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Not sure what day this is.. of my second round (and permanent round) of NC. Think it's like Day 18 or something.. trying not to count. Hope you're doing well. It's officially been two months today since the breakup, and I'm still healing. Thought I'd be over you 100% by now, but I f--ked that up by contacting you in November several times. Still not over you entirely. Though my confidence is coming back, as the days pass with NC. I'm FINALLY realizing I am the prize and I DESERVE BETTER. But I'll continue to send you love. Hate and anger are negative emotions. Hope you're okay and happy.

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Now that we are NC I feel like I am struggling even more. I don't get to know if you are thinking about me and I don't get to talk to you and hear your voice. I keep losing in this situation but I don't want to anymore. I want to be happy without you and most importantly happy with myself. I thought I was a catch but apparently I was not, but I want to feel like I am one again. I want you to regret the fact that you left me. I want you to come back but I know you won't, and I have to accept that. I hope someday we can be friends but right now I guess I have to focus on me and then hopefully during that time you change your mind or I finally find peace.


THIS. The hardest part of NC is not knowing how he/she feels and not knowing when you'll hear from them again. That's why it is imperative to just assume you never will hear from them ever again as long as you live. I also want my ex to come back, but that isn't realistic. It's now been 2 months to the day since the breakup. She's gone. Acceptance is hard, but it's SO IMPORTANT. Hang in there. If you're meant to be friends, you will be when the time is right. Trust the UNIVERSE. Trust God. Trust life. Just let him/her go. You are a catch! You just weren't the right fit. That's all. Don't take it personally.. your right fit is out there. Just focus on you now.

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After nearly a month of NC and its been hard I hate the fact that it's not u that i miss the most any more but the dreams of a child together next year and a house that'd be shared to bring our children up in to be so close to my dreams and u just teared them from me, i hate the fact i opened myself up to trust u and be vulnerable after the past hurt ive been through and u just tucked me up good and proper-I SO NEED to let go of these dreams-thats the thing thats hurting me the most holding on to them but its hard to let go after 5 years of building up to them. Although id like to be stronger than this and not say this next sentence but im not at the moment so I hope u get ur dreams torn from u one day and u get some idea of the feelings im going through.

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I'm glad we have had talks/screaming matches the past few days. We are both getting a better perspective on how we each have been feeling throughout the relationship. You never wanted to talk, you would apologize so I would leave it.. I gave up. You have now realized it is too late to fix it and we have both rationally looked all several reasons this isn't working. Thank you for taking the time.

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Every single day we don't talk (lost count), I realize more and more that I don't need you in my life (and why would I?). Clearly, you want nothing to do with me or my life... I mean, you broke up over the phone.. then sent your brother over with a "closure" letter. You didn't even have the guts to face me in person and do this right. Now you won't even talk to me -- I've been the one to reach out EVERY SINGLE TIME only to get your cold, terse responses. I'm trying not to waste a second of my f-cking life on you any longer. I am becoming stronger. I won't let you bring me and my amazing life down. The best revenge is success, baby... and I'm rockin' and rollin' in life. I was your A+ boyfriend. Miss me. Miss me like I miss you. You will. I know you will.

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I'm beginning to realize that maybe you were right in doing this. I realize now that there were A LOT of things I was unhappy about with in our relationship. There were a lot of things I wasn't getting from you in the past couple of years or even more! I know better communication by both us might have helped, and we tried...but it was too little to late. I just wanted to thank you for opening my eyes. I know I'm headed to a better place each and every day.

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Everything was going fine, then you decided to be a pos again last night. February 1st cannot come fast enough you miserable f!ck. Seems like it is so far away, but I will continue to keep myself occupied with friends, family and my best 4 legged friend. I don't even care what you blame on me anymore, when you talk I just think about all the wonderful things I'm going to change about the apartment when you leave. Continue telling everyone all the things I have apparently done to you, but never tell them that one year ago today on my birthday you cracked my ribs.. Don't worry, I wont tell all your friends who think your a saint and I'm the devil. You will never be happy in a relationship, NEVER. You need to be open and honest, no ridiculous lies.. You taught me a few things, one being when someone admits they are an -- Run its true

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So it's over? I didn't realize

It's so much colder

But it was no surprise


Did you ever

Get to know me?

