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DrK's Look Book


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I follow a forum called Female Fashion Advice and they've just started a new series of threads called How Would You Wear It? The OP picks an article of clothing and posters respond with how they would create a look based around that item. The first item was link removed, which is really not my style. I'm not big on loose, draping fabric and I especially don't like the sleeves. Most other posters weren't into it either, so many opted to throw a trench coat or blazer on it. I just picked a blazer and simple black pumps, nothing fancy.


One poster put this outfit together, and I really like it, definitely not what I would have thought of. It makes the whole thing very elegant, and the colors look great together.


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So I'm pretty sure I've never in my life worn a skirt/dress in the winter before, but I almost did today! I put the outfit together, snapped a couple pics, but wasn't confident enough to actually go outside in it. Partly just due to fashion insecurity/fear of looking like a fool, but it also just didn't quite look right.


Here is what I attempted:

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I think the top needs to be different. It fits a bit loose and for this skirt, should be something more form fitting to tuck in easier and balance out the skirt. I should also probably use a lighter color. Maybe a cream or light blue? With a top that dark, I keep thinking the skirt looks like an apron.


So today is a day for my corduroy skinnies and favorite beer tee (Naked City up in Seattle, holla!). Graphic tees are generally a big fashion no-no, but I'll always keep them around for casual wear.

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Hi Dr. K.,

I love the look of the boots, but only being 5 feet 1 inch tall myself, I don't feel I can wear knee-high boots. I agree with you about the blue dress. Love what you put together with the top and skirt. Just my verison of putting it together would be probably to wear the top out, and to wear maybe a studded belt or something. For me, I feel weird if I wear something TOO pretty - like I need to put some edge into it - but that's just me. I love the top. Also, I'd probably wear some jewellry with it - but not too much - maybe just one thing like either hoop earrings, a statement neck piece or bangles.


You do the jeans and t-shirt well - you've got a good figure for it.

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Thanks for the input, Silver. Yeah, I'm still unsure about whether to tuck or leave out shirts with skirts. Leaving out does seem more casual, while tucking in seems more dressy. I also feel uncomfortable if I feel too pretty, probably why I'm most comfortable in a t-shirt and jeans! But the whole point of this is to leave my comfort zone and try new things.

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Hi Dr. K., I didn't consciously think about it before, but I realise from your comments and pics that I like to do very pretty from the waist up, and then a much more casual and androgynous look from the waist down. I have several blouses like your black one. I have a black cheesecloth cotton one with embroidery down the front. Mostly, I wear it with jeans and boots. As the weather here is extremely hot (but changeable) most of the time at present, my staple uniform is either longer denim jeans and sandals with a pretty top (and jewelry) or when the days cool off, change the shorts to jeans and boots (similar to the ones in the pick or for going out, boots with heels). I guess it's a sort of merging of masculine and feminine and it's how I feel most comfortable. I like girly, but not totally girly and I think that's a sort of popular look. I've also got a few studded belts which I wear with the jeans and shorts and usually wear the blouses tucked in, but I'd probably wear them tucked out with a skirt. I also don't like things to be "too matching" so I don't always match handbags and shoes. I think by wearing the androgynous bottom half, I can often get away with wearing jewelry which is "very pretty" like crystal earrings for going out. Unfortunately, I don't go out at present to get reasonable wear out of the more formal things I wear, and so it's more sensible for me to buy smart casual type of clothing.


Have you ever worn your black top with jeans and boots and done the pretty thing with the jewelry - or at least wear a statement piece of jewelry. I think you might like that look, that it would suit you and you'd feel comfortable.


I'd love to read more on Coco Chanel who I think probably was the original inspiration of that look. I've seen the 2 movies on her life (but they were mostly really romances) and read a book, but there are several I'd like, but can't afford at present which probably give a bit more insight into her inspiration for design. She used to wear her lover's singlets as dresses and add belts to them - still a great look on some women. If it wasn't for her, women would have been wearing hooped corsets for a lot longer.

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I almost never wear jewelry, so I feel especially clueless about it. Accessories and make-up, I don't own much of either one! I'm not opposed to jewelry though, and I think it's a great idea for prettying up an androgynous outfit. Once I get a good combination of clothing together, I might look for a few staple jewelry pieces to complete the outfit. I'm not big on shiny, blingy type of stuff though, so I'd go for something really simple and with a matte finish. I kind of like aged, brassy, steampunk type of jewelry, but I realize that won't go with everything.


Just an example, I think this necklace is adorable. I guess I'm a fan of unique charms on chains or ribbons.

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I could also see myself wearing something like this:

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As for earrings, I prefer small studs over dangly pieces. Something like this:

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My ears are a bit big and I don't like to draw too much attention to them.


Edit: Sorry for the large pictures, to anyone viewing!

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They're nice Dr. Kitten. I've actually got a neck piece almost identical to the second pic - the leaves. The others are interesting too. I'm a bit addicted to good quality costume jewelry. I think I look best with just one piece or at least just one piece that stands out. It can just look too much. I've never seen anything like the little deer pendant. It's unusual.


