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I want to go down on my GF, but there is an issue about her taste/smell. help?


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Hi. you all have offered useful adivise, and answered some of my personal questions before. could you please help me once again?


I love my GF very much, and we love to please eachother as much as we possibly can, but there is a problem in that regard.

I know she would love it if i went down on her regularly. I tried it once, and finished the job to make sure she didnt think there was something wrong, but i had to endure suffering.

to be perfectly honest, oral is a new thing for me. i didnt originally want to give or receive it with anyone, but i love her so much that she made me reconsider when she insisted upon a BJ.

The problem was that she tasted and smelled very strongly of urine and fish. (excuse the rudeness, but i speak only the truth)

it was extremely difficult to go on, and i dont think i can handle it like that again.

much later i asked her if she washes herself down there without hinting that she might not seem clean, and she said that she did during each shower using water. also I do know that she did not recently go to the bathroom when i went down on her.

so if she does that, i cant figure out what i/she could possibly do to improve this.


again i love her very much, and i want to enjoy pleasing her in this way, but right now its too much.

is there anything that you ladies could advise she do or is this just something that is a part of her? also could you think of a way to mention it to her without hurting her feeling if possible?


thanks alot for any responses

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I would say its a cleanliness issue. But maybe I'm absurd, and am obsessed with staying clean. I take a shower each night, and wash every bit of me thoroughly. My man says I'm the cleanest one he's ever met and has no problem! I'm always fresh. A nice shower and some soap will do.


Fish is not a natural odor unless there is some sort of infection or extreme lack of personal hygiene.


When it gets down to it, you might just have to talk to her. Which could be extremely difficult unless the two of you are really close. Maybe it won't be as bad as you think. She would probably just get embarrassed and try to resolve the issue asap. If it were me, I would just feel terrible that someone had to endure that and want to fix it. I wouldn't be upset at the person, but glad that they let me know I was lacking in cleanliness.


Good luck!

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I agree, fish is not a natural odor. I think I've heard it referred to, "crotch rot?"


My boyfriend likes going down on me, he loves me. I'm always afraid that I will taste bad, but he doesn't think so. And just to be sure, (not like I actually WANT to taste myself) But usually when he fingers me, he wants me to suck on the finger lol he finds it sexy. So I end up tasting myself ANYWAYS. Which I've never thought I've tasted badly.


But I always shower/cleanse with some kind of detergent cleaner for down there and yummy showergel.

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This could be a difficult situation and no matter how you approach it, she probably will be a little embarrassed.

What you can do is, go to The Body Shop, or a store that sells beautifully scented body lotions, and shower gels. Vanilla and coconut are smells that are pretty strong and will most likely help, just make sure she can actually use it down there when it comes to body lotions.


If you tell the girls here which country you are in I'm sure some will recommend a product specifically for down there. What you can do is, get a basket and pack it with such products add some nice scented soaps and give it as a gift. If she likes staying clean she will love it. If this does not solve the problem, well you will just have to have a talk with her.

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This could be a difficult situation and no matter how you approach it, she probably will be a little embarrassed.

What you can do is, go to The Body Shop, or a store that sells beautifully scented body lotions, and shower gels. Vanilla and coconut are smells that are pretty strong and will most likely help, just make sure she can actually use it down there when it comes to body lotions.


If you tell the girls here which country you are in I'm sure some will recommend a product specifically for down there. What you can do is, get a basket and pack it with such products add some nice scented soaps and give it as a gift. If she likes staying clean she will love it. If this does not solve the problem, well you will just have to have a talk with her.


Scented products are actually not good for women's genitals. If she washes herself well and is free of infection, she most probably will smell ok!

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Scented products are actually not good for women's genitals. If she washes herself well and is free of infection, she most probably will smell ok!


Yeah, the scented stuff works against us.


Diet has some to do with it too I am told. Certain foods will make it taste bad, others like pineapple will make it taste good. Same goes for guys.


If your close enough to her have that talk. I'd rather know I taste bad and fix it, then have my guy going through Hell trying to please me.

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Like the above poster said, perhaps the reason why she only used water to clean herself is because using soap can lead to an infection. It's recommended by gynaecologists to only use water to clean the vagina. But I think there may be feminine hygiene wipes that would be safe to use on the genital area. You could buy a packet and suggest that you want to start using them to clean both of your genitals before oral sex (on either of you) to make the experience cleanlier. Hopefully she'll get the hint.


Does she have an infection or anything?

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Scented products are actually not good for women's genitals. If she washes herself well and is free of infection, she most probably will smell ok!


The vaginal mucosa is chemically balanced for optimal health. Applying scented products will easily disrupt this delicate balance and lead to medical complications. Unless you have a vaginal infection – at which case you need to seek proper medical care – do not use any scented product in your vagina.


However in my original post if you read carefully I did say " just make sure she can actually use it down there when it comes to body lotions."


I use body washes that are scented and have never had any problems, and I've also never hand any infections or any problems down there but I use a wash that is specifically designed for that area, along with other scented body washes.


Lotions are one thing, body washes that are used in shower are different.


Water alone is not enough to wash down there, especially before or after menstrual cycle. In my opinion, but I am OCD when it comes to hygiene so maybe I don't count.


OP is you are in the US you can get her this product.

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If you are in Australia or UK

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Bad personal hygiene can also lead to infection!


