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How can you just so easily move on with your life? What are you doing thats so much fun with out me by your side? You are such a cold and selfish person that always put yourself before anyone else.


I hate you for what you have put me though these past 2 weeks. You said you loved me to death and could have been with me forever. Then you just leave with a crappy excuse. Leaving me alone with no one while you're out with your friends living life to the fullest.


I hope one day your decision that you made that night haunts you in your sleep forever.

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I wish when I'd broken up with you, you had just ceased to exist.


But no, now I get to see you every day at work, flirting with the new guy, starting a whole new relationship.


I hope it works out for you, you deserve to be happy ](*,)


(and your response to that would be "yeah, i know. and I am ")

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Your comment that I was wrong to fight for my family was the most brilliant thing you've ever said to me. It made you look so ridiculous, so immature, so nonsensical, I clearly saw how pathetic you are, how much you want to twist things around to hurt me. The irony that you said this during a conversation about empathy and steps we could take to communicate better wasn't lost on me.


This idiocy of yours has killed the last bit of love I had for you. I could never settle for a man like you. I don't have a clue as to who you are, but I don't want anything to do with you. You've done me a great favor. Thanks for being you!


I'll say hello if we run into each other at A.'s ballet recital, but that's it. I don't ever want to have to attempt to have any kind of conversation with you, so I hope you don't say anything other than 'hello' as I will have nothing more than that to say to you...oh, if you mention the weather, I'll ignore it. You can't turn me into a bank teller.

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Your looks are all you have and I was a sucker for them, blind to the ugliness beneath. In time they will fade to reveal the inconsiderate, selfish, spoilt girl you are. Being able to love and care for someone else is a gift that was not given to you, and as such you do not have the right to my love now or ever again.

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Hey, I hope the new place is working out for you! And I hope you're working on that project young man, you know it's a bad idea to leave it to the last minute. Stop smoking, and realise you're worth so much more than this sweetheart.


Good luck going back to uni, I know you said you can't imagine yourself finishing, but as long as you don't let yourself get distracted by people who aren't looking out for you, I believe you can do it.


Thank you for loving me, even if it was only for a little while. I wish you were hugging me this morning. I'm only writing this because I had a dream about you last night for the first time in many months. Maybe it's just sinking in.


Live life, be free, do all the things you need to do, and I'll do the same. We are too young anyway. But please don't forget me. Please come back one day. Remember how the ways we met felt like fate? Well I'm putting all my faith in fate right now. But until then, I'm letting you go from my mind for now. I will always love you xxx

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P.S. I know you cheated and lied. I know there is every chance you don't give a damn about me. But I just can't make myself hate you... I need to let all that love out somewhere. But if you do come back, there's every chance I'll see clearly and resent far too much...

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I don't know why you got me the sunglasses after you dumped me. I felt so stupid cause i didn't see this coming and you were planning the breakup all along. I was making so much progress and then you try and come back in my life? I don't need your glasses or money, I sent them back to you. I hope you realize that I am not angry or hurt, I am over it! I have not contacted you and let you go because that is what you asked for and I love you.

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This is tearing me to pieces hon. This is the longest we have been apart/not been speaking since we met, even after all you did to me..... I miss you soooo much ..and I wish I could see you, hold you, make you see how much I care about you. I promised you that I would cope with your * * * * and I am so sorry that I couldn't... even though your * * * * meant basically tormenting me as much as possible.....

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You told me you were depressed, the last week we spoke. Even though you said that I may be the cause of your unhappiness and that you weren't sure (that did hurt me so much), I meant what I told you. Even if when I told you that I'd always be there if you need to talk, and how I would just listen and never judge, and you told me "Pfft. I'm fine. I can help myself."; I am still there for you.


I still wonder if you are depressed and how you are coping. My love for you was sincere. I wonder if you're afraid to approach me now because I finally said "Enough!" and walked away when you were cruel. While I'd rather have a tooth pulled out without anesthetic that get back with you; I would definitely help you.


Don't you know me by now?


I hope you're ok.

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Your pride and your anger were more important than anything else. You didn't stop to think at all, you just went on a raging whim. You want to prove how great daddy is? Because he's housing you now, getting to be the 'good guy'? Wait till he hits on one of your girlfriends, or forbid her CHILDREN. Is he going to be so great then, was it not enough that you know what he did? When will it ever be enough to you? When will you ever say "This is wrong!!!!!"?


When will you realize that you started a family with me that was quickly lost, and THAT should have been your priority right then. Not sticking me on the bottom of the totem pole. How do you so frequently tell me I'm the best thing that's ever happened to you, and then leave me bleeding and grieving without a word, even?! A WORD?!?!?!?!?!?! You didn't even have the decency to tell me you were leaving, gone 1000 miles away. I HAD TO FIGURE IT OUT MYSELF!!!!!!!!!!! Your mother could have at least told me you were okay, I'm so angry that I worried about you and your well-being, thinking something awful happened to you. No, instead that woman treated me just like you did, lied to me and told me she didn't know if you were ok, and ignored me. She didn't have to tell me any details, she just could have told me you were safe and left it at that. You're all screwed up. Your pedophile father, your abusive mother, your sister who totally abandoned her baby. And I thought you were different. I thought your head was on straight. You asked me not to judge you for what they've done, to you, to others - But you're turning out just like them. WHY?! You had a better, bigger heart than this, I thought. Please don't be like them. You can be so much more than that. I actually feel bad for you, as angry as I feel right now. You had a really crappy life. You could do so much more, do so much better.


Although I could kiss the ground in gratitude that I didn't have the life that you had. I had a rough one too, but I'm so grateful that I learned to separate right from wrong - Something you have yet to learn.

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I told Pete about your week in London. He nodded, like that explained a lot. He also seemed confused by the fact we recently had sex. He said "huh, that doesn't sound like he feels nothing for you" in a way that let me know that's what you told him. Yet, you still claim to love me. Your lies and manipulations are all clear now.


Day four of NC.


Day seven of feeling nothing but pity for you, my childish former love.

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