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I dont understand how you broke with me a year ago because you were scared and heated being vulnerable and 10 months later we got back together and promised that you would not hurt me again but just two days ago when Im suppose to see you a week from now you ignore me but reply to Merry Christmas and ignore the fact that I am asking you why your ignoring and whats going on. How could you do this to me after everything we have been through. I have always been there for you the time that you had an internship in Missouri and you were broke starving I made you a care package sending you food, I called and sent you motivational quotes pushing you and telling you not give up.Throughout college I was there motivating you to concentrate ,help you study, give you information on internships ,help you with your resume. I was there through everything. I gave you another chance believing that you wouldn't make the same mistake again, I finally even met your parents really thinking that it would be different and just when were about to make 3 years of memories you have the strength and the disrespect to ignore me. , you say you love me, that we are soulmates, you say you can't wait to have a future with me but how is that one day you can wake up and just ignore me like I'm not there. If you feel you can't do long distance anymore then express that to me. I had expressed my willingness to move closer to you for you I would have giving you the world my last dollar

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I'm really missing you today. I miss our life together, our home and my sweet little cat.


How could you have ever cheated on me? I wish you knew what that felt like to have the one person who you thought loved you betray you. When you left me you said you couldn't handle being with another woman, why did you lead me on for 7 years if you never had any intention of having your future with me? Why do you think that justifies the cheating? When you left me you said there was no one else and that you weren't happy anymore I since later found out different. Why do you keep hitting me with blow after blow?


You have made me feel like this man you cheated on me with is better than me. He isn't. He was on a dating website when he had a partner and pursued other women who also had partners. He is a liar, cheat and selfishly destroyed someone else's relationship and you are no better. How could you throw away our 7 years together for a man you have known for a few months? Did I really mean that little to you? You say you made a mistake but cheating isn't a mistake it's a choice. And now you have the nerve to be dating him and expect me to be your friend. Think again.


When I found out you were cheating and I told you I was leaving our home all you could say to me was what time? All you cared about was that you were out with him and I was ruining your plans because you would have to come back earlier to look after our cat. You said it was my choice to leave but your behaviour and attitude gave me no choice. How is it that your actions turned my world upside down while yours had stayed the same? You get to stay in the house that we built together, stay with our cat who I miss terribly and live your life like you haven't caused all this damage and destruction. You have destroyed my life and another poor family's life. All for a lying and cheating man. Don't you dare say to me that you are hurting as much as I am and that this is affecting you too. I didn't cheat on you. I didn't lie to you and betray you. I didn't force you from your own home with my behaviour. I haven't disrespected, humiliated and dismissed you. You have no idea how that feels.


You have made me feel so replaceable and worthless. All you can say is that it's happened so get over it, believe me it isn't that easy. You tell me I'm the most important to you and always will be but your actions tell me otherwise. While your out living this amazing new life I'm back with my parents trying to pick up the pieces of mine. You are constantly messing with my emotions, one minute this man isn't right for you, you don't want to lose me for him and he is a jealous guy and the next he's the most amazing guy. Do you even know what or who you want?


I'm feeling sad today. It hit me that the life we had and the life I loved is over. It's hard for me to accept that the things we did together you would rather share with someone else. You have made me feel used and surplus to requirements.


I've been hanging around hoping that you would see your mistake and come back but I've realised that the person that I fell for has gone. The wonderful woman with a smile that could give me butterflies has gone and has been replaced by someone that I don't recognise or like. How could you turn into such a cruel, heartless, selfish and callous person? I will never understand. Every day will be a struggle without you but I will get through it because I'm strong unlike you. You are weak and a coward.

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Deep down I thought you were just angry at me that's why I tried to fight and compromise with you. You didn't fight for me or us. You just let it go. You didn't love me. I've felt so sad today I made myself get up have a bath and tidy my bedroom but I'm in bed now not wanting to talk to anyone just wanting to sleep. I'll be glad when today is over then tomorrow is another day on my own you said I have everything because I have a job and a car. I don't I don't have anyone in my life. I have people who care for me but i don't want to burden them. You are my worst mistake.

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Thanks for waking me up today thinking I was late for work.. Too bad I did not forget about the other night, and being nice and pretending to be concerned will not fix it. When your daughter goes home I promise we will talk like adults whether you like it or not.


