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Need to lose weight


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I am in my mid twenties and about 184lbs. I am not happy with my weight and have been trying to lose it for a long time. I am trying to focus more on it lately b/c i am going on a trip in march and i would like to atleast feel good while there site seeing etc. I wouldn't say I am very overweight or anything. It's curvy but i do need to lose weight. I don't feel comfortable and I can't wear certain clothes and haven't bought new jeans in so long because i don't like how the size is looking on me. I am dreading summer coming b/c i just don't feel comfortable with my stomach. I need to lose weight overall--stomach, butt, legs, a little arms.


I am constantly wearing these black stetchy type jeans that look ok on me--but they are actually starting to fade and i started to just think--i don' t want to keep wearing these. I want to be able to wear normal blue jeans without love handles sticking out or my stomach bulging out especially when sitting down.


I know i need to watch my diet which is really hard sometimes..if it's very cold out my appetite increases later. I know lots of cardio, water, weights.


I also started using protein powder after workouts where i use weights.


Guess i am just looking for tips..ideally before march i would like to lose 8-10lbs if possible.

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What Callacova said is right. It's more out than in. That will be your staple weight loss method. But if you want greater losses, you'll need to supplement it with some kind of activity.


When I was in college, I dropped from 165lb to 135lb one semester by picking up running (on a treadmill)--I say one semester, which is six months, but I was seeing a noticeable difference after two weeks. Thirty minutes, at a decent speed. I can't remember what distance I ended up running now, but it was thirty minutes at a pace faster than a mere jog. But before I started running, I was already losing weight since I essentially cut out one meal from my day. (Basically, my breakfast was just OJ and a cookie).


After a certain point, you'll sort of lose most of the fat you can through the cardiovascular activity that you do, then you'll have to start with free weights, crunches, that kind of stuff, if you want to lose more, and tone the body. Three reps, of however many you can do until your muscles start aching. So, like, Three reps of fifty crunches. Three reps of ten to twenty pushups.


But you don't have to jump on that stuff now. Pick up some cardio, definitely. Do it every other day for thirty minutes or so. It sounds hard at first, but if you're like many other people, you'll get a "runner's high". Endorphins. Check them out. That'll motivate you to keep going.


Unfortunately, I lost that high after awhile, and then resorted to cigarettes to keep my weight off. (Which I am not suggesting). I'm still hovering around 137lb just by watching what I eat. So, this brings it back full circle. More out, less in, will be your staple weight loss method.

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if you want to lose weight, don't consume protein supplements. too much protein will be stored as fat.


use protein supplements when you're at your ideal weight and you want to focus on building muscle.


but yeah like an above poster said, it's simple math: if energy out > energy in , you will lose weight.


the hardest part is satisfying your hunger in as little calories as possible; this is done best with apples, chobani yogurt, broccoli and my secret weapon: Frosted Mini Wheats


I lost 50 lbs in 4 months by eating the above foods everytime I got hungry and going to the gym about 5 times a week.


the new menu will take a little while to adjust to but the human body is absolutely incredible in its ability to adapt to whatever change you bring upon it, and you'll notice it adapting to your new food choices and begin to prefer them over the foods with massive calories.

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It helps if you set small goals so instead of saying I need to lose 10 pounds, you focus on losing 2 pounds. Use the "one day at a time" approach". Just for today decide not to stray from your healthy eating choices, just for today do 30 minutes of cardio, etc. You will find success when you are fed up and ready to take control of your life. It's not easy but then the best things in life usually require you to put in lots of effort. Just tell yourself that no one else can do this for you and if you want if bad enough then you will have to do things differently because doing the same things you have been doing are not working.


Good luck

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MJJ like I told many other ena members eat what your body use. The key is to eat small portions. For instance half a sandwich, if you want to snack, eat some nuts or popcorn. consume 5-6 small meals a day and spread them out. if you are new to work out, start out working 20 minutes and work your way up. Aim for an hour every other day. incorporate cardio and strength training, you will look fabulous by summer. Most important is to stay motivated and make it a habit. GL.

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Walking for an hour, throw in some hills and stairs. Cheap and effective.


Small routine of pushups, situps and stretching. No big thing, just enough to get the muscles humming. Stretch properly.


DRINK ALOT OF WATER! I have a gallon jug and I finish that off and start another one after I get done. Yeah you piss alot but it rinses out all the toxics and bloating.


Food. Eat right or in moderation. I still have fast foods and such but eat less or split it up so it doesn't add up.




Once you start burning down, then things like weights, workout groups will make sense. For now just get yourself in the mindset that you can do this at least 3 times a week. I would say inside a month you will be 10 or so lbs lighter and toned.


Good luck.

