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Need to lose weight


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sometimes i honestly can't drink all the water i want--i try to drink as much as i can--if work is very busy i just dont have the time and also cant be running to the bathroom every 20-30 minutes. Other than that i drink as much as i can


but yea you are right--- it is definitely alot of mental stuff..i think my problem more than anything is feeling very very tired after work..i am naturally not a good sleeper..tried everything but i will wake up a few times no matter what so that probably does interfere a little at times. But now since it is close to the weekend i will spend more time at the gym.


I'm pretty healthy and I still have days when I'm too tired to go to the gym. Yet I still do it. It's kind of like a counter-placebo, once you get there you have so much energy. Just suck it up, don't make excuses, and just GO. You will feel so much better about yourself and the realization will come eventually when you figure out that you CAN go to the gym while tired. Just push yourself. And I promise you will want to sleep once you've gone. It just takes willpower. If you take any advice I give you, take this : Go to the gym, no matter how tired. Go to bed at the same time every nigh. After a couple of weeks your body will adjust - I promise.

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I didn't work out Monday-Wednesday. Last night I went to the gym though--did about 45 minutes on the elliptical, used the rowing machine, and then used some machines for my legs and then did some crunches.


This morning i weigh myself and it seems like i gained weight from the few days of not going to the gym..i am 187 now....


i am gonna drink plenty of water today and work out and see if there is any difference tomorrow. Maybe it was just water weight or something.

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i would really focus on precise amounts. measure out 1/2 of cereal. measure out 2 tbsp of dressing. my weight watchers leader says this a lot - you might be eating good foods, but if you are eating too much of them, that will lead to weight gain. especially with things like cereal, it's easy to get the portion sizes out of control.

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I didn't work out Monday-Wednesday. Last night I went to the gym though--did about 45 minutes on the elliptical, used the rowing machine, and then used some machines for my legs and then did some crunches.


This morning i weigh myself and it seems like i gained weight from the few days of not going to the gym..i am 187 now....


i am gonna drink plenty of water today and work out and see if there is any difference tomorrow. Maybe it was just water weight or something.


Don't weigh yourself so often if the fluctuations worry you that much. It is perfectly normal for a person's weight to fluctuate up and down over the course of the day or over a few days. Some people go up or down with as much as a 10lb difference.

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sometimes i honestly can't drink all the water i want--i try to drink as much as i can--if work is very busy i just dont have the time and also cant be running to the bathroom every 20-30 minutes. Other than that i drink as much as i can


but yea you are right--- it is definitely alot of mental stuff..i think my problem more than anything is feeling very very tired after work..i am naturally not a good sleeper..tried everything but i will wake up a few times no matter what so that probably does interfere a little at times. But now since it is close to the weekend i will spend more time at the gym.


If you push yourself to work out it will help you in multiple ways(losing weight, sleeping better, happier, etc) ....

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i also have my monthly so that probably has something to do with it..i will try weighing myself in the middle of the week and see if there is a difference.


I only have a little more than a month before my trip its not a beach trip or anything but i really dont wanna look chubby in my legs, stomach or look like i have a double chin in my pictures..i wanna be comfortable

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i feel like crying..it's my weekend and it is basically ruined due to my parents..they are arguing again and i just feel like i am stuck and held back here b/c i feel like i am the referee at times. And then i wind up getting involved b/c my mother can get anagonisitc with me as well and i don't have a good temper for that stuff.


So needless to say i didn't go to the gym all day and that is what i wanted to do

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I retain quite a few pounds of water during my time, it's really common! Try to treat yourself special until it's done. If you aren't feeling well, just do light exercise like yoga or some swimming or walking or something. It helps with the stress of stuff too.


And hey, we aren't all repeating "count your food, count your calories" for nothing. Seriously, if you do that it takes so much of the guesswork out of it. You'll know exactly when you are eating right and not, and when you need to adjust.


How many cals a day have you calculated you need to be eating?

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I am on the kelloges k diet right now. I started it last week and I have already lost 5 lbs. You eat the cereal in the morning with 2% milk and for lunch you can either have the cereal again or have the k bars they have with maybe a small salad. Then dinner I have soup. Make sure the soup doesn't have too many calories. I work out 3-4xs a week doing an hour of cardio each time. Its worked for me.

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I am on the kelloges k diet right now. I started it last week and I have already lost 5 lbs. You eat the cereal in the morning with 2% milk and for lunch you can either have the cereal again or have the k bars they have with maybe a small salad. Then dinner I have soup. Make sure the soup doesn't have too many calories. I work out 3-4xs a week doing an hour of cardio each time. Its worked for me.


How long do you intend to stay on this diet? This is NOT a healthy or effective diet. 2% milk is high in fat and certainly not a good source of dairy. Special K cereal is basically processed junk. Where are the nutrients? The K bars are no different, just higher is sugar.


What's in your small salad, and why is it small? If you're having lettuce with store-bought dressing, then it's just more junk with no nutrition.


The soup is the only thing in there that's potentially good for you.


Where are the proteins? Where are the whole grains? Where is the fruit? Where are the soluble and insoluble fibres? Where are the good fats?