'Cause it has never been so plain to see


When you say you won't forget me

I can tell you that's not true

'Cause every day since you left me

I've thought less and less of you


And I've worn out all the reasons

To keep on knocking at your door

Could be the changing of the seasons

But I don't love you anymore


The door is open

You whisper to me

As you stood frozen

Deep on certainty


I hope that you know

What I am thinking

Before you go

With your heart sinking


When you say you won't forget me

Well I can tell you that's not true

'Cause every day since you left me

I've thought less and less of you


And I've worn out all the reasons

To keep on knocking at your door

Could be the changing of the seasons

But I don't love you anymore



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I still Love you with all my hart. I have a few others knocking on my door, for me to let them in. But i can not do that with you still haunting me everyday and every night. The perfect love that you gave to me is the curse i will take with me for the rest of my life. Your Father ( yes the one that you only got back in contact with because i was the one that built that bridge) called me, talking to me on how perfect i was to his daughter. It is OK for you to hate me, I made a few mistakes, but i am not the only one, Its OK for you to hate me because i only did what i thought was truly right, if only you did hate me, if only i did hate you, it would be so much easier. I can not bring myself to hate you, instead i still love you, i still dream about us growing old together on the nights that my dreams do not turn into nightmares. I am in a nightmare everyday, I have been to hell and back, looking my demons in the eyes. Seeing the darkness in me, only to be facing this alone. I am walking a long and dark road alone, as i can not let anybody in because you are still everywhere i turn to. I went on a date yesterday with an amazing girl, BUT YOU where still there in my mind, still haunting every thought. I still love you but i am forced to turn away, i am forced to move on. I am forced to walk away, something i never wanted to do, something i still do not want to do. But i have no choice anymore, the harder i tried the further you turned away from me.

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Lost count. What has it been.. nearly three weeks? Since I last sent you a text.. since I last saw words on my phone from you.. meaningless words.. Finally, I can heal because I'm done reaching out. I'm not obsessing about the next magic text to send you. No.. the only way we can ever be together (if EVER) is if you contact me, apologize, and beg for me back. Because you tore out my f---ing heart, like in the sacrifice scene in the movie Apocalypto. You have NO IDEA the pain I have been going through. You have NO IDEA what it's like to have your future plans shattered.. you claim to have given me "many chances," but that's just a lie. That's you justifying your actions.


I begged, pleaded, cried, hugged, proposed, showered you with apologies.. and none of it did a single thing -- but just drive you away for good. No idea what you're doing.. but f--- it if I'm going to waste my life waiting around for you. I'm moving on... and if you want me back, ever, you gotta chase me now.

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I'm so sick of everything I do being questioned. WE ARE NOT TOGETHER. Its been almost a month (holy , I hope the next 6 weeks go by this fast lol). I bought new jeans because I ripped the crotch out of my last pair.. The same reason I bought pants throughout our relationship.. Because I always rip the crotch out of my pants..Not because I'm seeing someone. I got my eyebrows waxed because your daughter keeps stealing my tweezers and I had a unibrow.. Not because I'm seeing someone. I got my hair cut because it had been over a year since I got it cut, and I made the appointment when we were still together.. Not because I'm seeing someone. Why have I even tried explaining these things to you? Why can't I just tell you to eff off.. Oh yeah, because I don't want to live in a war zone. Questioning where I've slept when I have gone out the past few weekends.. Claiming I never come home.. Actually only spent the night at a friends once, because your daughter was here sleeping on the couch will leaves me nowhere to sleep. You convince yourself of these crazy things that haven't happened.. For the last time, I broke up with you because your a lunatic, we are two different people, completely different goals and interests.. Among all the crazy that follows you around from your irresponsible past and all the stupid you have done to me. I'm not seeing anyone, if you choose not to believe me your only hurting yourself.. I will now prepare myself for another horrible night sitting in silence in the same house until you accuse me of something stupid again like my life is somehow your business.

