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Post here instead of contacting your ex!

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So you've just sat and told me that you didn't love me as much as the others. You didn't fall for me as hard. How can you say that? I loved you so much. You meant the world to me.

I don't even cry I just feel numb.

I don't want to forget you , I want to see you. The last time I saw you was Boxing Day, you said goodbye and said be safe. I'm not safe, I'm lost without you.

Please come back?

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I don't miss you, it turns out. I miss much about you. The way I see you has shifted. I want so much about what we had, the fun, the do-anything spirit, the frisson, the sex, the discussions. I want all of that. But you are so much more than that, unloving, manipulative, confused perhaps. Utilitarian? Disrespectful. Blech.


Oh yeah and I am so full of it. I know that if you wrote me a letter, that cited an incident in which God reached down from the heavens and anointed you to be my everything for now and evermore, I would at least read it and be distracted by its message. We were that good, when we were good.


But, you know, in real life you are you and I am me, and I deserve so much better.

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I'm so very sorry for all the awful things that ever happened between us. I'm sorry that maybe had we met at another time in our lives, we actually would have worked out. As sad as I am to be missing my best friend, I know this is for the best and I will always love you. I really hope 2013 gives you all the love and happiness that I couldn't give you. You are a wonderful person...but I hurt you the most. I was selfish and spoiled. I didn't want you to stop wanting me. I didn't want you to have the possibility that there might be another girl out there that you could love more. But it is working its way behind me and I'm slowly understanding that I can't hurt you anymore. You don't deserve that. My life is so empty without you but I know that is the price I have to pay. The closer we got to moving on, the worst it felt to be around you. It's unfathomable to me that I'm not going to know what is happening in your life. We were like two peas in a pod and you always made me laugh. With this heartache I feel now, I actually thank you for it because I didn't think I could feel anything anymore - and I do. You will forever be in my heart and I will never think anything but fondly of you. I love you and I'm so sorry.

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It's terrible sitting here alone on New Years Day, wondering what you are doing, sad that you didn't text me... but I'm not sure how I would have replied if you had. I hope you are ok, that you are getting your life back on track. And I know I deserve better than what we had in the end, but I can't see to find the off button to loving you.

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You're there with her, at a New Years party at your brothers. She is in my spot. It didnt take you more than 2 weeks to move on and replace me after 8 years. I love you and I miss you. I am in agony just thinking of how you will probably spend the night together and maybe even have sex. I am dying inside, I cant focus on anything but the hope of getting you back. I feel betrayed, ugly, not good enough and worthless. Happy new year

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I always wanted to make it a point to come back to ENA when I was over you, and write with full confidence, knowing that nothing would ever happen with you.


It is officially a new year, and this time last year I was still devastated over you. I should have been happy, being at an amazing place, with friends, surrounded by happiness and fireworks...yet I was a gloomy gus over you. It makes me regret that experience was wasted on you. But in any case, I just want to say...it is so refreshing to look back on all my old posts, and see how completely over you I am. It is refreshing that I didn't think twice about texting you ever again. It is refreshing that I thought of other exes tonight, and not of you once.


I now see that is life. I see that I was right all along, and will always have confidence in that. I see that I survived, despite your many attempts to destroy me. I will never allow myself to feel the way you made me feel all that time, ever again. I know better now, I know what I deserved all along, and wanted to be a good person and give you chances. I don't want you in my life ever again, and have done all that is necessary to make sure of that. I am so happy that it is a new year, and you will always be just a thing of the past that will continue to be forgotten with time.


I'm finally happy.

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I want to say something witty or romantic. I want to share with you my deepest thoughts as I always had. Alas, I know it would be wasted upon you for you have found yourself in the arms of another. Today was a very hard day for me, which is a clear indicator that the worst may very well be behind me as of tomorrow. My pride demands us be together, but for once my heart and mind have taken leave of such illusions. Although I gave you access to it, my heart is mine and nobody else's. You see, love, I am but a human being. I may struggle to make the right choices sometimes, but sometimes the hardest ones are the right ones. My heart is mine.

