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Life in the Driver's Seat


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The BPD test I scored a "possible". I displayed far more symptoms when I was younger. It is not anything was I was ever officially diagnosed with. I know I display symptoms of it though. But everyone displays symptoms of whatever mental illness you want to dream up. It is just the variety of degree.


Something to ask my counselor though. I know exhibit far less of those symptoms now though. I am able to have fully functional and stable relationships and I have been able to my whole life. So even if I did it would not be severe.

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I am going to send that menopause pic to my partner. Seriously. Help.


Ha ha It cracks me up! It is true though! I hate it so much! I remember working with this woman who was in menopause and we got along really well usually but when she started menopause oh my God she turned into a hag. I think I was about 35 at the time and she was probably my age now or a little older. We work together for a whole year without her saying one word to me.


She told me one day I would understand and now I surely do.

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Ha ha It cracks me up! It is true though! I hate it so much! I remember working with this woman who was in menopause and we got along really well usually but when she started menopause oh my God she turned into a hag. I think I was about 35 at the time and she was probably my age now or a little older. We work together for a whole year without her saying one word to me.


It's crazy. She's already an emotional woman to start and then this! I mean, she's not absolutely nuts or anything, but holy hell, the sheer emotionality sometimes just makes my head spin, lol. She's 50 now so I truly hope there isn't 5 years of this. She's not even quite menopausal since she's just under a year without a period. I'm going to need to take up drinking or something....

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It's crazy. She's already an emotional woman to start and then this! I mean, she's not absolutely nuts or anything, but holy hell, the sheer emotionality sometimes just makes my head spin, lol. She's 50 now so I truly hope there isn't 5 years of this. She's not even quite menopausal since she's just under a year without a period. I'm going to need to take up drinking or something....

It is all so trying because you really do feel like an alien. Your whole body feels weird. It changes and you don't like it. You can feel it aging faster than ever before. The essence of being a female slipping away. It is mourning in a way. Mourning for your femininity. Mourning for your life slipping away. You no longer have the ability to create and sustain life. It is so hard to explain.

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It is all so trying because you really do feel like an alien. Your whole body feels weird. It changes and you don't like it. You can feel it aging faster than ever before. The essence of being a female slipping away. It is mourning in a way. Mourning for your femininity. Mourning for your life slipping away. You no longer have the ability to create and sustain life. It is so hard to explain.

She definitely feels weird, and says things aren't working the way they used to, she feels like she's falling apart, etc. For her, I don't think it's about reproduction right now so much as the weight gain and joint pain. She just doesn't feel comfortable in her own skin.


Aside from telling her she's beautiful and listening and trying to be supportive, I'm not sure what else I can do. Since we are going through custody issues I'm not even sure if it's all the menopause or all that chronic stress on top of that. At this point it's hard to decipher what is what.


Thanks for your perspective though. It helps so I can get a glimpse of what she may be feeling.

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Wow son. I am so vastly disappointed in that mark. You can do much better than that. I better not see another mark like that.


If you don't mind me asking, what did he get a bad grade in? Do you punish him when he gets a bad mark?


My mom used to be merciless when it came to report cards. Anything less than an A, she would punish me about. I had a tough time with math and sciences, esp in my high school years (not because I didn't try hard, but because I had a hard time understanding the concepts), and my mom used to be really hard on me about that.

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She definitely feels weird, and says things aren't working the way they used to, she feels like she's falling apart, etc. For her, I don't think it's about reproduction right now so much as the weight gain and joint pain. She just doesn't feel comfortable in her own skin.


Aside from telling her she's beautiful and listening and trying to be supportive, I'm not sure what else I can do. Since we are going through custody issues I'm not even sure if it's all the menopause or all that chronic stress on top of that. At this point it's hard to decipher what is what.


Thanks for your perspective though. It helps so I can get a glimpse of what she may be feeling.


Yes the joint pain and the way your body changes is really unbelievable. The weight gain is bad too. Really it's like you have no metabolism at all no matter what you do.

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Yes the joint pain and the way your body changes is really unbelievable. The weight gain is bad too. Really it's like you have no metabolism at all no matter what you do.


This is how she feels too. She's afraid I'll leave for someone younger and more fit. I reassure her all the time, but I know she's worried. I'm arranging a special Valentine's surprise for her so I am hoping that will at least cheer her up a bit

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If you don't mind me asking, what did he get a bad grade in? Do you punish him when he gets a bad mark?


My mom used to be merciless when it came to report cards. Anything less than an A, she would punish me about. I had a tough time with math and sciences, esp in my high school years (not because I didn't try hard, but because I had a hard time understanding the concepts), and my mom used to be really hard on me about that.


No I don't punish him Ren. All I said was his report card was mostly really good and one mark I didn't think was very good and that he could've done better. The bad mark that he got was in religion. It was his final exam and some questions he felt he did not understand .

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I was a freak about school. I'd get so angry with myself if I got a C and that was the lowest grade I ever gotten. My mom always used to say I never needed to say anything to you because you beat yourself up enough for the both of us.


My son doesn't beat himself up about it which is good. He does not "get" what is a good mark or a bad one.

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I just wanted to post this yesterday I adopted two identical twin cats. They are rare polydactyly kittens. They are polydactyly on their front and back feet. We named them Bert and Ernie


The above picture is Bert. After Lent is over I will try and post a picture of both.

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