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I'm so sick of everything I do being questioned. WE ARE NOT TOGETHER. Its been almost a month (holy , I hope the next 6 weeks go by this fast lol). I bought new jeans because I ripped the crotch out of my last pair.. The same reason I bought pants throughout our relationship.. Because I always rip the crotch out of my pants..Not because I'm seeing someone. I got my eyebrows waxed because your daughter keeps stealing my tweezers and I had a unibrow.. Not because I'm seeing someone. I got my hair cut because it had been over a year since I got it cut, and I made the appointment when we were still together.. Not because I'm seeing someone. Why have I even tried explaining these things to you? Why can't I just tell you to eff off.. Oh yeah, because I don't want to live in a war zone. Questioning where I've slept when I have gone out the past few weekends.. Claiming I never come home.. Actually only spent the night at a friends once, because your daughter was here sleeping on the couch will leaves me nowhere to sleep. You convince yourself of these crazy things that haven't happened.. For the last time, I broke up with you because your a lunatic, we are two different people, completely different goals and interests.. Among all the crazy that follows you around from your irresponsible past and all the stupid you have done to me. I'm not seeing anyone, if you choose not to believe me your only hurting yourself.. I will now prepare myself for another horrible night sitting in silence in the same house until you accuse me of something stupid again like my life is somehow your business.


You gotta get the f out of this environment. I don't care if you have to sell all of your crap to get your own place. This is NOT healthy....

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You gotta get the f out of this environment. I don't care if you have to sell all of your crap to get your own place. This is NOT healthy....


I know its not healthy, but by the time I sell all my stuff to get out it will be February and he will have already left. Nevermind I don't really have anything worth enough.. A car I will never part with, and then my daily driver which I need.. The next 2 weeks are busy for me, so I will continue to keep busy between work and the holidays. January will be harder, but I will continue to distract myself. A couple friends are both moving a week apart in january, so that will keep me busy for a few days. A couple birthdays will get me out of the house on the weekend.. I'm frustrated, but its not really deeply effecting me right now. I know I have other places to stay for a few nights if I need to. I've been through worse, I will survive.

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I know its not healthy, but by the time I sell all my stuff to get out it will be February and he will have already left. Nevermind I don't really have anything worth enough.. A car I will never part with, and then my daily driver which I need.. The next 2 weeks are busy for me, so I will continue to keep busy between work and the holidays. January will be harder, but I will continue to distract myself. A couple friends are both moving a week apart in january, so that will keep me busy for a few days. A couple birthdays will get me out of the house on the weekend.. I'm frustrated, but its not really deeply effecting me right now. I know I have other places to stay for a few nights if I need to. I've been through worse, I will survive.


Yikes. Still.. I'd leave YESTERDAY if I were in your situation.. ask your friends if you can stay with them.. family.. anything. Get out of that environment.

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Yikes. Still.. I'd leave YESTERDAY if I were in your situation.. ask your friends if you can stay with them.. family.. anything. Get out of that environment.


Seriously, its nothing compared to what he has put me through.. I would still need to come back daily to take care of the cat and all my friends have dogs and kids, and I have a puppy who doesn't realize how big he is who would have to come with me.. Hes a good dog, but I don't want to put out older dogs (between 9-12) in their own home. I don't want to disturb everyone else, they have all offered but I'm okay for now. I get home shortly after 5, I take the dog out for a couple hours at 6 or go to friends for a couple hours.. Do some running around and I'm back around 9, get ready for bed and watch some tv. I keep myself pretty busy and away from him.

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Just saw the new Star Wars movie in the theater we always went to. Loved the movie. Hope you're doing well. I think today is officially three weeks of NC. I'm making huge gains at the gym and huge gains in my quest to get over you so that the future can bring me whatever it is meant to bring. Definitely miss us, but you did what you felt was the best for us both. So I'm learning to just let go and trust that.

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Every day has been a new adventure regarding us. Some days im happy and some days im miserable. Were not yet officially broken up but i dont know what will happen. You wanted space and i gave it to you. I get that youre going through a tough time right now in life and i want to and always have wanted to be there for you. It kills me to just walk by you or say anything to you in the house as it feels like normal for a few seconds. Then i remember the reality. It sucks. Weve been together for so long and were so happy together that i dont want to give up on us just yet, but sadly the time is dwindling. I cant keep this up forever. Im doing surprisingly well on my own, but i miss my best friend and lover. I dont enjoy this. I wish we could work on helping you together instead of secluding yourself from everyone.


I would never actually send a message like this, but its just therapeutic to get this off my chest. We have discussed our relationship multiple times in the past month. She is, put simply, going through an identity crisis or something like that. It is so tough to be in that limbo stage where i dont really know where i stand, but ive invested so much time and love into this relationship that ive decided im going to give this a bit longer to see where all this goes.