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no soda, no fast food.


eat a big breakfast, medium lunch, and small dinner. don't eat past 7 pm (this allows your body to truly fast and you break this fast with a big breakFAST) min. of 30 min of cardio EVERY DAY. even if it's just a brisk 30 min. walk this helps tons..

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I think your goal is a reasonable one. No reason you shouldn't be able to reach 8-10 pounds of weight loss in that amount of time. That would mean approx. 1.5 lbs a week, which is doable, but will take real work too.


Why not try link removed . It's free. You can track what you eat, what you do, and if you want help, it's there and free. I also like their "sparkstreaks" where you can focus on certain things you want to change and really commit to, without making yourself overwhelmed trying to do everything perfectly at once. I think that is a big thing: don't worry about being perfect or doing it all right. Commit to a few changes that will make a big impact, and do them consistently.


If you simply start exercising and drinking your water, you'll see a difference and lose weight. But to reach your goal, you will realistically need to watch your calories and eat mostly good food, and also exercise.


They have a tracker to find out how much you need to eat to lose the weight you want and do all the math for you. So check it out. And start today!!

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Nobody can tell you what you should or shouldn`t eat to lose weight.


Someone who eats too much fats will lose weight if they cut out fats. Someone who has too many carbs will lose weight if they cut out carbs.


To figure out what you need to change, keep a food journal. Eat as you normally would and write down everything you eat, including the amount (1 cup, 1 can, etc.) Also read the label and write down the calories, fat, protein and carb content for each thing you eat.


At the end of the week, you can post the journal on ENA and I can give some advice. Or you can simply tally up what you`ve consumed and figure out what changes you need to make.


Do some research and find out exactly what you need to be eating. How many calories, and how much fat, protein and carbs. (All calories are comprised of fat, protein or carbs. You don`t need to `cut` one out, as the fad diets say. that`s just silly. You need to get the right balance.)


You just have to do this once. Then, you`ll know what yo`re up against and then it`s just a matter of developing new habits.


My husband is always trying to lose weight and this morning he told me he`s going to completely cut out carbs. I was so mad. We identified that `bad` things he eats - sugary simple carbs, cake, pop, cookies, crackers (like huge amounts of these). Now he`s saying he wants to cut out the brown rice I serve at dinner? No, no, no... Eat a balanced diet and no cheating or shortcuts.

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unfortunately i didn't go to the gym yesterday or tonight after work; i felt exhausted.


I am hoping to wake up early tomorrow and go but that is usually difficult since it is completely freezing out these days.


I didn`t go to the gym today either. Or yesterday. We`ll go tomorrow. It`s flipping cold here too!

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i am definitely trying to cut out snacking..during the day isn't really my problem at all..it's at night when i am home relaxing.


i have been trying to eat my multi grain cheerios if i feel a craving..it tastes lightly sweet but seems to have less calories than other cereal and lower sodium. So i will admit i have been eating alot of that.


But today for example..i had a banana, a natural fruit cup, for lunch--i take from the salad bar--fruit again..i love pineapple, a little bit of cranberries, broccoli, carrots, grilled chicken, salmon.


I try to drink 2 bottles of water or more depending on how busy during the day.


Then i had another small fruit cup at around 4:30..i crave the sugar and the sweetness from that helps me and gives me energy


I came home and i had 2-3 meatballs. i had some cereal and then about 2-3 hours later i was hungry again so i had my cereal.

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I completely agree with ambrella - keep a food journal for 1 week. write down EVERYTHING, and how much. don't eyeball things, actually measure out the dressing with a tablespoon. don't just munch on cereal, measure it out in a measuring cup. don't forget to write in your journal 'half of cookie' or 'sample of crackers at supermarket.' in addition, try to mention how you feel afterwards (ie, did that meal keep you full, or were you hungry 30 minutes later?) I do really well on a low GI diet, basically what diabetics should eat. I'm not diabetic, but low GI foods (high in fiber, low in simple sugars) keeps me full for a long time. you seem to be eating a lot of fruit, there's a lot of sugar there. you might try to pair some of your fruits with some protein to avoid sugar spikes - ie, an apple with some peanut butter, or a slice of cheese.


i find i do sooooo much better with weight loss when i journal my food, and right away (it's so easy to forget about that half a bagel you had in the morning if you are writing everything down at night).

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oohh fyi as well--it is cereal with skim milk i am having


I like my coffee and when i drink it, it is with a drop of whole milk or fat free milk and no sugar or anything in it.


I feel like i should have lost weight by now; i have been trying for over a year.


I have also cut back on my socializing--b/c it is just way too much pressure for me..going out usually involves food, drinks, beer etc and sometimes it is just hard to say no. So i have basically just slowed down on that stuff. I actually went out this past saturday and only had a light beer for the whole night.


