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Omg he lifted my skirt up.....how rude!


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So I finally met this guy who I thought I would really like, We both feel the same way etc. Ive known him for more than a few years now but just recently we started talking to eachother and went on a few dates. There is alot of chemistry there but NO sexual things yet. Anyways to cut this short he dropped me off home and as I opened the car door and got up to leave he lifted my skirt up, exposing my thong (basically he saw my arse). I felt so humiliated and violated. I texted him the next day and told him that If he ever did that again I would punched the out of him. He apologized etc. But anyways do you guys/gals think I overreacted? I really do like him but now I feel like i'M HAVING SECOND THOUGHTS! I feel confused about us now.


Background about him:

he talks about himself alot

he made fun of my friends height

he thinks all his ex gfs are psychos

he is moving too fast & too strong

oh and he use to be a drug dealer

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Wow, he has some nerves. No I don't think you're overreacting. If that was me, personally I'd probably slap him.


Go with your gut feelings hun. If something does seem right, then there's a good reason for that.


What he did was not cool, and very disrespectful. How can you possibly take someone like that seriously?

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Lifting up your skirt was completely inappropriate of him! Then even if that wasn't enough of a deal-breaker, I think that the other things you listed about him would be! If what you want is respect, he doesn't seem like the type of man that will give that to you. Yikes!

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ech, I don't know. I can't decide what position to take in this matter. Would I spit at him or send his mom a letter? Both? Huh... tough questions with many answers. Maybe I would have to tell my big buff friend Joe to go take care of it... or maybe I would have to warn all my friends and show them his picture so that they would recognize him.


In all seriousness, any guy who says "all my exes are psycho" is ... how shall I put it... the common denominator.

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Drop him. He's a player, who's type unfortunately succeed all too many times in reeling in women, only to take advantage of them.


You already said you feel violated after what this scumbag did, so clearly this guy is not for you.


Yeahs you're right he is the player type I bet, He texted me last night and I already stopped texting him back. I'm probably gonna just drop him with no calls, no texts etc.

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Yeahs you're right he is the player type I bet, He texted me last night and I already stopped texting him back. I'm probably gonna just drop him with no calls, no texts etc.

Good for you! You're doing the right thing. Perhaps he'll think twice the next time he feels the urge to assault a woman.

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The same guy you said you want to have sex with (sleep with). Ouch. Not a good idea. I say forget about him.


Yeah, but I didn't sleep with him yet and this just happened recently after I posted up that thread up. I'm glad I didn't sleep with him otherwise it would of gotten ugly. So my conclusion is It is best to wait before having sex with anyone for a few months and or until we are official. Can you imagine if I slept with him and then he rudely assaulted me like that? lol God my dating life sucks

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