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I want to go down on my GF, but there is an issue about her taste/smell. help?


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whoa...i'm sorry you had this experience...as to how to approach this situation...there is no way she is not going to be embarrassed, so be careful. Hopefully you guys are close enough that you can talk to her about it no problem


I wash everyday ( with SOAP ) its the first place I hit in the shower. If I know i'm going to be with my man I use vagisil wash ( not spray...those can smell gross too when you sweat). I douche after every period. And when I'm over his place everytime I urinate I use wet wipes or just use a little soap and water. But even if I didnt use the soap and water, she should not be smelling of urine, the only thing that would make that possible ( I think ) is if she wasnt wiping when she pees.


But you are supposed to ENJOY her scent and enjoy the taste as well, so you really need to tell her because its not fair to you ( or her ) because its damaging the experience.


PS...i dont' give a damn what the gynecologists suggest, that area needs soap just like your armpit does.

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You can recommend that she use wipes. I usually clean myself with wipes before I know there is going to be sexual activity. If you don't want to mention it just get some flavored lube, it might be easier for you.


I do too. The thought that I might smell down there when a man is down there too is a little horrifying to me.

It doesn't matter how long I'm in a relationship with that person or how much at ease we are with each other. I just do it to feel clean and out of respect for the one going down on me. And on that note, I prefer if a man doesn't smell either when I'm giving him a blowjob. Major turn-off for me.

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That is not true. The vagina is a self cleaning organ. Unless there is a health issue, or the woman is not cleaning well enough in the folds, water is plenty. The pH of the vagina is very delicate, and does not need much more than a good scrub with water.


While that might be true medically, it's not true for smell/taste. I'm sure the vag cleans itself like you say, but cleaning to stay healthy and cleaning to provide a better taste/aroma are two different things.

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Fishy Italian food.

Lmao! Bleeeech!


I would agree to the vaginosis thing...and I think Fluids test is a very very sophisticated feat of engineering...but the urine smell combined make me think that it is lack of hygiene. But go Fluid's route first, but be careful, because if you do all of that and she ever figures out what you were doing you are sure to turn the offense meter on high by the time you finally tell her.

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