I really just want to lose weight and feel more comfortable.

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well remember - it's not just the foods you are eating, but how much. it sounds like you are doing a lot of grazing, and all that cereal probably isn't helping you. really, start tracking, write down the food and the calories. you can look up calories on calorie king or fit day. lots of websites.


I do weight watchers, I do love the program, if you want to get a kick start, you might want to give it a try. something else you can try - most women's fitness magazines (like shape or self) have sample menus for weight loss. try some of those. weight watchers publishes some 'sample menus for a week' as well. i find it helpful when i need a 'kick start.' it's sometimes easier to just eat as the plan says and not worry about what to eat today.

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You can do it!


A lot of the work is organizing. The food journal idea is excellent. That is one reason I mentioned sparkpeople: you put in your foods, the system calculates for you the calories and nutrients you are eating through the day. They even feature pie charts of break downs of where you are reaching your caloric and nutrient goals, and where you are going over. I am a huge fan of pie charts. lol. Makes it simple.


But if you don't want to try that program, have some system you use. I bet you haven't been keeping track too well if you have been trying for a long time but not seeing results. Again, that 's the organization part of it.

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Hey there....here are some tips:

cut out bread..any type of bread including rolls

say no to junk food like burgers,chips,chocolate,icecream

dont drink sodas..they tend to make the tummy bloat and overall isnt healthy

try to eat more vegetable and drink lots of water.

Make it a habit of going to the gym 5 times a week..do lots of cardio like running and cycling

Drink green tea which helps to clean out toxins from ur body

Avoid coffee for as long as possible......

xx hope this helps

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If you've been trying for that long with no success, it may be worth visiting a dietitian. The solution to losing weight shouldn't be a mystery. There has to be a reason your efforts aren't working. You also shouldn't go hungry.


I agree with the others that the cheerios may not be the best snacking option. Snacking is good, by the way. Don't try to cut it out. Snack on salads (no lettuce and no store-bought salad dressing - good veggies like broccoli, tomatoes, red peppers, red cabbage...) with a bit of cheese and nuts. Also snack on plain popcorn, low-fat, low-sodium soup, tuna, fruits, cottage cheese...

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The biggest tip I can give is to eat multiple small meals a day(probably 4 or 5). It's much easier on your body, making it easier to digest food and keeping your weight down. Drinking lots of water, especially drinking a glass before a meal will help to fill you up so you don't eat as much carbohydrates. Also I would cut out any sugary drinks, sodas, etc. That is an easy way to cut some calories. Then find an exercise routine you enjoy, so you will stick with it and not lose motivation. Going to the gym can be boring, so maybe try something else. I like to jog around the lake or a park, take my dog for a run, play a sport, etc. Something where I can enjoy it and not feel like I have to force myself to go to the gym.

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Ookkkay so.


1) Small meals, 4-5 a day. Think about it, if your body only needs 1000 calories, but you take in 1500, where do you think that extra 500 goes? Fat.

2) Healthy meals. Stop snacking on crap like cereal. Check the label, usually 2nd or 3rd ingredient (if not first) is some form of sugar. And this is listed by WEIGHT. That's a lot of sugar. Lean meats like chicken and fish should be your #1 meal choice. Many things to do with both options. Eat lots of spinach, it's the best vegetable for you. Lots of water.

3) Exercise. 3-5 days a week, work up to an hour of running/jogging/biking/eliptical. Switch it up so you don't get as bored. Bring an ipod. Bring a book. Look at skinny women and be jealous, it's good motivation. Do some light resistance training to help tone up. Higher reps, lower weight. But not so low that it feels like you're lifting a feather. Break some sweat.


4) And the biggest thing...it's all in your head. Clearly you're not motivated enough. I've seen you post several times how it's too cold, or you're too busy, or you're tired. I went to the gym today and biked for 45 minutes, worked out legs for 20 and did core for 15. On 4 hours of sleep and one meal because I woke up late for class. Too busy to drink water? Really?


Yeah, sure, losing weight is clearly physical. It's also a ridiculous amount of mental effort. Staying on that treadmill or bike and pushing through the pain for an hour isn't easy. Resisting crap food isn't easy. Making excuses is. Stop doing that or you'll be here a year from now asking the same question.

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sometimes i honestly can't drink all the water i want--i try to drink as much as i can--if work is very busy i just dont have the time and also cant be running to the bathroom every 20-30 minutes. Other than that i drink as much as i can


but yea you are right--- it is definitely alot of mental stuff..i think my problem more than anything is feeling very very tired after work..i am naturally not a good sleeper..tried everything but i will wake up a few times no matter what so that probably does interfere a little at times. But now since it is close to the weekend i will spend more time at the gym.

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