know whats funny OP? My female friends would go on and on about the guy they are dating if they have a good or bad personality. The ones that mentions anything about a penis would keep it brief and they move on. They don't drag it on until day light like they do in regards to personality.

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I have NEVER sat around discussing penis size with friends. EVER. And I have a lot of friends...and have seen a lot of penises.


In fact, I cannot honestly even think about any of the guys I slept with, and really thought "Wow. that's TINY" while having sex with them. If I'm having sex with somoene, it's for mutual enjoyment. And whether they're 3 inches or 3 FEET, I intend to enjoy every second. It would be a killjoy to sit around thinking about how small he is compared to someone else.

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Your best friend for years also has no business knowing.


That would be a fear of mine to that someone else would know that i'm small to.


I'd rather not have some other chick laughing on the inside everytime she sees me because she knows i'm small.


I think you worry too much. Most people have lives and usually have better and more interesting things on their minds than thinking and laughing about sb else's inadequecies. Anyway the penis thing... Yeah we mention it to our best friend. But most of us wouldn't be making cruel jokes and laughing about it. It's more like we talk about how the sex is and what we did. Might mention size, but it's fleeting and more a passing comment.

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I think you worry too much. Most people have lives and usually have better and more interesting things on their minds than thinking and laughing about sb else's inadequecies. Anyway the penis thing... Yeah we mention it to our best friend. But most of us wouldn't be making cruel jokes and laughing about it. It's more like we talk about how the sex is and what we did. Might mention size, but it's fleeting and more a passing comment.


I agree.


There are much better things to talk about than merely someone's penis size. What's wrong with a small penis anyway? I don't think it stops anyone from having a good time. Small thin penises are easier for anal anyway. And oral, for that matter. Having a small penis doesn't stop you from being great at eating a girl out. A small penis doesn't make things any less fun unless you have a cavernous vagina, in which case, you probably wouldn't want to be with that person either.


I think for the majority of girls if they are sitting there, laughing about how small some guy is then they are very sad individuals and it probably reflects more poorly on them than on the guy.

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Some women do. Personally I think that is a very tacky thing to do. I would never and have never discussed the size of any of the men that I have dated, regardless of our status at the end of the relationship. I don't believe it is right to humiliate someone like that, especially when it comes down to something that personal.


Just putting myself in the other person's shoes... I would not want a guy that I have dated to share intimate details about me with anyone else, so I cannot do that to them.

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I think you worry too much. Most people have lives and usually have better and more interesting things on their minds than thinking and laughing about sb else's inadequecies. Anyway the penis thing... Yeah we mention it to our best friend. But most of us wouldn't be making cruel jokes and laughing about it. It's more like we talk about how the sex is and what we did. Might mention size, but it's fleeting and more a passing comment.



And if the sex is bad, are you gonna tell them?


That would just be great if some chicks friend thought I wasn't much of a man because she friend said the sex wasn't mind blowing.

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i was dating a small * * * * guy before. i never complained about it . even though a small one is not my preference. on top of it, he was having erection problems. i only mentioned it to my best friend because i didn't know how to approach the issue. i never made or said anything to make him uncomfortable. but i was quite sexual and that might have stressed him. so he ditched me and he just disappeared on me.

so long story short, i would not talk about a guys size before but after that experience, i will not even give a small * * * * guy a chance anymore and will ditch them right away.

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