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We spoke today and things were good. It's hard, though. I do well when things are good because I feel like we're on good terms and your feelings toward me are positive, I do very poorly when we are in semi-contact, and I do well when we don't talk at all because I know I'm making progress. I miss you a TON. It was hard seeing all of our friends kiss at midnight and know that you were at a party with other friends you told me had become "convenient" for you to get closer with...ha. I think it would have been hard for you to be there too, and I am glad you didn't end up going. I miss you, but you're done, and I've gotta keep moving on without you. I know you'll move on without me, but I don't want to watch it happen - I've gotta focus on myself and those that do want to be in my life. All the best for you in the first full year we spend apart since 2006! (weird, hey?) I'll be seeing you.

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Every time I see you, I cannot help but to think about the good times we had as a couple. My heart stands still as it sees it's true companion, but there is a brick wall blocking its passage. Not one morning do I wake up thinking "what have I done?" and how you've moved on to someone else. The feeling of betrayal still lingers but the feeling is starting to subside. I wish we could have worked on this together but you have chosen to make it work with a new person. I can see the demon inside of you and I feel the need to move on. The path seems alot more painful and uncertain then the path that may lead back to you, but I know it is going to be worth the effort, worth the change.

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Dear Ex,


I don't even know how to begin. I guess I wanted you to know my side.


Even though I never said it in the car, but you were the bad guy in this. I know the reasons as to why you did it but in the end, people come out of these things hurt.

I was really hurt. Mostly because I had really high hopes for this one. I had relationships before where I was my "old self". This time around I really felt I evolved and was the kind of person

and girlfriend I wanted to be and possibly could be. I made sure of all aspects before I jumped in. I thought we both made it clear on the type of relationships we wanted. I am not the kind

of girl that plays around. I value commitment. To me, commitment means through good times and the good. You had told me before that I was the "girl of your dreams", and you were "all in".

But your actions does not back those statements up.


I was dissappointed, hurt, heartbrokened, but above all, I felt really unvaluable to you. I really thought we had something really unique and special. Just the kind of chemistry that we have.

Maybe you did not feel the same. I went through days and days thinking why you would throw it away after only one conversation with her. I told you before I am envious and even jealous

of your relationship with your mom sometimes. But any girl would want to be her bf's priority. Above anything...even family. Because wouldn't your girlfriend be your new family that you're

trying to build? To me, a loving mother would let her 24 year old son figure it out on his own whether or not if she's right for him, even if she does not agree with his choice and definietly

not telling him what to do. I felt so judged especially after only 2 hours with her. She judged me and made a decision on the first impression.


I know this wasn't easy for you. I understand and respect your decision. Your mom raised you and been there for you your whole life. The kind of relationship you guys have is something

I admire and envy, not something I want to get in between nor compete with.


As much as I want you in my future, I don't think I can be with a guy whose mom has that much influence in his life. I need a man who's able to make his own decisions. I need a man who

I feel safe around and would protect me against anything/anyone. I told you about the difficulties I've had in my past and personally, I simply cannot walk into another family where the mother

is judgemental and thinks I'm not good enough. I do not have it in me to do it all over again. I'm looking for love and acceptance.


You're a good boy. I say that with honesty and clarity.You have qualities of a boyfriend that a girl will really love. You're kind, generous, and caring. I am really fortunate to have met you.

Even though our meeting was short, it was definietly very memorable. Maybe this isn't the best time for us. Maybe our foundation wasn't strong enough to let a third party in yet.

Maybe we need time to mature and grow. But I know one thing; I will miss you.


Take care,

Your Ex.

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Why did you give up on us? How could you just quit and walk away so easily without even trying? Was I not worth the effort? You know I didn't want this, you have no idea how much you hurt me, I don't think you will ever know. It would be so much easier for me to hate you, but I can't, I still love you

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I still miss you. I find it hard to have someone taken out of my life like this. I was really strongly attached to you and I miss you and crave your comfort. The thought of building a new relationship seems so scary and I cannot understand how it is preferential to you rather than talking and working through things. It really upsets me.


