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Going to sleep really late at night waiting for a text or call from you, waking up in the morning looking for my phone to see if I missed a call or text and seeing that I never got anything, so painful and exhausting. We went from talking to each other almost 24/7 to nothing and you said you were fine with that, you never loved me then... Wow.

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Going to sleep really late at night waiting for a text or call from you, waking up in the morning looking for my phone to see if I missed a call or text and seeing that I never got anything, so painful and exhausting. We went from talking to each other almost 24/7 to nothing and you said you were fine with that, you never loved me then... Wow.


WOW, this is exactly how I feel too.


Nothing from you in 8 days now. Do you even think about me? Do you miss me? WTH happened to us? I'm still not sure how it went from awesome to awful in a couple of months. I thought we would be together till the end of our lives, but thats not to be. I'm trying each day to think of other things. Yesterday was tough. Working helps.

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I dreamed of us last night, I hate to admit it even to myself, but I did. Of when we were still happy together. Needless to say I felt awful that morning. I don't feel too great right now, either.


I know you said the evening after the breakup that "you already regret your decision, need a break but can't stand losing me" but the lack of contact from you in the recent weeks tells me otherwise. I know I need to move on.


If only I had the means to do so here and now.

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Dear A,


I don't know about you but speaking for myself: I've got no pain left. only love, understanding and forgiveness. I hope you are happy in your own life.


It is weird that I've never forgotten a single moment that we spent together. I've read that it is possible the world splits into two anytime a choice is made (called the "many worlds interpretation" in quantum physics) and *both* possible choices happen in two parallel universes. It makes me very happy to think that in at least one of those universes, you never left and we are still together.


In this universe however, you did leave me. You were cruel to me in the end after loving me so much in the beginning. I was cruel too but I never left you, and I never stopped loving you. This probably sounds pathetic to you but I truly always thought we'd would sit together in a cafe, and I would pull your chair out for you always.


After I realized my mistakes, I tried to make amends in all the ways I could but you left anyway. I still feel the same way today as when you left. I suppose I was always the emotional one. And that's not very attractive in any guy so I do understand why you left.


Lastly, and respectfully, I think it is good to stay on the separate paths that life has led us onto, please forgive me if you ever mistakenly contact me and I don't reply again.



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Everyone has opinions, everyone is mystified. You worked so hard to get close to me again, to get me to trust you again...and in one day you cut me out with no dignity? What did I ever do to deserve this cruelty or disrespect? I just loved you and what we had so much, I thought you were worth it. You loved my babies, you talked to me constantly, I was so supportive of you, I saw my life with you so clearly. I dont have the ability to comprehend how you could cut a loved one out of your life without warning or cause. My heart hurts too much, and you knew how sensitive I was to losing people I loved. Yet you just erase me? You don't even send me an email saying you can't talk to me anymore, just delete me and change your number? I'm in total disbelief right now, please tell me what's going on...my heart is so broken.

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i hate that I had to contact you for work today, I hate that you get the satisfaction that I need you still, even if it is just for work, you don't deserve anything from me after you hurt me so much.


And stop ending work emails to me with cheers, I know that is your normal sign off, but we are so far beyond normal.


tonight is very hard

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I am sooo sad today, Its been 9 days since we have talked or text. I am not sure why today is so bad. I'm missing you terribly today and I wonder if you even think about me at all. I keep remembering all the fun we had together I loved to hear you laugh and I loved holding your hand. I have to move on, I know, but some days, I just cannot be angry at you. I want to text you today, but I will stay strong with the help of this site.

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i don't think i could ever allow myself to love again in the way i loved you, it scares me that I could give so much and be turned away again, do you realise what you have done.


i cant give up hope you will change your mind again, i know you must be hurting too

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Interesting. Our first night together you kissed me with so much passion and said, "I hope this doesn't end as fast as it started". A year of talking marriage and then you throw me out using a post on social media. I guess you called that. Yesterday you pick up the last of your boxes in my garage and left without even a hello, thinking I'm the jerk because I want your stuff gone. Good riddens you self-centered, deceptive, cheating witch. I love you still. I wish I understood why.

