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It is lovely isn't it. See she has the black top - very versatile. I wish I had the confidence to wear scarves like that. Not sure what it is that scares me off scarves. I do have a couple of scarves which have a type of ornate silver scarfe ring, and I was shown how to arrange the scarves so that they are more like a soft circuluar shape with the rings (which have a type of silver pendant on them ) than hanging in a type of bib shape like the model above has. Does anyone know the type of scarf rings I'm talking about. I've seen them with elephant and owl pendants hanging from them, but mine just have circular silver pendants.


I have a whole heap of black stretch tops which I wear with jeans, but I've also been told by a professional stylist that I will look a lot better by putting scarves or bling with them - too much black too close to my face. Anyone else have this issue? I live outside of Melbourne and the women here, to the chagrin of designers who have to churn out new fashions to sell every year, are addicted to black. I think it's because the weather is very changeable so we have to dress in layers of clothing which we can put on and take off throughout the day - we get four seasons in one day. Black is the most practical color to be able to match with other clothes when you need to dress in layers.


The thing about black which REALLY annoys me is that it attracts fluff and hair and, apart from one black jersey top I have, it's difficult to keep looking new. Somebody told me to presoak my black clothes in brown vinegar before washing and this would bring them up like new. It did actually make them look better, but doesn't actually stop them from picking up fluff and hair. Are there any know tricks for this? Maybe I should google it.

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I'll recharge my camera and post a pic of what I'm talking about with the scarf later on. I've seen lots of ways to tie them, but not good at doing it myself. The ways I like more are when the scarves are sort of plaited and they don't look so flowing like the one in the pic. I don't think I'd feel comfortable wearing as much scarf as the one in the pic. I think scarves are a great way to introduce a bit more color and flatter the face more by framing it, and of course, giving different looks to basically the same clothing. Especially when women get older, too much darkness around the face is aging.

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Silver, thanks for posting about that jewelry! I will browse Fifth Avenue pieces and try some on to see how my ears like them.


As for black clothes picking up fluff and hair, does it happen with all types of fabrics? Seems like some fabrics would be more prone to it than others. I wear lots of black as well (and live with a white cat, aahhh!) but I just use a lint roller after putting on a black top, which usually works fine.


Oh! And I've been dying for an excuse to show this video! 25 ways to wear a scarf. Even if you're not into scarves, it's well made and just fun to watch.


[video=youtube_share;5LYAEz777AU] ]

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Hi Dr.K.! Thanks for the video. It's Saturday night here so very slow connection. I have only been able to view about 15 methods of scarf tying from it so far, but interested to watch all of it. BTW, is that Michelle Phan in the video clip. If so, I have watched some of her make-up and skin care demonstrations on youtube in the past.


Well, I hope these pics are okay. I didn't have my tripod at hand so had to take the pic myself while I was wearing the scarf and so it isn't sitting quite right with my arm movement, but you should get the general idea. Perhaps the model showed it. I would have liked to have made the plaiting tighter, and I think I should use a smaller scarf than the one I'm wearing. I'm also trying to attach a pic of the scarf laid out on a cushion so you can see what I mean by the rings and pendant which don't show up so well in the other pic. I almost bought a sort of dull purple color in the scarf which I thought was nice. As I mentioned, they do have a couple of different types of pendants, and they aren't very expensive now, but maybe this is a bit out of style to other people here now.



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I think for demonstration purposes, it was good that the model used really large scarves, but I would like to wear much smaller ones and even though as you can see, my skin is a bit freckled, I prefer to show some of my skin - high tops just don't suit me I think it frames my head in a more flattering way, and probably does for most people.


I have a white-haired cat AND dog (and white pony and 2 other ponies as well) so animal hair can be a problem with clothes if I'm not careful. Biggest prob with flecks and hair though is with coats and wool the most, but also with tees. I googled and read that anti-static spray can help a lot too if you spray them once a week. I might give a lot of my blacks a good treatment with the vinegar, use the tape roller and then give them a spray and see if it makes a reasonable difference.

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I'm not a scarf person because of the climate here (though some wear scarfs for fashion statements), but partly it's because I find the whole thing a bit intimidating. I like the way others get them to look, but I don't seem to know how to get them that way myself. Some sort of coordination issue. So I was really hip to intently watch this video, since when I go to climates where I do want/need to wear them, I'd like to enjoy different ways of wearing them.


Uh...is it just me, or do those demos go just waaaaaaaaay too fast? She gets to the most complicated part, and bwwwwp, done! I really need a slo-mo version of that, haha. The ones I liked the best had a few fancy sailor-knot moves that just totally went over my head, especially when you're trying to look at a mirror image (someone whose left is your right.)


Maybe it's just me.

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Has anyone seen this before. I recall following the blog quite some time ago. It was a fashion experiment where the participants were able to only wear the same six items of clothing for a month, and so they worked out which clothing they could get the most wear from. There are heaps of links to the experiment - this wasn't the original one I followed. I'm quite certain that accessories were not included in the six items of clothing. As I don't lead a corporate lifestyle, I would forgo the jacket for something else - some type of cardi or woolen coat, but definitely would want a black dress, a pair of jeans, and right now, I would need the denim jeans too.


