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Is it bad to travel alone?


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Is it pathetic to travel alone? I feel comfortable only with myself so I would feel better if I travel alone. Plus, my close friend doesn't have any money so he can't accompany me.


So is it pathetic for me to travel to a beach resort alone? What would you think if you saw a person traveling alone.


For the record, I am a mid twenties male. Virgin too if that is important for you.

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Not bad at all. I have traveled abroad on my own three times to date- twice in my 20s, once in my 30s.


Its hard to find a traveling partner who wants to go to the same place you do, esp when you are single. Even if you can find someone, then to work out a block of time that works, financials, etc.,.... sometimes it is more of a headache than it's worth.


Life is short. If there is somewhere you want to go, and you have the means to do so, by all means, go. Have a great time. Don't let other people's schedules and desires impact your own.

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I've traveled all over the place alone... loved it... did what I want when I wanted. No shortage of meeting great people along the way as well. It can really be fun.


Of course be smart about safety - I always left an itinerary with one of my parents and usually checked in regularly with a friend.

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Virgin should have absolutely nothing to do with it. You need to stop defining yourself as "the virgin". Sex doesn't magically transform someone into a different human being. You are bertdru with family, friends, a job, interests, hobbies etc. I have seen posts on this forum from people who define their existence by how long it has been since they had sex..as if it is a fate worse than death to have gone without sex for x months. When people define themselves based on if they did or never had sex, how long it has been since they last had sex, how they can't wait for the next date with person A so that they can have sex, or how much of a loser they feel because they have no partner....then they live a very limited existence. It only becomes lame if you have never had sex if that is how you define yourself. It only becomes lame to go on vacation alone if you define your self worth and life experiences on whether or not you have a partner. When you stop focusing on whether or not you have a partner and the fact that you never had sex, you will be able to be your own person and do your own thing without worrying about the perceptions of others.


In the summer I did a 6 day road trip on my own and loved it. I didn't feel lonely at all because every day I checked home and spoke to family. That is important to ease the loneliess, but also from a security standpoint so that loved ones are aware of where you are. A friend of mine even called me every day to make sure I was okay.

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I prefer travelling by myself. I've gone away with a few friends in the past and it just gets on my nerves - I like adventure and exploring and making every minute count, but the people I've gone with have been quite boring in the end. Not for me. You go by yourself and do what you want. Plus you are forced to make the effort to meet new people otherwise you'll be stuck by yourself.

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it is a very cool thing to do in my opinion. its takes courage and confidence and so many people just could not do it. i have done it, i don't intend on waiting to find someone who wants what i want or to go to someplace i want to go to. if so i'd be waiting a very long time. it forces you out of your comfort one, it forces you to take the initiative with people. its cool and you won't regret it.


and yeah....what has being a virgin got to do with travelling alone?

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Not bad at all....I've done it plenty of times. I love the freedom of choosing which things you're going to visit and when you're going to visit them!

The only time when I become a bit self-conscious is when I show up at the breakfast table alone when I'm staying at a hotel. It's not so much fun eating by yourself.

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Not at all! I really want to travel, and I'm not going to expect someone to come with me every time. Plus, when you're alone, you have the freedom of doing what you want and not having to wait around for someone else or taking them into consideration in your plans. I can't wait til I travel alone!

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Is it pathetic to travel alone? I feel comfortable only with myself so I would feel better if I travel alone. Plus, my close friend doesn't have any money so he can't accompany me.


So is it pathetic for me to travel to a beach resort alone? What would you think if you saw a person traveling alone.


For the record, I am a mid twenties male. Virgin too if that is important for you.


It's not pathetic at all. I would only say to be smart about safety, usually try to check in with a family member or friend.

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given a choice between travelling alone or going no where i would travel alone. travelling with other people can be stressful if you dont set rules. i find i get up and out early on holidays and everyone else wants to stay in bed. now i get up go out and when they are up we meet up, mobile phones are a blessing, could not do that a few years ago.

what do you see as the pit falls to travelling alone? do you chat easily to strangers, if you do this is a great help. people on holidays are usually very relaxed and chatty so there shouldn't be an need to feel lonely or out of place. if you are worried that people will think you strange for travelling alone i find that people are excellent at picking up vibes. maybe you would be too interested in your surroundings to feel akward. i think travelling alone is becoming more popular.


there's a new thread about counch surfing, from what i read there that sounds good if you want to travel alone but also have some company if you want. maybe look into that?

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Is it pathetic to travel alone? I feel comfortable only with myself so I would feel better if I travel alone. Plus, my close friend doesn't have any money so he can't accompany me.


So is it pathetic for me to travel to a beach resort alone? What would you think if you saw a person traveling alone.


For the record, I am a mid twenties male. Virgin too if that is important for you.


If i could afford to go visit a beach resort alone, I would head there STAT! GO and enjoy yourself! I have taken weekend trips alone.

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  • 3 months later...

I don't think it's pathetic to travel alone.. I just wouldn't do it myself because Hostel 1 and 2 scared the hell out of me.. lol.. I wouldn't even travel out of the country with just another girl, I'd make sure there were like three people with me at ALL TIME because I'm that worried!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I love everyone's comments on here because I to have been thinking of traveling alone. Just like you my friends either don't have the vacation time from their jobs, or money, or have a family that don't like to do anything. So I've been a little leary of traveling by myself, but now reading what others have posted it makes me feel alot better!

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It's the best thing I've ever done. I've done it a few times too. I've travelled around my country to different cities, towns and also abroad. You will learn more about yourself. It's nice being somewhere new with different scenery. I enjoy exploring, learning about other countries,food, cultures, history about the area your visiting, and languages when I travel on my own. Of course meeting people.

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