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I always loved to share music with you. I always love to find music we could listen to together, enjoy listening together and relax to. Those days are gone now and I feel sacredness regarding this. Life shall go on and I ill find another to share and listen to music with.


Until that day comes, I hope others enjoy this song. Good by my love, may you life as well as mine be .


[video=youtube;PmHwbRc3wZY] ]

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I miss you so much, but you have also hurt me very much. I struggle everyday because you quit on our relationship. I know you have had personal struggles, but it kills me that you would choose to cast me away rather than to let me help you. I know I have made small mistakes over the years, but I know I am a good person that is capable of making somebody very happy. I guess that person is not you. I wish you would have communicated better with me regarding your unhappiness. You decided to give up on us while leaving me in the dark. The fact that you were so dry and unloving in our final conversation kills me. That is probably that last time we will talk and that is how you decided to handle it?


I should have listened to my instincts when you said you wanted a break. I don't care what you say, you changed as a person. You made a decision long ago to take matters into your own hands and leave me hanging out to dry. You allowed yourself to be sucked into negative emotions and drift away. Maybe you wanted to drift away from me. I don't see why because I was always there for you and was trying to do the things to make you happy. I know you are struggling with this too, but what in the hell did I do to deserve this? Why do I still love you? Why do I still hope you will call me and say you made a mistake? I am a strong person, but you have left me wrecked. I wish I could get over you and go after another girl, but I can't.


None of this stuff I am writing really matters. No matter how many questions I ask it will never fill the void I am feeling. Even if you wanted back into a relationship with me, I don't know if I could convince myself to take you back. You have hurt me so much that I don't know if I could ever feel the same about you. You had every right as a free individual to walk away from me, but I don't see how you did it. I don't see how you can bail on someone that never gave up on you in your darkest hours. I need to forget you. I need to forgive you so I can move on to being happy again. I need to let go of the suffering you are causing and give it to God. Please get out of my thoughts so I can have peace. Please do not contact me unless you have some miraculous breakthrough. I am tired of this pain. I hope to heal soon so I can replace the vacuum you have caused in my life with someone who will love me to the end of her days.

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There's so much I would say to you if I could. But you decided to push me away from you in the worst way possible. Wish I could hate you for all the things you have done...but the thing is, I don't think I can. Because in spite of the horrible way turned things out, you have been more than good to me the past six years. I don't know if I have lived in a lie all this years...but I had been very happy.

Will we ever talk again? I don't know...it seems that you got over me very fast. I try and try not to think about us but it is hard. You were my best friend. You were the love of my life. I felt lucky to be the woman next to you. You said just a few months ago I was the woman of your life. I was the love, and everything to you and you would always be there for me. You told me I would never lose you. And I believed it. I believed (because you had never lied to me before...or at least, you did it pretty well because I hadn't found out) with all my heart that you were just taking some time off. That you needed time. When I saw the picture I thought no one could be hurting me this much. You were with another woman, just a month and a half away from our break up. I haven't talked to you in a month and you haven't contacted me either. Every day that goes by, I realize we are over for good. But for some reason, I still keep wondering why did you do this to me? How could you fall in love with someone else so quickly? If you are not in love with that someone new, why did you leave me? We had a great relationship...and you know we did. And as much as I hate to say it. I still love you. I love the person who was with me for six years and showed me all the love in the world.

How could you be so dishonest after all we have been through? Do you think I deserved to be treated that way? How can you hurt someone like that so much without any kind of remorse?

I hope one day, you could regret what happened. How you threw me away as if I was disposable and meaningless to you. I hope you could feel really sad about leaving someone you loved and hurting me so much.

I will continue to feel sad about losing something so special to me like it was our relationship while you continue to ignore and ditch me for the rest of my life.

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Its been 11 days without contact, longest we've been without contact, this is what you wanted...


Are you okay? Do you still think this is right? I'm pretty sure you do, you just want to move on so you can be emotionally available for your new bf and leave me in the past after everything we went through. I bet you don't think about me anymore.


Its going to be a good while for me to let anyone in my life like I did with you, I just don't trust anyone after this; I don't want to get as close to anyone as I did with you.