I have always used shower gels - you don't wash 'in there' (the vagina is a self-cleaning body part) but you certainly need to make sure pubic hair (if you have it) is clean and just a very quick wash right between your legs (thighs definitely need soap!) and immediate rinse will not do any harm unless you are very allergic, in which case, as people have said, there are hypoallergenic products available.


For some reason BO is the WORST thing to broach with someone, but really - I guess she would rather know than not. It's how you say it. Perhaps you could make sure you do it really lovingly and in the context of how much you want to, but...


The other thing to think about is that you sound a little bit 'iffy' about doing it at all - and some men just are, just as some women don't do BJs. So if it's new to you, it may just be that it isn't for you?


And - in case you didn't know - it is normal for there to be a strong scent - the woman's musk, if you like. I personally think (ruling out infection) that how you feel about each other's natural odours is very telling in terms of how a relationship will work out. (I think there is biological back-up for that)


How about you say to her sometime, "Do you mind if I ask you if I smell okay down there?" It might lead to a conversation... you wouldn't have to tell her she didn't, just when she says about not using soap, you could say, "I love the smell of - would you come and shower with me?!" with a wink...


I dunno - this really is a tough one! Good luck!

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Thank you all for your responses! she did say that she was only using water because soap was harmful. il just have a talk were her and maybe we can go shopping together for one of the products that were mentioned. we are very close, but she can be sensative when it comes to her boy. but i think what i have to offer her will make up for it, if she is embarrased.


once again, thank you all for reading my post.

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I had an ex that smelled EXACTLY like that. I tried to shower with her and I washed her bits but, it still smelled. I told her about it in a gentle manner and advised her to goto her GYNO. She did and they found nothing wrong with her. I thought was bacterial vaginosis infection as well but, the dr found nothing.


The only thing I can tell that was wrong was our phermones. We were not sexually compatible since I could not STAND the smell and I loved to please my lady. Problem is I could not hold my breath long enough and I could actually taste it if I did hold my breath.


I would recommend you try those sani wipes (summers eve) I think makes them.


I hope you are not having the same problems I had with my ex. UGH! I feel for you brother! I really do as I can only describe my time with her as *pukes* gross..

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So that you have a basis for comparison, I suggest you try and go down on her IMMEDIATELY after a shower. If it can be arranged, shower with her and use the shower as foreplay. Clean each other up, and just have fun with it. After the shower and drying up take it to the bed or wherever you can find a spot and go down on her. If it has the same foul odor and taste, then its highly likely that it is an infection or something that might need to get looked at. If it keeps a neutral taste throughout, then it might be a cleanliness issue on her part. If it begins with a neutral taste and gradually starts to resemble the odor you mention, it could signal something within her, but it could be an infection or reflection on unhealthy diet or it could just be that this is how she naturally is.


I hope you are being a little flexible with the odor you are willing to tolerate. When you begin to get more experience in giving oral, and begin to actually enjoy doing it, you will notice that you are more than willing to put up with the strange smell. Of course if it is unbearable, then you will have to look into what exactly is causing it.

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...to be perfectly honest, oral is a new thing for me. ...


I also disliked the smell/taste when I gave oral to my first girlfriend... I realize that maybe it's something I simply have to develop a taste for, just like olives or brie cheese. I didn't originally like those either, but I kept eating them until I got used to them, even though I didn't like them, and now I like them. In fact, love them.


So, what common things have smells similar to that of a vagina? I have been experimenting with this, and I find that anchovy paste combined with a few drops of Snapple peach juice sort of approximates the smell of a vag, as I remember it from long ago. I am currently preparing for my next "time" by setting a small bottle-cap-full of this on my night table whenever I watch TV so I can constantly get used to the smell.


I hope that, when it comes time that I give a girl oral again, I am so used to these strong smells by then that her vag smells sweet and benign by comparison. It's just developing a taste.


Anyone have any other ideas for home ingredients that can be used to approximate this smell, for therapy/practice purposes?

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All women have some smell/taste associated with the vag, and that smell/taste can be be neutralized with some products mentioned by other posters or by cleaning just before hand. I would imagine that if she never uses soap the smell and taste would be pretty intense.


There are TONS of mild soaps she could use - I know my last ex washed before every sexual encounter and also in the mornings and just before bed every day with basic body wash.

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I know my last ex washed before every sexual encounter and also in the mornings and just before bed every day with basic body wash.


See this is what I and all the women I've been with have done - wash frequently!


There is nothing fresh about the nether regions if your last shower was early in the morning and you're trying to get it on late at night.


I honestly think people just don't clean often enough.

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See this is what I and all the women I've been with have done - wash frequently!


There is nothing fresh about the nether regions if your last shower was early in the morning and you're trying to get it on late at night.


I honestly think people just don't clean often enough.


I agree. It's just polite to "tidy up".

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Also, water is not enough for washing there, she has to use some kind of soap.


That is not true. The vagina is a self cleaning organ. Unless there is a health issue, or the woman is not cleaning well enough in the folds, water is plenty. The pH of the vagina is very delicate, and does not need much more than a good scrub with water.


Me personally, I prefer feminine washes (not douches) for my lady bits, however I have done some research and talked to many ladies (some even physicians)that are into natural hygiene, and water is just fine. You just can't be hasty in cleaning it. Most of the time women rely on scented washes to do the work and with scent it could be masked if you miss a spot. Water does the job just fine, you just can't be hasty.


Sometimes i run out of my wash and just use water. Boyfriend says it still smells and tastes as sweet as ever.

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