If you want to lose weight, stay in shape long-term, and respect your body in the process, then eat whole grains, lentils, fish, spinach, mushrooms, broccoli, nuts, low-fat dairy... Real food.

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How long do you intend to stay on this diet? This is NOT a healthy or effective diet. 2% milk is high in fat and certainly not a good source of dairy. Special K cereal is basically processed junk. Where are the nutrients? The K bars are no different, just higher is sugar.


What's in your small salad, and why is it small? If you're having lettuce with store-bought dressing, then it's just more junk with no nutrition.


The soup is the only thing in there that's potentially good for you.


Where are the proteins? Where are the whole grains? Where is the fruit? Where are the soluble and insoluble fibres? Where are the good fats?


If you want to lose weight, stay in shape long-term, and respect your body in the process, then eat whole grains, lentils, fish, spinach, mushrooms, broccoli, nuts, low-fat dairy... Real food.


I think I'm in love. Everyone, please read and digest this.


mjj - how much are you working out and has your diet improved? Post your food diary on here, let's analyze together

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ok well for example..yesterday morning i had an all naturals fruit cup..its something new that came out..has pineapple etc..then for lunch i go to the salad bar and i have fruit..pineapple, this other one i forget the name of, a few grapes, broccoli, more gree veggies, some cranberries, grilled chicken also take white fish or a little seared salmon..dinner yesterday was meatloaf, veggies and brown rice..didnt finish it all..also coffee with only a little milk..no sugar..then after my workout i had a few grapes bc i felt weak.

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ok well for example..yesterday morning i had an all naturals fruit cup..its something new that came out..has pineapple etc..then for lunch i go to the salad bar and i have fruit..pineapple, this other one i forget the name of, a few grapes, broccoli, more gree veggies, some cranberries, grilled chicken also take white fish or a little seared salmon..dinner yesterday was meatloaf, veggies and brown rice..didnt finish it all..also coffee with only a little milk..no sugar..then after my workout i had a few grapes bc i felt weak.


Okay, first, if you are sticking to a diet like this every day, then there's no way you wouldn't be losing weight quite drastically, even if you weren't exercising. The only exception would be a serious medical issue that was preventing you from losing weight. This diet is pretty restrictive and often when people have such restrictive diets, they tend to overeat or binge at other times. That would obvious undo all of your hard work.


Second, fruit is good but you shouldn't be having more than 2 or 3 servings each day. It has a lot of vitamins but it also has sugar.


Third, there's no dairy in there (other than a few drops of milk). There also aren't a lot of grains. They say you should have 5 - 10 servings of grains each day. I know I wouldn't be able to eat that much but I try to have 3 at the very least. And they're whole grains, so I know I'm getting my nutrients. You do also need some fats. Try having nuts instead of grapes after the workout, maybe?

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ok well for example..yesterday morning i had an all naturals fruit cup..its something new that came out..has pineapple etc..then for lunch i go to the salad bar and i have fruit..pineapple, this other one i forget the name of, a few grapes, broccoli, more gree veggies, some cranberries, grilled chicken also take white fish or a little seared salmon..dinner yesterday was meatloaf, veggies and brown rice..didnt finish it all..also coffee with only a little milk..no sugar..then after my workout i had a few grapes bc i felt weak.


this sounds fine to me. but make sure you are measuring out your food. depending on how much you are having, it could explain why you are not losing.


diary - i'm not so sure about. a lot of people have intolerances to dairy and there are other ways to get calcium in. my skin has cleared up since i've stopped eating dairy (or at least, drastically cut back).

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i weighed myself this morning and now it is 181.2


I worked out these past 3 nights and going to try and go again today.


Superbowl is tomorrow; i would like to try and avoid the party but its hard and there are drinks and food..a friend of mine can actually be pretty pressuring to drink more or eat this and meanwhile she is in perfect shape b/c it seems like it is her lifestyle..it's not my lifestyle so its hard to restrict myself later from food after having drinks etc and some people don't understand that. I almost don't want to go because i know what will most likely happen..even one beer for some reason ruins my will power.

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we talked about the superbowl today at my weight watcher's meeting. it's a hard day, for sure. things you can do:


portion control - you can have some chips, but only the serving size (14!) don't nosh on them for the entire 4 hours

drink lots of water

bring a veggie tray or fruit platter to the party

wear tight jeans so you can't eat too much

have one or two light beers. don't get sloppy ass drunk

look up some low calorie appetizers to bring - weight watchers has some on their site (link removed)

focus on the game, not the food

when there is a lull in the game, engage in conversation


try to remember why you are trying to lose weight - keep that in mind. at WW, we call that 'anchoring.' it might be a photo of you when you were skinny, or a photo of you at a higher weight and you never want to be like that again. you might bring a photo of yourself and put it in your wallet, take a peek at it when you are tempted by the taco dip or buffalo wings. or cut out a picture from a magazine of an outfit you would like to buy when you are at your optimal weight. i and some other WW members have clothes in the next size down and keep them prominently in our closets so we have something to 'work towards.'


and most of all, even if you blow it tomorrow, it's just one day. get right back on track on monday.

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