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Really? You knew the three things that girls did to hurt me in the past. Leave me without warning, leave me without explanation, and leave me for another guy. You did all three at once. I know our relationship was super complicated but I did nothing to deserve this. You were laying in my bed Friday morning telling me you wished you didn't have to go to work so we could snuggle all day. At 6pm Friday you were texting me telling me you missed me so much and couldn't wait to see me that night. At 9pm, you were in his bed, with your phone shut off, ignoring me. I only knew what was happening because your facebook picture changed to you and him kissing the next morning. You couldn't even say goodbye. You couldn't even break up with me, no call, no text, no nothing. It's been a week and all you have done is put up pictures of you and him, no I'm sorry, no anything. You are an evil person.

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Now looking back after you have broken up with me, I was never the type of girl of you found truly attractive and wanted to marry. I was never even close to your version of a dream girl, and I said this a long time ago and it still holds true to this day.


I blame myself for not looking deeper into our relationship. But it was my very first relationship so I won't be too hard on myself for wasting my time with you.


However, you Ryan are shallow, immature, and a coward.


You told me you wanted to marry me, build a life with me and have kids with me without any intention of really doing any of the above. I understand now what you were doing... you genuinely DO want to marry, build a successful life, and have kids. And your desire to do as such is so great, that you needed to tell me often so that this idea is constantly reassured. But it was not me you necessarily wanted to have a life with, you were in love with the idea of it only. And silly me, I kept thinking I would be a part of your dream life as well.


You pulled me into this relationship, changed me and then left me because you didn't have the guts to overcome all the obstacles or 'move out of your comfort zone'... your own words. I follow a different religion and your family would never have approved of me, but you didn't have the guts to go against them even though you hate your parents. To the very last day, I was planning in my head how one day I would leave my family, my life and my possessions just to be with you. It breaks my heart because I was willing to sacrifice anything.


Let's be honest. You weren't exactly my dream guy either when we met. I never told you this before, but I was not physically attracted to you initially. The last guy I ever wanted to be with was an Indian one. But all that changed... when I fell in love you with all my heart and soul. And I NEVER compared you to my dream guy. In fact, I never once mentioned to you what I found physically attractive in a man; there was absolutely no need because I chose you willingly. I found all your physical 'flaws' to be absolutely adorable. For the record, 'flaw' is a very wrong word to be used here. You are you, and I'm not shallow to compare you to the standard definition of handsome and sexy. Ultimately, you are handsome and sexy!


However, you had absolutely no problem in telling what you found attractive and unattractive in a woman. Granted I am full of insecurities, but you just exacerbated them by indirectly telling me I didn't match up to the perfect physical nature of your dream girl. Yes, I am fat, acne prone and not hairless...and these are exactly what you find unattractive and disgusting. Moreover, I never dressed sexily, I don't wear heals or a lot of jewelry, all of which you'd prefer your woman to do. How did you think that would make me feel? And you had to audacity to say you 'accept' my 'flaws'? (Just to make things clear, I do consider being overweight as a major flaw, but that is it.) For your information, real women get a few zits here and there sometimes, and it's not 'Ewww' or disgusting. Real women have bodily hair, and while I agree it is better to remove it, no woman can be completely hairless and smooth all the time. These are NOT flaws, unless you have a shallow mind. I'm hoping it's just immaturity for your own sake, or perhaps watching too much porn has skewed your image on how real women's bodies should look like.


And you broke up with me because you couldn't handle when I finally told you my version of a dream guy, because you couldn't physically match up to it. True, I was extremely emotional and upset when I dished out this information, and it was definitely meant to hurt you. So you are allowed to have a dream girl and I'm not allowed to have a dream guy? In hindsight, I don't regret this decision at all. If you hurt me, I have every right to hurt you. I'm not perfect and you aren't either.


I'm happy you broke up with me over such a petty, yet unnecessarily emotional issue. It has averted what could have been a potentially disastrous future for both of us. The break up has allowed me to think logically after a long time and delve deeper into this messed up relationship. There were many problems. Yes, I have made a lot of mistakes, but my intentions were always sincere.


Ryan, I hope to God you suffer for a long time. Just like I am.

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