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Where do you find your moments of peace and happiness?

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Aside from your bf/gf husband/wife, when are the moments you find fulfillments & happiness from? Where is it at? Why exactly did it make you feel happy?


I want to know where in other people's lives do they get their fulfillments/happiness from


What often cheers me up is when there's a chance to see 3 people whom i don't often get a chance to talk with. For old friends, my mood elevates when they look upon me as something grand. Perhaps that's what people refer to as a need for significance.


I feel the sense of peace when, after long hours of swimming, I ride on a 1 hour bus ride while reading a book at near mid-night. It's refreshing, quiet, and inspiring (from reading the book). Nobody distracts you, an hour purely for yourself.


If you can tell me how, and why... it'll help me a lot in creating more of these moments

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One of the things that I find happiness in during a show. I am active in my schools theater and during a preformance, the rush and joy of just everything finally coming together, especially on opening night just bring a happy smile to my face.

I feel fullfilled when I am singing or play my frenchhorn in band or just creating music. I especially feel fulfilled by my music when I am singing at my church. Just being there with everyone else, ready to worship makes me feel just plain good


What else makes everyone else feel just plain good




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I like listening to select talk radio shows, fav. tv shows (outer limits, simpsons, nip/tuck), working out, rollerblading, sampling music at bookstores, reading and smoking. I meditate as well which can be nice. And I wish I could say that all of these together or one of these is worth more to me than a really good relationship but i can't. I'm needy.

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What makes me happy? I think that life is enjoyable when you spend it with people who make you happy. For instance, I'm happiest when I take my baby cousins to places. I love watching them laugh, have fun, and share those moments of love/happiness amongst family. I don't see families spending as much time together. So, that's what really brightens up my day. It's especially the little things like listening to their laughter or singing a song together. That's what really brightens up my day. It's uplifting to see that a part of my chldhood exists in them.


OR- another happy experience of mine was tutoring math at the local Junior college as volunteerwork. There are so many different faces to see, so many different people of different cultures to meet. Adults from early-mid twenties all the way to adults anywhere from 35+. From non-english to english speaking students. So many different people to meet. That was my biggest joy. Everytime I helped a student to understand math, it's just their smile that really put a smile back on my face. The fact that helping them ease their frustrations about math, is what really brought me a sense of satisfaction. Happiness is knowing that helping another person brings you a sense of grattitude from within


What brings peace? Aside from social interaction, going to the beach really brings me a sense of peace & tranquility. The beach is one of my natural remedies. It's a place to escape from all of the busyiness of daily life, a place to contemplate, enjoy the views, a great place for jogs, running, walks, and last but not least: boogie boarding. Just feeling of riding on the waves, and feeling it hit you, is what really brings a sense of freedom & free-spiritdness. It's that tranquility that truly sets you free. I love it especially more when I'm back in H.B. California baby! H.B.'s the place to be. Just being in my home town is what really brings me that inner happiness. Nice Topic! Mahlina

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Happiness for me comes is so many different forms.


When all the plans I have for my business happen.

When I see a child smile and hug her/his parents leg and cling on to it.

But I have to say, one of the best is being looked up upon...


My brother, Major in Accounting, Minor in Finance, and my father Major in Business Mgnt both said to me that they look up to me for doing what I'm going, the American dream, taking nothing and makeing something out of it. That coming from people that rarely complement people of that degree, was most fulfilling.


I never graduated college.

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This might sound bad, but when im around my mates and we are drinking. We have fun when we arnt drinking etc, but when we do drink, we do crazy stuff thats so hilarious at the time... I don't mean like vandalism etc, just stuff like prank phone calls, or my mate falling into a river one time when he tried to jump from one side to the other - we had that on tape too! I guess we are just in such carefree and happy moods it makes it seem funnier than it is.

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where i find moments of peace and happiness...


when i see a dad and his daughter/son together, either talking, eating or just playing around... maybe because i never (or so little) got to experience it myself..


when im the comforts of my room... listening to some mellow music... contemplating on anything or nothing...


when its Christmas!!


when im able to talk and spend some time with to those i havent seen in a while...


when im with him!! just being together even with not much words said...


when people appreciate me and the little things i do for them...


and the list goes on and on..

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Playing with my two beloved dogs...


Hearing about a good deed someone did for animals...


Being on the water....


Hiking trails that show the gorgeous Colorado scenery...


Good music....


Laughing at funny movies, funny people....


Affection from someone I love....being told I'm loved....


Reading good books!!


Meeting truly intelligent and wise people....(always gives me a bit of hope for the world)

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Working with children.... the innocence they possess is incredibly uplifting. They hold the hope for a better future and a better world. Being able to teach them, motivate them, or just making them smile gives me the feeling that I've actually done something worthwhile and made a difference in someone's life.


"They are angels

They are souls in flight

They are they hope that

Everythings gonna be alright."


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Sitting with a good book in the park, then walking home the long scenic way.


Lying back on my bed with some good music on and just spacing out.


Running into a friend randomly on the street, especially if its someone I haven't seen in a while.


Getting a compliment.


Helping someone out (such as in this forum),i like that feeling like I have made a difference in someones life.

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I find my peace of mind sitting on my laptop (like I am now, lol) and reading through forums such as these. They are a good reminder that I'm not alone with my mental illnesses (anxiety and depression) and personal hardships, and always serve in lifting my spirits.


Some other things; when everything feels really chaotic inside my head, taking a long drive and listening to music instantly relaxes me. Reading a good book can also be very relaxing. Taking a long hot shower, or spoiling myself by brewing a good cup of tea and honey are all little things I do to try to find my inner peace. Exercising also boosts my mood tremendously, and I am looking into trying some yoga classes soon.


One other thing; traveling. I love to travel, and there is something absolutely exhilarating to me about sitting in a busy airport, en route to another place that will be filled with new experiences and people.

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