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He got really defensive!


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I've been seeing this guy for a week now but talking to him for 2 anyways.... We totally hit it off sparks flew,etc. We would call each other almost every night and it was fun. We went on on Thursday and he seemed okay but Friday and Saturday he became distant. I would text him and he wouldn't text back and he claimed he was busy but he always managed to have time for me in the past and I totally saw him online on Facebook so he wasn't so busy now was he?? Anyways.... I texted him today when I got off work tonight and was kinda livid since he was distant Friday and Saturday and always claimed he was busy ( didn't tell him about being online) I said I am not in the mood for games Daniel and he said wait what?? I said I tried to talk to you on Friday and Saturday and you were always so busy which was funny because in the past you always managed a time to call me. He went off on me said I was delusional and needed to check myself. Did I catch him in a lie??

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welcome to enotalone


I would text him and he wouldn't text back and he claimed he was busy but he always managed to have time for me in the past


you've only known this guy for 2 weeks, so you really can't know what he's really like. only over the course of months or years can you have a better sense of how a guy us.


i think you did go a bit psycho on him. I would have let him contact you instead of texting, getting angry with him not responding or on facebook. He did have a life before he met you, you know. It sounds like you two have taken things too fast and instead of getting to know each other, you're trying to make an "insta-relationship". You can't skip ahead to that. you have to get to know each other slowly, and not pretend like you've been dating forever and text each other all the time.

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I agree with the posts above. Seeing a guy for only ONE WEEK and then more or less going on the attack by saying "I'm not in the mood for games" does give the impression of slighly psycho. I can understand why he got defensive. I would say this is over before it even began.

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In my defense he started that out. He would text me all the time and say miss u already! He even said one day I can't wait until we get married one day we will make such a great husband and wife. So who's the psycho?? Not me obviously! He started the whole I miss you stuff and I can't wait to see you again. So me asking a simple question of about playing games makes me psycho?? He started it not me.

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He even said one day I can't wait until we get married one day we will make such a great husband and wife.

I hardly think he was being serious. That is typical "cutesy talk" that many people do - it's all part of the flirting stage. Did you REALLY believe he meant that!??

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So I guess him getting defensive made him quiver a bit huh?? LOL


I don't understand what you mean by this.


Has he called you since?


Look - it's cool if a guy is into you and is telling you he misses you, etc... that's great, but you still have to pace the relationship and take the time to get to know each other - not jump into the 'insta-relationship.' i think that freaked him out when you chewed him out about not calling when you haven't even been dating for 1 week. that scares guys off.

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In my defense he started that out. He would text me all the time and say miss u already! He even said one day I can't wait until we get married one day we will make such a great husband and wife. So who's the psycho?? Not me obviously! He started the whole I miss you stuff and I can't wait to see you again. So me asking a simple question of about playing games makes me psycho?? He started it not me.


Yeah, you are. You can't blame your lack of boundaries on someone else. You were loving it when he was saying these things, but now that it's stopped, he's the psycho?


"He started it. Not me." Made me smile. I haven't heard that since I was 11.

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Now wait a sec if he wasn't into me on the first date why would there be a 2nd,3rd and a 4th?

I understood your original post as saying you went on a date on Thursday and by "Friday and Saturday he became distant" which implies (to me) that after the date on Thursday he wasn't feeling the same anymore. The rest of the time it seemed you guys communicated via text or facebook, or whatever, but not actual face-to-face dates.


I still only see ONE date. Where are the 2nd, 3rd and 4th dates?

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Tip: calling a guy out like that and coming on way too strong is a good way to make him run away. Seems like he sweet talked you quite a bit, and now that he's not doing so, its getting to you. Going psycho is a no no.


Leave it be, and let him come to you to show he's interested for now.

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I still think you need to go back to the first reply to this thread by Ariel. You went out on a few dates, he wasnt interested and became distant, you made a slightly psycho move and he pulled away.


I know things seemed to be going well, but after 2 weeks, you dont know this guy at all, and he doesnt know you, and maybe after getting to know you a bit he decided things werent right and he wanted to slow down. The only thing you may have caught, was him pulling back because dating you might not have been right for him.


Either way, you should back off and let him make the next move, if any.

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I think two weeks is not nearly enough time to assess anyone about anything. I would still be making sure I have their birthday correct, lol.


Are you still talking to this guy? I would back waaay off after that ordeal. No relationship will ever flourish, wether it be a romantic encounter or a friendship, staring off with issues such as this so early on.


This is exactly the reason I never get persuaded or swooned in by someone who is over-complimentory, and talks about marriage, etc so freakin' soon. It's quite creepy actually and is a major red flag. The end result is usually the person distancing themselves as hard as when they were coming on to you. where's the middle ground??


Until we meet again...

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To be honest, I don't think you caught him in any lie.


Unless he told you he wanted something serious with you, I don't think he really owed you anything. If you did get intimate with him, that's one thing, he may see it as consensual or simply a fling.


I would take his words about the whole marriage bit, with a grain of salt. More so than likely he was just joking.


I do think you overreacted when you blew up on him about playing games. It makes you come accross as very needy. Sure you may have had a good time prior, but clearly his actions are telling you otherwise now.

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