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What are you hopes for 2010??


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-Health for my family and friends

-Advancement with my music or the professional area in general

-To fall in love again, bigger and better, secure and crazy at the same time

-To fully accept myself

-To move into a nice place


I also hope we all take more care of the environment.

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To find someone more mature than the last two people I dated.

To have a relationship last more than a month.

To hopefully shed some of my shyness and meet a single girl that meets the above two wishes.

To focus more on my guitar playing and songwriting and hopefully to gig with my band.

To branch out even more as a drummer.

To hit the 1000BPM mark I made for myself last year and smash beyond it by hitting 1030.

To incorporate more styles into my drumming and get more adept at odd-time.

To win the store finals at Drum Off.

To come up with a solo so great at playing that I don't get completely jipped like I did this year.

To work harder on some timing issues.

To get more involved with some friends of mine that I haven't paid enough attention to.

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My hopes are that I get a decent-paying, fullfilling job, that I meet or deepen a relationship with a special someone and get into a committed marriage-oriented relationship, that I finally can buy a car, and at the end of the year, move into my own place. I'd also like some new friends, to grow closer to God, and to do more writing.


How can I forget? I want to go back to a healthy weight and want my mental and emotional health to be stable and happy.


Sounds like my whole life needs an overhaul! lol

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I have 3 wishes, I started some of these goals already, and made an action plan for all of them, I see really good things happening in 2010!


1) Quit smoking - I started the patch today so wish me luck!


2) Get on track financially and pay off the debts I accrued when I was in university.


3) Get more stability in my life. I feel like I'm always bouncing between one place and another and driving all over the city at random times and staying with different people. I want to spend more time at home.

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--that my partner is healthy and happy this coming year, and that we get to discover all sorts of wonderful things about each other as we begin our journey together


--that my children have healthy years, and have great success in school and in their personal lives


--that I lose this wretched weight!


--that my first year of college goes well, and that I pass all of my courses with flying colours

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I don't care about my weight (it's not that important to me)

I have the guy (we're going on 11 years, I guess it's working)

I WANT THE DREAM JOB I APPLIED FOR! (They asked for my college transcripts after they read my application and resume. I'm trying not to get my hopes up, but one of the teachers in this program was a professor of mine in college and I was his Reader. That gives me an edge right there). I need a better paying job and this one is not only a prime teaching job in my major (Special Ed), it pays pretty well, also.

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My hopes:


- Find a good partner to fall in love with that wants the same things I want out of life.

- To stay physically fit.

- To be one year closer to completing my degree at the local university

- To get laid.

- To hopefully find a good place to live before the end of next year.

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