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Very interesting experiment! I'm looking at my closet and trying to figure out what my six items would be. I'm thinking...


1. Gray corduroy pants

2. Black short-sleeved top

3. Green short-sleeved dress

4. Black jacket

5. Cream colored hoodie

6. Brightly colored graphic tee


Crap, that was hard...


I'm not sure who the lady in the video is. I can see what TOV means, some parts go way fast! But I think it just takes some rewatching and practice.


I like that heart pendant on the scarf, Silver! Definitely adds something extra.

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I've been following this thread, and enjoying it. I'm a jeans and tee shirt, simple earrings, no-fuss person, but appreciate friends who look casual yet pulled together, and want to learn a thing or two in this department. Thanks for the video on scarfs...I've been wanting to know how to do some of those. I like the look of lose scarfs, and so far only wear the winter ones for outdoor wear.


About dark clothes and animal hair, Silverbirch, what do you spray, the clothes or the pets? I line dry my clothes, but darn if the animal hair and fine lint doesn't drive me a little nuts on my black tee shirt and jeans. I dry my clothes on a clothesline, saves energy and money, but I'm wondering if a dryer would help with the lint.

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Glad you enjoy it, journey! Please post and share your thoughts. The more the merrier!


Now that I have my Valentine's Day outfit, I think my next project will be creating some looks with knee-high socks. I have a couple pairs of these socks which I LOVE because they are so warm and comfortable, but I always wore them around the house or under pants when it was extra cold, for fear of looking like a school girl.


Here's some inspiration just from some quick browsing online. Can't say I'm a big Megan Fox fan, but I think she looks great here.

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I like the two dresses here

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And interesting layer effect with tall boots like here

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Glad you enjoy it, journey! Please post and share your thoughts. The more the merrier!




DrK, How about something similar to this (maybe solid, not lace) to go with your striped skirt? Solid black, white shirt, and a necklace. (I'd be tempted to add a colored pendant, perhaps red, for a spot of color.)


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(This one is from Think Tank, on sale at Sierra Trading Post.)

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Hi JN, I read to spray the clothes with anti-static spray. I had some years ago for spraying on slips to stop them creeping up. I recall buying it from the hoisery section of a large department store. I think the way for me to try would be to pre-soak my blacks in brown vinegar and then to take care with drying. I don't have a clothes dryer, and like you, find that if I hang my clothes on the line they seem to pick up all types of things. I hang them inside-out, usually inside, and I find too that if I fold them inside out, that also helps a bit.


Dr. K, I love the grey cardi too. I think I look a lot better in clothes line that which are mainly designed in straight lines. With regard to the experiment, I think re the black dress, a very simple shirt dress is a good idea. I just bought a crushed silk one so it will be easy to wash and dry, and no ironing. Ironing is a pet peeve of mine and I virtually own NOTHING which needs ironing. When I bought my very good plain black dress, part of my justification for spending more than usual was that I could wear lots of different things for it, so it's disappointing that it just doesn't look right now as far as fit goes and I'm not sure what it would entail to have it adjusted.


I've liked going to work these last couple of days in my "uniform" - black stretch top, jeans and plain boot, and then whichever plain accessories I feel like.


Re the experiment and my choice of clothes, depending on what time of the year it is, I would choose a longer black cardigan which could also be worn as a dress and accessorised in lots of different ways.

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Always finding great things on the Fashion Advice forum. A computer programmer lady collected size data from many popular stores in the UK and US. She made a visual browser app with this data, so you can just put in your measurements (bust, waist, hips) to see what size you are in a particular brand. The app is here: link removed


And the article she wrote telling about it: link removed

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I meant to take picture of my full outfit yesterday, but makeup took longer than expected and I had to run out the door. If you didn't see it in my other journal it was this dress + tights:

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with these shoes:

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Quick face shot for makeup. I wear it so rarely, I'm just grateful I didn't end up looking like a clown.

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I will have to look around for pictures of my boyfriend from that night. He looked SO handsome, like wow. We matched sorta, he wore a light gray sweater with a tie. He's partially my inspiration for getting into fashion because he dresses so well.


Nice and comfy in my corduroy* pants and a hoodie today. We're going out to dinner tomorrow night so I'll probably do another dress + tights outfit for that.


*No matter how much I love and write about those pants, I still cant' spell that word correctly on the first try. Drives me insane!

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I think the way for me to try would be to pre-soak my blacks in brown vinegar and then to take care with drying. I don't have a clothes dryer, and like you, find that if I hang my clothes on the line they seem to pick up all types of things. I hang them inside-out, usually inside, and I find too that if I fold them inside out, that also helps a bit.


Thanks for the tip, Silverbirch. I'll give it a try.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Pretty sure my March purchase will be this skirt. Seems nice and basic and versatile. On sale from J.Crew for $24.99. It's warming up here, and that striped skirt from an earlier post is the only good skirt I have. If it stays cool for a while longer here (you never know with the Bay Area), I can play around with this + my long socks and/or tights.


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Also considering this cardigan, which I think would look great with the skirt! I'm in love with the color. On sale for $27.99, down from $98!

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But it will depend on how my trip will affect my money situation. Sigh.

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