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Do you sometimes think that your ex will return to you begging to start everything over?

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Do you sometimes think that your ex will return someday to you begging you to start everything over? I mean when he or she leaves you just for another person which he/she think that is much better, much younger, looking more beautiful or intelligent?


Because my ex left me just before the New Year. I didn't contacted him just because I still think that his new girlfriend will see his stubborn character, abusive and aggressive behaviour and will leave him soon. So I think that someday he will return begging me to start everything over. Do you think so sometimes?

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I can't let myself think like this or it would prevent me from moving on but this is just me.


It's not just you. I have convinced myself that my ex never loved me. I know he did. Know very well he did. But if I admit that fact, I'm going to fall apart again.


But I gave up because he forced me to give up.


Don't you love when they do that?


Question is, will you come back to you?


Awesome question.





I think about it. I don't wish it anymore nor do I believe it will happen... I dream about it happening but that is completely different then 'wanting' it to happen.

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Well I wouldn't let him back into my life. My question is do I am the only one who sometimes hope that his life will not be successful and he will return to me? He didn't wrote me anything from that time. Me too, but I know that he's very jealous and that's why I think he will return or at least write me some months after.

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I was almost convinced he'd come back and my friends kinda said the same. But a part of me wishes he never did, it has prolonged my healing. But yes, for a while I was wishing for nothing to work out for him. But realistically you just have to worry about yourself really.,it's irrelevant what they do, it matters less and less as you move on.

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I think she would, and for all the wrong reasons. I paid for all of our dates, gave her massages, was there for EVERYTHING she needed, ran a bubble bath with candles for her on her rough work days, sent her flowers once a month, wrote her poetry, showered her with attention...hell, I even did her dishes and cleaned her cat's litterbox, on top of the seemingly endless moral and emotional support I had for her...


...PLUS I put up with her abuse.


She had it made. Why wouldn't she come crawling back? Name any other guy who would do that. Others before me had walked out on her after ONE day, literally. I know for a fact that if she ends up forever with another guy, she's settling.


I'm worth so much more than she deserves.

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I wish he would, but if I'm honest with myself, it's probably better that he didn't.


He won't, anyway. He's still "hopelessly in love" with his previous ex. Emphasis on "hopelessly." She wants him back, again. He will take her back, again. If he hasn't already. I haven't asked, and I don't want to know. But, I know him, and she has some sort of psycho-magical hold on him. He will go back to her no matter how hard she stomps on his heart. And she's done it three times already.


I'm better off without him, right? Yeah.

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I wish she did, but out of pride and ego. I just want her to realize that I am better than anything else she could ever have. I just want to feel that she finally values me for what I am worth and realizes what she lost. Besides that... don't really care right now. In the future though... who knows.. maybe I will go after that short little cute thing again.

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Well I wouldn't let him back into my life. My question is do I am the only one who sometimes hope that his life will not be successful and he will return to me? He didn't wrote me anything from that time. Me too, but I know that he's very jealous and that's why I think he will return or at least write me some months after.


I've definitely had that feeling before for an ex who completely shattered my heart. My advice is that you will know that you've finally moved on when you no longer really care about him or think about him anymore. That's when you realize he's no longer in your thoughts.


Of course it feels nice to feel like your ex misses you and wishes to get back together with you, even if it's unknown. But then you'll realize that it doesn't matter because by then you would've found someone so much better and who would treat you so much better.

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lol, that's exactly what I was thinking about when I posted it too.


Hmm I gotta rent that sometime. Anyhoo, begging to get back? Hehe er...no, can't see that happening. But I do think about her saying 'hey, let's give it another go and see what happens'. I'm easy.


Seymore, I did her dishes too. But no way on cat litter. No way! She has 3 cats, yes, well on her way to the crazy cat lady. Anyhoo, gotta have boundaries. lol

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My ex would never beg me for anything...she has too much of a princess mentality. The first time she came back, she yelled, "WHY HAVEN'T YOU CALLED ME?!!!"


She may contact me again sometime in the future to see how I'm doing, but we wouldn't get back together as we weren't good for each other.

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No, because I already got my second chance and it crashed and burned.


I do think that if I leave the band he will contact me at some point down the road just to "check in" and with one of his favorite phrases "catch up to me" but I absolutely do not expect anything romantic from this man. He's so gone he could not be gone-er...

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