I do have nickel allergy and so can't wear most brands, but I've found a couple of reasonably-priced brands I don't have any problems with. I love bling, but as well as not being able to afford lots of the real thing, I recently had my attention brought to the exploitation of child labor in the diamond industry, and it's confirmed for me to just go with my love of crystal - most of which is produced in Austria or Switzerland, and is exploitation-free. De Beers, the most famous diamond company in the world has a lot to answer for.

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Dr. K., your thread did cause me to think again about my work clothes. I made an attempt to wear more color this summer. Mostly for work, it's black stretch top (standard tees are generally too high-necked for me), jeans and boots and whatever bling I feel like on the day. It does make getting ready for work easy. Now I REALLY would like to get some new boots.

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See I know what's cute, but it's my body type that stops me from wearing "adventurous" things. I love so many looks out there on in ads and on mannequins and some other girls, but my body type can't pull a lot of things off.


I may have to sign up for that site.

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Also this website: link removed is pretty helpful in finding the right clothes for your body type.


I always thought I was "ruler" shape because I'm so thin, but I took my measurements recently and have more hips/booty than bust. So according to that site, I'm a pear. Just a really petite one.

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I'm just wide hips and legs and a decent chest (36d--not too big or small). My torso is medium length and my arms are good size.


I feel my weight is distributed proportionally and I'm not too large or small in any one place. my hips match my legs and my boobs arenttoo small for my upper body. And I have very pronounced curves at my hips and waist. All in all I think I have an attractive figure, though not by mainstream standards.

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Oh, I don't think I can either, Victoria. I forgot because I haven't worn earrings in so long, but you just reminded me. My ears definitely got irritated if I wore anything beside gold.


Which is odd, because I also had an eyebrow piercing for a couple of years and put all kinds of cheapy metal jewelry through there and it was always fine.

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Oh, I don't think I can either, Victoria. I forgot because I haven't worn earrings in so long, but you just reminded me. My ears definitely got irritated if I wore anything beside gold.


Which is odd, because I also had an eyebrow piercing for a couple of years and put all kinds of cheapy metal jewelry through there and it was always fine.


Yeah, my ears become infected just from one day of wearing costume earrings, to the point they get sores and stuff. Whatever metals they are using I guess I am allergic to. Even if it says "hypoalergetic" , nope I still can't wear them. I have two holes in each ear and I normally just wear gold hoops. I had a third set but I let them grow over. Now of course you can not get them redone in a jewelry store because it is through cartilage and they won't do that so I would have to get them done in a tattoo shop. For years I did not get them done because being in the army I could not wear earrings. My other holes were done when I was a kid so they will never close up.

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^Very pretty, Vic!


My shoes and my top have arrived! Top feels a bit loose still, I'm going to wash it before trying it with any outfits. I looooove the shoes! The are so soft and comfortable. Definitely going to wear them around for a bit today. I think these are the perfect introductory heeled shoe. Thick, sturdy, and not too high.


Pardon my badonkadonk in this shot. I was also trying to see how well the pants fit. They seem a bit loose.

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Also tried cuffing them to keep the ankles from bunching too much.

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Hi Victoria, I also am allergic to nickel and whatever else it is they often put in costume jewelry. I recently began selling Fifth Avenue Collection jewelry which is nickel and lead free and I can even wear them to bed though I try to take them out. I recently got a very nice pair they had which I think would be your style - they are a silver AND gold hoop, just medium sized and are around $35 I think. Also in their jewellry they use genuine Swarovski crystals and AAA cubica zircona, depending on the size of the stones, they can look extremely realistic. You can buy them online. Will post a pic later of the ones I bought and get a LOT of wear out of later as I have to get ready for work now.


I saw a lovely little black dress this morning. It was made from a sort of cheesecloth cotton. I tried my good little black dress on after reading this thread the other day, and as I've lost some weight since I bought it, it just doesn't look right on me now. I'll keep it though because at some point, I will likely put weight on. The little black dress I saw today was $30 and even though I'm short of cash, I had run out of my Tommy Girl perfume so have already gotten myself a new bottle as a treat as well as some orchid scented talc. I might go back and try the dress on tomorrow.


The boots look fantastic Dr. K. Very good buy.

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I couldn't copy a picture of the earrings, but here is a link to a photo and details of them. I think they are even nicer than they look in the photo. Part of the reason that I like them is that I can wear them with either gold or silver-colored jewelry. I could only wear gold for most of my life - I even get allergic reaction to the back of watch faces and in the past painted them with clear nail polish.


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Great boots, Silverbirch! It's no surprise that saddle makers create such great boots, they really know how to work with leather. The tall-boot equestrian look is also a pretty classy, timeless look. Something like this:


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Thanks for posting this!


I'm a bit of tomboy.


This is my favorite outfit. Totally going shopping for this outfit and looking like that.

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