I really am confused about life in general. I'm trying to think that this is just a stage that comes from a ball breaking loss and hope it is. This is a new year but inside I'm still crying and probably will be until all settles down. When will that be?


P.s - I'm not sure why you didn't text me over Christmas or New Year. I wish you'd just been honest about how you felt about me rather than hide it behind a mask. I have no clue if you thought of me or what you thought. I suppose you're respecting my wish not to be hurt by your contact. Why do you only respect me now when I'm gone? I miss you. I'm moving forwards but change hurts x

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I wander over to this thread to talk to you, and if I must, I could tell you that you sprinkle my thoughts with random bits that flit in and back out again without leaving a trail.


I am better already. And I will be better still. If you were to meet me from scratch, I would be even better yet. And what would you be? The same? So it seems.


I do wonder if moving, kids maybe moving, I wonder if all that will have an impact on you, and what would that impact be. If you end up a full time dad, what then? Ooh it just made my hand hurt, I am not over you, to have the momentary idea that the 3 of you would set up house when she comes north. Ugh and yuck.


I hope one stays with you. I think it would change you alot. And I wonder if that means you would move to her school district. Oh holy heck we would be 5 minutes apart.


It is SO much better when I dont talk to you. Glad you are only a thread.

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New year but the same old feeling of missing a beautiful soul like you. I am sure you were surrounded with people that love you (including some of our mutual friends that encouraged you to break my heart) last night... I was surrounded by loneliness and nobody wishing me a happy new year. Hard to believe I was planning to propose to you this time last year...the funny thing is that despite knowing I will never hear from you ever again I still wish I could have read the poem to you that I had planned to say to you as part of my proposal...and of course end it off with "will you marry me". It is sad that I will never have a chance to speak those words to you and I know there is no one else I will meet that I want to say those words to...sigh.

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I made it through the holidays! No contact from you, of course. Now, just eighteen more days, and it'll have been a year since the BU, and there will be no new milestones. I will have survived everything once already, so it shouldn't be as hard the 2nd time, right?


So I make it through January 7th (the day we met), January 14th (our anniversary) and January 18th (our BU), and I'm home free, right?


Just eighteen more days...

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Ugh Must stop spinning scenarios. (1) you resolve your custody situation and end up buying your ex's house in Bethesda. this way you are absolved from Ann's doubt because your dependent forces your hand. It is at this point obvious to you both that neither can move for another 4 years. clearly, ann will accept these terms. relationship continues unabated. My move: remain NC. the proximity will get to you, my ad, or it won't - tie game. (2) All move to IN. You don't. And, you have no ties anywhere. Where do you go? My move: remain NC. the opportunity to choose will clarify your thinking. i hear from you - my ad - or I dont - deuce. (3) If #2 happens [i am really bored with myself now but lets just finish the exercise], and you stay here, does ann accept that? Again, my move = NC. If you move to TX, Ann "wins" we both lose. Maybe you move to NC, closer to mom or something. I just don't see it.


There is just no reason for me to contact you.

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Damn it. I am in bed, its late. I have pushed away two people in 4 days, which would be fine if that had been my intent. My brain is spinning and I am feeling ever more appreciative of the chaos that was me over the last year. I am wanting to meet you haphazardly and see that I have an impact. I am imagining you in my bed, not sexually, just here. I always liked you close. I am wondering about trust, intimacy, fear. I have fears I wasn't aware of. I have not wanted you to comfort me in a long time it seems. I do now.

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I really wish you'd pay me 3 grand for my losses in the move, and storage

I wish you could have had more compassion for me,

But then you wouldn't be you, would you? And you would have dumped me in a much more compassionate way.


I'm actually not that surprised by your acute level of selfishness anymore, since now I know you are the rule rather than the exception.


BUT--I wonder if when you're 60 or something you'll finally grow up and mature enough to get what a complete tool you were

If not then how can you live with yourself? I think life on earth really is just hell, meeting people like you certainly makes it seem that way


I guess I still wish we never met, even if you opened my eyes to so much and that experience changed my life so dramatically for the better.

That's how you differ from people like my mother, at least you have redeeming value for that

But just another waste of time in my wasted life


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