One minute your leaving, the next your not. I want a straight answer on whether I will need to involve the law, Im not waiting until the last minute to find out your going to make this worse. You drunk pos loser

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It's hard isn't it, what I gave up for him and I'll never understand why. I'm too blame for the situation I'm in but I will claw my way back out, hope your ok


Very hard. Hindsight is an amazing thing though isn't it. You aren't to blame, you fall for this person hoping that you are enough and you can make the relationship work. End of the day you gave him your all and that all you can ever do. I'm doing ok thanks, hope you are too. Stay strong 😊

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Very hard. Hindsight is an amazing thing though isn't it. You aren't to blame, you fall for this person hoping that you are enough and you can make the relationship work. End of the day you gave him your all and that all you can ever do. I'm doing ok thanks, hope you are too. Stay strong 😊


I guess sometimes in life people just let you down, I really want to say all this to him but I won't. You stay strong too

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Im surprised that I have been crying a lot since this whole situation happened. Im not going to lie I think about it every second but Im kind of at peace. I still love you very much but you hurt me way too much that if u did want to work things out you would need to get a counseling because honestly there is something wrong with you

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I know I shouldn't be looking at your social media page but I did and it seems like you have a weight lifted off of your shoulder which really hurts. It hurts that out of nowhere you start ignoring me and refuse to text me back it hurts because i did nothing wrong.It hurts that you don't care to talk to me and let me in it hurts that your allowing me to walk away.Im hurt

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You tricked me.You didnt love me at all,but I thought you did.I am feeling like a year of my life stolen.I trusted you,I trusted your words.I never gave up on you,but you did on me on the things can be fixed.


I hate you not because you leave me,I hate you because you lead me to believe that you love me fullest.


You gave me a word,saying that "Im never ever going to leave you except there is nothing big like cheating,physical abuse".


I never did any of those,yet here we are.


If you really love someone you stick to them no matter what.


I hate you.


I totally agree, instead of leaving things should be talked out and fixed

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I thought hearing from you would somehow reconnect something. That I would feel full, instead I feel emptier than when this started. You rebounded with a girl that moved to the same state I moved , sweet irony I know. But now that has ruined the chance for us to be on the same page, you feel ed up about it and afraid The distance would tear us apart. I feel partially like you didn't understand the love we had or that I had .. If you did, you couldn't possibly let a second chance go, but then again you didn't spend the last 9 mos longing for me like I did for you.. You spent them building something with another person. Oddly , there is a part of me that somehow believes you do care for me more and you always have. I don't know if it's self fulflilling because I know I can't replace you, or if it's cosmic truth. I do feel for you, that you have messed yourself up and all your emotions, feeling like you don't know who YoU are anymore. Although it is hard not to be selfish and angry at you. Especially because you act like I'm the one who said never. As if you just forget July when I was at sales training and asked for you back.. When you rejected me, or the next time you rejected me in CA and now I know it's Bc u were with someone. By the fact that you're emailing me, I wonder if you are in another relationship already. As if filling and plugging a slot will make it go away.. You must be afraid to face your demons You never did want to face them with me. I hope you learn that, it will make you so much emotionally stronger. As for me, I'm feeling a sense of disdain and sadness mixed with relief . It's like the end of the road has finally happened ... I had been waiting for the moment when you would open up and tell me what was going on, that maybe we'd reconnect. I did picture it kind of differently but it happened. And you still let me go, just walk right out of your life as if I'm going to be there waiting tomorrow. I feel it's time to let go again. But really now, now that I know you've had a chance and you didn't feel the need to fight for dear life for me .. That someone else's pain was greater than our potential and the love . I think I'm also alone in that love that's the part that cuts and leaves me questioning if love really lasts or just with one person to deal with unrequited and alone with a bleeding heart ? You didn't even call me to hear my voice.. Or ask to see me again. I guess you believe I'll never move on, and maybe you're the smart one.. But I sure hope next time I'm the one in love, and not because of a rebound. Because I deserve it. Because I know I can pour my heart and soul into a relationship and I want it back .. I want someone to be there for me through thick and thin, like how I was there for you even after finding out you cheated . How I was there everytime something was wrong w u and remembering your dad. But you weren't there for me. I guess it's time to hurt again, and give up on you like you wanted

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I'm sitting in the living room, you in the bedroom.. Balling my eyes out because I just realized I didn't get to say good bye to S today and I wont get to see her again.. My only hope is the fact we live in a small town.. Seeing her somewhere with you or her mom.. I have her on one of my social media accounts, so maybe I can keep in touch there.. But how, its so awkward.. I know she is mature and understands.. It just hurts.

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You had the audacity to ambush me getting out of my car only to break my NC, I had been doing fine and you came along and messed it all up, all my effort to stay from you and heal and you stomped all over it. I have to start my NC from the beginning because of you-it don't seem fair I never of broken it. You just love messing my head up don't you..STAY OUT OF MY LIFE FOR GOOD!! At least I'm level headed then. You insult me, beg for me back only to mess my head up all in the matter of a conversation!! You can't be trusted so don't bother trying to get me back again..I'll step over you next time.

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I woke up today and wanted to text you something sweet, like nothing had happened. But then it hit me : we're not together anymore and for a moment there, it had escaped my mind.

Then I opened the window and saw a tiny ladybug. Do you remember that, just a few days before we started dating, you sent me a picture of a ladybug that was following you around in your room?

For some reason it made me smile, and I had this feeling that everything was going to be fine...

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You think I'm cold and whatever else because I moving on, showing no emotion.. Fixing up the apartment.. Its truly just keeping my mind of things, and preventing me from forgiving you and giving you yet another chance. Sorry but I gotta look out for myself before your feelings.

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