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I don’t want to, but she is slowly killing our friendship. When we do hang out, she’s texting one of her two f-buddies. If she wants to go out, it’s because the one guy will be playing a gig. I cannot hold a conversation with her at all. She just doesn’t LISTEN. Her mind is completely one track and I figured by now it would be better.

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Sometimes, when people are affecting our lives in a negative way, we need to cut them out. In this instance, you're not being affected personally (as in she's not doing anything to you) but she is keeping your feelings toward her from growing positively. If that made sense.

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I am discovering a pattern here... when Shawn is not around, Alex is his sweet self, cuddly, nice, mushy... when Shawn is around, he’s kind of a jerk. That’s the most succinct way I can put it. I think Shawn is hearing way too much bickering. When he’s not around, we’re great. I guess three is becoming a crowd.


None of us at our little paper won the student journalism awards. Poo. Would have been neat.

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B is more of a jerk around his brothers... he's definitely never cuddly or loving around them. Really, neutral is the best he gets around them. He's not always (or really even often) actively rude. He's just not nice or supportive. It's no big deal when we are just here on vacation, but it would be really tough to live with his brothers and have that be a regular thing...

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Yup. We own our place, Shawn (Alex’s brother) is staying with us until his job(s) get up and going. He pays rent so that’s cool.


Speaking of home ownership...our property value dropped by $7,000 this year!


Alex came to the university pub tonight and we had dinner together. I broached the subject with him and explained that PDA is one thing, but our home is not in public and that Shawn is not put off by affection. I’m sure he’d rather see us being lovey than the alternative.


Alex's work now has three dead engines. The BRAND new one broke down. * * * ?! Poor guy is so bummed out.

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I was seriously looking into elopement packages when I read this:


There are only two times in your life when you can have all the people you love and care about in one place to celebrate your lives together -- your wedding and your funeral. Unfortunately, you only get to enjoy one of them!


Nope, can’t do it!

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I was seriously looking into elopement packages when I read this:


There are only two times in your life when you can have all the people you love and care about in one place to celebrate your lives together -- your wedding and your funeral. Unfortunately, you only get to enjoy one of them!


Nope, can’t do it!


Now this is true. I would say 3 times though. Your wedding, the birth of your first kid, and your funeral.

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Oh I don't mean in the room, but at the hospital. When my son was born my brother and his wife were there, my step brother and his wife and baby daughter, my mom my step dad, my husband.......you get the picture..........lol......they were all waiting. Oh and my dad phoned the hospital every 15 minutes and drove the nurses INSANE.

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I can see his Mom doing that lol.


One nurse actually yelled at me and told me to get my dad off their back they did not have time to answer his calls all day so they put him onto me when he called. I got right mad and he says , what? you have not had that kid yet???.......I said, have you squeezed out a kid lately?? No? well then SHUT UP. I will call you when the baby is born, till then don't bother me!!!

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