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you broke up with me saying it's just a break and that you'd be there for me during that break...since that moment you've been ignoring me completely, it's like you've disappeared into thin air. It's been more than 2 months now since I last heard from you. I know now it isn't a break, it's a break up but you weren't honest about it. I wonder if you ever miss me. I miss you every morning, every evening, in the weekends...I miss you like hell, even though you broke up with me in such a cowardly way. How could you tell me the one week your feelings for me are so strong and you want to grow old with me, and then two weeks later leave me in this way? How true were your words? You couldn't even give me closure when I asked you in my last letter whether it's a break or a break up. You didn't even reply. I never would have thought our relationship would have such a bitter end and that it would be over so soon. I was still so in love with you, you meant the world to me. And that's exactly how you felt about me too, you said.


I hate all the memories of the many good times we shared, they keep passing my mind. I hate it, they hurt me the most. I just wish I could erase all of them. I just wish I could erase you from my memory...alt ctrl delete you from my mind (speaking in computer terms, something you're so passionate about)


Listening to Save me from Queen now...the lyrics match my feelings about this situation




How can I forget

Those beautiful dreams that we shared

They're lost and they're nowhere to be found

How can I go on?

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It becomes clearer by the day that we are truly finished. I'm having so much trouble accepting it because I truly thought we'd be together forever. You pushed me to break up with you while I was going through a difficult time in my life and while I don't regret it, I just wish you could've been more understanding about the feelings I was going through. I still thought then that we would be back together, I still want to believe it now. My mind is a mess, one moment I'm dreaming that you'll come back to me, the next I recoil in horror accepting that you've walked out and aren't coming back. You are torturing me by telling me you "aren't sure" whether we'll ever get back together. I've put the ball completely in your court and I'm a mess hoping you'll send it back my way.


I have nothing left to say to you, nothing more that I can give that you don't already have. You told me you're still in love with me. But it sure doesn't look that way. Time for me to leave you alone.. let you make up your own mind, and move on with my life.

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I don't know why I have to be stuck like this.. I'm in mud. I can't make u love me or want me and I can't make me stop thinking about y u have changed so much and y all of a sudden I was not a special person in your life and you want to give me away like trash. What made u stop caring and want to throw all we made away forever? Can u give me some? Because you don't deserve all the love I'm giving when I'm someone you can't even text back after you insulted me the other night. Who are you? Where is my old lover? Come back.

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You are a self-centered child. Everything is about you. You know, I tried to warn you that you should take your interviews seriously. You got mad at me and told me that I didn't support you and only tried to bring you down. Guess what? You didn't take your interviews seriously, and now you have no job. You're just waiting to get kicked out of the country. You should have listened to me. I was never your enemy. Again and again, I tried to help you, but you were just defensive. Always the victim. Everyone is against you. You against the world. And then some days, everyone loves you. Everyone wants you.


Time to wake up, little boy, and see that people don't act or make decisions just because of you. Your friends don't move away because they hate you. Start looking around and see that people have their own thoughts, motivations, and feelings that are not at all influenced by you.


Oh, and you can't just use people with no regard to their feelings. You hurt people, and you need to take responsibility for the consequences of your own actions. One day, I know you'll realize that I treated you so much better than you deserved, and you made a mistake in letting me go. Everyone told you I was too good for you. Your friends told you. Your father told you. You just took everything I offered, and then you threw me away when I no longer seemed useful.


Even my therapist thinks you're a jerk.

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so i sent you another text today, " i miss you" and i get back "and we could've been friends if you didnt crazily yell at me for no reason when you are drunk" and i said " i didn't want to be in the friends zone. we are on two different pages and maybe we should stop speaking.. im sorry that you dont miss us and you are using me as a last resort. i wanted to get back what we were" no response. better that way. at least i dont have to hear again how much you dont care. i feel crushed again. not that I shouldve expected anything to be different. just like on july fourth when i could see and feel how much you didn't care, i guess I thought time would have made you appreciate me or us or something. but i will remain just an ex to you and you will not want the future i thought we still could have. unlike you i am not going to get under 40,000 people to make me feel better, because unlike you that would make me feel worse knowing that that person didn't know every inch of me like you once did and gave up. i'm going to go hermit crab mode until i feel safe with myself wihtout you again. then i will keep to my vow of singleness and when it is over i will too be with someone who will give me all you stupidly refused to you d bag. i hate you for leaving me behind. i hate you for all you gave up. i hate you for not loving me anymore.

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Having a horrible week this week, for all sorts of reasons. Have dreamt about you at least twice, which is odd as I felt almost over you last week. Summer has turned into Autumn, it's near 4 am and the rain and wind are beating against the window. This time last year we'd have probably been in bed together, I certainly don't recall noticing any bad weather. Apart from you life is going pretty good. Two interivews this week, gym is going great and social life is starting to pick up. Was browsing tripadvisor and noticed the hotel we stayed in for my 27th which was horrendously depressing. I don't know why this loneliness has hit all of a sudden but it is sure has hit. Today has been the worst day I've had in weeks.


I realised yesterday when out walking that the post BU contact you made was purely due to you feeling sorry for me, sorry for leaving. It all makes sense now. I know you are completely over me, but I still find it a bit of a mind * * * * that in that short space of time where we had that initial argument, and I told you to leave if you wern't happy, you managed to finalise everything and draw a line under it. Heck it was only like 3 hrs. We hadn't argued seriously for ages before that. You'd never been that final about anything before. You were always so kinda naieve.


Well, you see I'm analysing something that happened 4 months ago now, which is pointless. I have to admit it seems like last week you were here, tidying things up, watching tv and sleeping in the bed. It's gone really fast, but not in a good way.


