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Everything posted by notquitepsycho

  1. You said that you didn't see me as the person you want to spend the rest of your life with (truth), planned on pursuing other relationships (good!) but that you weren't ruling out something in the future with us ( * * * ?). Essentially, you were saying you were happy for me to be your "fallback girl" if you didn't find someone better. And that's really, really insulting. First, it presumes that I'll still be single when you get done looking for what you actually want. That I have so little respect for myself that I would sit back and wait for you when you don't want me, or that you presume no one else will have me. Second, it says you really do see the idea of being with me as settling for less despite saying that you didn't. I'd been willing to go against my better judgment and consider getting back together if you'd honestly just lost your mind the day you dumped me, and you'd been under enough stress for that to be the case. But while many people have said you had to have been crazy to throw a chance to be with me away, you did it again sane. You'll never find anyone else like me -- they broke the mold when they made me. And there will be a person who appreciates what I am and what I have to offer. But that will never be you. Even if you said you did, I'd never be able to believe you now. Even if we were both single a decade from now. It. Will. Never. Happen. So if you actually want a friendship with me, cut out the "maybes" from both your vocabulary and from your thoughts. Because I've dealt with enough men who have wanted to chase the dream but thought I'd still be there when they got their feet back on the ground (or worse, when they wanted to get their **** wet, but it amounts to the same thing...) that if you keep seeing that as a possibility I will sense it, feel disrespected like I do now, and that's what will really screw up our friendship. I really do wish you the absolute best of luck in finding the person who you actually want.
  2. One thing: Are you asking them out for the same day? They're saying they're busy, not that you're an arsehole and should go to hell.... Some women have very active social schedules. If you're asking them out for the same day or the next day try asking them out early on in the week for the weekend.
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