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I want to add smth to my last cut-off message which was the right idea but too soft with unnecessary "good wishes" and peaceful closings you did not earn. It was your indifference that made everything one-sided: dating, friendship; and even FWB would have been the same had I agreed to it. I didn't look for long-term, or for a commitment, but for love, caring and cherishing you showed at first; affinity to infinity as you said in that poem you wrote to me in the early days when you actually chased me. I couldn't come to terms with it when it disappeared. Even a few weeks of actual love and caring would be worth it and create warm interesting memories afterwards, but you changed. Even FWB would be only when you feel like, I'd be disregarded, at the mercy of your moods and convenience; you'd continue ditching me, flaking out as you did before. You had promised that as a girlfriend you'd treat me better than you did as a friend; but then we saw that after just one date you started the flaking and ditching again. That flakiness and inconstance in your moods and the level of affection was the biggest reason I had to say no to everything and that broke all trust. Unfortunately, the right words only come to me post-factum. I really liked you and felt connected to you for a long time, hence I had frequent fear of saying smth you might not like and always either was straight and harsh and then felt terribly guilty; or too soft and then kicked myself for being such a doormat. You never had a good "moral compass" of your own of how to treat me, and just pushed as far as I had let you. And I let you too much. So, it is ultimately on me, and I am the fool who allowed it, and even in our last communication failed to be stronger and more reserved.


But substantively speaking, in the end I didn't lose anything, because I didn't have it in the first place, did I? You were in love with me now and then as your convenience and mood allowed; but you never truly loved me to where you could be trusted at least as a solid friend. You'd ditch me and throw me under the bus if it was more convenient. But you lost one of the best friends you could have had.

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Well, I went out with a bunch of people last night and your daughter tried to start drama by telling you every move I made and who I was with.. thankfully only until we left the restaurant because I probably would of snapped. So as usual, you tried to get revenge. Not coming home until 10am.. obviously sleeping with someone. That hurts.. so soon.. if your going to do this until you leave just go now. Now I need to find a way to get my car and make a schedule to get out of this house everyday for the next 6 weeks so I dont lose it. Yay weekends.. too many hours in a day I have to avoid you.

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For the record, I am not entirely against FWB. It is the soulless part that turned me away, since you explicitly said you that now you only want something sexual-based without feelings (I read between the lines: you don't want to deal with my feelings, and you want to get away with treating me however you like); and also that if I could really trust you as a friend, and you’d be there for me, my answer would’ve been different. It's just that I don't want it with you given how you treated me.

Furthermore, knowing that FWB would require meeting in person, how would that be different from dating? You ditched me and stood me up as a friend, and as a girlfriend. What would be different in the FWB setting?


I know it does not matter now. But for some reason, I have this nagging thought that you think of me as a conservative girl. I feel locked into that identity box. Every time I think of sex with another man, you pop into my head. As if with you I only wanted big serious relationship, as if you were that special; but with other people I could go for less. But it's the opposite! You were not special, b/c you didn't treat me special. So you get neither my heart nor my body. So terrible that I gave you serious consideration and had those talks with you; and now an amazing man is in my life, and I have less to give to him because my soul feels half-eaten by you.

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Hello my angel, I hope you are doing well.

It kills me knowing you're okay without me, yet I'm sat here day in and day out wishing things will be different between us two.

I know none of this was your fault, it was neither of our faults, we just came together at the wrong time, and you're only 17, and the last thing you wanted was a long term relationship, as lets be honest, you were too immature to put in the right amount of effort.

It hurts seeing you every day, you look so handsome, and I just wish I could kiss you, but I can't.

If I'll be honest, it hurt the way you left me, the second time around.

You never apologised, and you never replied, you just left me, and you're gone. I guess that is what you wanted though.

I want to stop hoping that you will come back to me like you did the first time, I want to stop wishing and hoping because in the back of my mind I know you'll never come back, and this is the end of us two.

You were in my life for such a long time, and it's difficult to let you go. I bet you don't even know what happened this time last year, or I bet you don't know what happened on the 31st December 2014, I bet you don't care either.

I am a little bit angry at the way you left me, because with you, you always have to act like you're the kind one, like I was the crazy one, when in fact you made me clingy and crazy.

Nevertheless, I need to get on with my life, and I know it will take a long time to get over you properly, I know that. I just hope you're happy, and I hope you're happy without me.

As you know, and as I've told you so many times before, I will always love you.

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