On a plus point, I know this is reoccuring because I'm spending a lot of time on my own still despite the above points. Plus I have been feeling nauseous and generally off all day so am hoping it's some mild depression symptom from an illness, like you get with cold or flu sometimes. Trying to stay positive, I am having way more good days than bad these days.

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You know what I remembered today? When you were dating her, you were apart for 3 months. You said that when she picked you up at the airport, she didn't even hug you. She was completely apathetic.


I was always excited to see you. Always. And after three months of being apart? Not that we've ever been apart for that long, but even a single month was torture.


There is no way in the entire universe she could ever love you like I do. Choose me, not her.

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You said that you didn't see me as the person you want to spend the rest of your life with (truth), planned on pursuing other relationships (good!) but that you weren't ruling out something in the future with us ( * * * ?). Essentially, you were saying you were happy for me to be your "fallback girl" if you didn't find someone better.


And that's really, really insulting.


First, it presumes that I'll still be single when you get done looking for what you actually want. That I have so little respect for myself that I would sit back and wait for you when you don't want me, or that you presume no one else will have me. Second, it says you really do see the idea of being with me as settling for less despite saying that you didn't.


I'd been willing to go against my better judgment and consider getting back together if you'd honestly just lost your mind the day you dumped me, and you'd been under enough stress for that to be the case. But while many people have said you had to have been crazy to throw a chance to be with me away, you did it again sane.


You'll never find anyone else like me -- they broke the mold when they made me. And there will be a person who appreciates what I am and what I have to offer.


But that will never be you. Even if you said you did, I'd never be able to believe you now. Even if we were both single a decade from now. It. Will. Never. Happen. So if you actually want a friendship with me, cut out the "maybes" from both your vocabulary and from your thoughts. Because I've dealt with enough men who have wanted to chase the dream but thought I'd still be there when they got their feet back on the ground (or worse, when they wanted to get their **** wet, but it amounts to the same thing...) that if you keep seeing that as a possibility I will sense it, feel disrespected like I do now, and that's what will really screw up our friendship.


I really do wish you the absolute best of luck in finding the person who you actually want.

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Felt better today than I did all weekend. Think I'm finally ready to just let it all go. It's out of my hands now and there's no going back. I don't want you back. You will never be what I want you to be nor give me what I need. Emotionally, physically, spiritually, mentally. You are just not on my level. One of these days you WILL grow up. You'll be forced to. And by then, it'll be way too late for me. I'll have moved on and I will be happy and healthy. And you'll still be that "teenager" trapped in man's body, probably still being driven around by whoever and working the SAME job. Good for you!

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I'm not crying about you anymore which is so weird! I've been so wrapped up in this forever. But I'm so curious about you! I wish we weren't on such bad terms.


I don't know what to think. Can't do much about it anyway. I kind of hope you're doing well...I know I shouldn't think about you at all but of course I do.

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I havent felt like this for so long. You know that the worst thing you can do is ignore me. All I ever wanted was the truth and for you to deal with things properly. I could never hate you but I HATE the way you deal with things knowing full well that it hurts me so much.


I wanted you in my life and would have sacrificed so much to keep you in it and this is what I get in return.


If you wanted to move on why did yiu keep me so close and then cut contact to easily.


A year on and Im still so in love with you. Maybe this is what I need to properly move on.


Take care love, I really do miss you xxxxxx

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The last 2 nights together with you have been fantastic and even you've said that it's been some of the best times we've had together. Yet I still can't get you to give me another chance and make us official once again. I know you were in a mess by the time our relationship finished and at times I didn't do enough to make you feel loved and wanted. With a new perspective on our relationship and a new perspective of you as a person, I would do anything for that chance - to prove that I can do my part to make this relationship work. I'm going to give you a month to make up your mind, after that I can't continue with this. I will walk away no matter how much it hurts. So for the next month, I'm taking the pressure off you. I will not ask you again to make us official. I know you are not dating or seeing anyone else, and truth be told you have been genuinely treating me like a good boyfriend, but if we are not official the option for you to walk away is wide open and I can't deal with that. I could never watch you get with someone new while you claim to love me and want us to work.


If you still don't want to be with me after that time, it is obvious that we were not meant to be. 7 October 11 is the date and after that I will have the self respect to walk away and admit that you are just not the right girl for me.

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I hate you for giving me a second chance, because all it did was give me false hope. You let me back in so you could use me to feel close to someone. I know that I messsed up first, and I know I messed up terribly. I know now that what we had before was everything I wanted, I just didn't know it at the time. But I'm tired of all that blame being on my shoulders. YOU should've told me you felt that strongly. YOU shouldn't have said you forgive me if you hadn't. And just because you are angry at me DOES NOT give you the right to intentionally hurt me. I hate you for the things you said to me. I hate you for telling me you love me, but you don't think you'll ever see me in the same way. I hate you for not being the person I know you could be. I hope you think of me every day and cry. I hope you lay awake every night and miss me laying beside you. I hope I'm in every single one of your dreams, reminding you of us. I hate you for not being here beside me right now. Most importantly, I hate you because I'm still * * * * ing in love with you....and you don't even think of me.

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Youre such a pathetic person. Having a child with me while the whole time you still wanted your loser x bf. You said you wanted to marry me then you left me cold once you found out he was single again. Enjoy your sick and twisted life you trashy * * * * * . Ive never loved and hated anyone more then you in my entire life.

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Self-efficacy. Look it up, and look in the mirror. You are entirely selfish, stupid, and immature.


And while I'm at it, fat. You're overweight. No other way to slice it. How dare you tell me to lose weight! I was never even close to overweight even though I wasn't one of those tiny little dolls you usually screw around with. You, on the other hand, are just plain fat. Talk about projection.

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