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Is Lust That Strong?

Just Broken

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Hello all. New here. I'll try to make this short. Need some online therapy!


I've been dating this girl for almost 2 years. We broke up last November, then got back together in Feb. Been together since, 2-3 weeks ago. (That makes it about 3 months back together) When I broke up with her again.


Let me tell you a bit about her: She is 23, very rude and disrespectful to all of my friends and family, She has no friends, A bad temper, gets worse when she drinks, very insecure, and just flat out mean! But she's gorgeous and has a great ass... So I put up with all her bs for that. Yes I have realized it was mostly lust. I felt some love, but for the most part I was never truly happy with her. But when I am without her, I fall apart. I drive myself crazy thinking about her and how we can make it work. And there is just no way to do this with her... But my questions are why do I only want her when I cant have her? How do I release myself from her and completely let go? Why do I want to be with her when there's no way I could ever marry this woman. Is lust that strong? I've never had this strong of a physical attraction towards someone. But I know as well as everyone who knows us, we are just so incompatible. Just tell me how to let go.? I'm sure some of you here have wanted someone you knew was no good for you at all... How do you stop thinking about them?

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I have had some very hot sex with a man I could not stand as a person.


Yes lust is that strong, it should not be under estimated in any way, most people confuse this for love...


People confuse love and lust mainly because there is such a strong correlation propagated that you need to be in love to have sex or really enjoy it.


It can be confusing because both are so strong and make you crazy So it's important that you ask yourself if you really care for this woman, because I sense you do, in that case, you really care about her, but it's easier to view her as a sexual being, because she doesn't meet your view of what a wife should be...


I think you should really think about what draws you to her, once you identify what that really is, than you will be able to begin letting go....

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I have known people I found extremely attractive and who I fantasized about, though I know their personality and would absolutely despise them as a person. I would never want to even befriend these people.


Lust and Love can go hand in hand but are by themselves very very separate things. I think you're mistaking the feeling of comfort you had in simply having somebody around with feelings of love for that person. Separate your feelings of physical attraction to her from your actual thoughts about her as a person. Somebody with a personality you enjoy and love is the only kind of person you can have a fulfilling relationship with.

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Looks arent everything. Personally if someone was direspectful to my family or friends I'd kick their butt to the curb permanetly. Remember, shes not very nice, shes insecure, horrible. Why not concentrate on finding someone your attracted to whose nice as well?


I agree with BlueAfterglow08 - unless you are 99 and look like Quasimodo, there are LOADS of girls out there with great ass*s who will turn you on like nothing else


Get out there and find one. Being disrespectful to your folks is an absolute dealbreaker. Lust is great. But believe me when you find lust AND love what you had here will pale into insignificance. Good luck.

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Uhm, well you could try replacing her with another gorgeous woman, with a great a$$......minus the nastiness


I've never fallen for anyone who had a crap personality, no matter how good looking they were.

That's exactly what I was going to say, LOL.


Yes, I guess lust can be that strong, but sometimes you have to start using your brain too. If you know this is not the type of person you could ever marry, then you cut off all ties and move on. On the other hand, if all you're really interested is some sex to see you through some "dry times", then not much will change and you'll continue to lust after her.

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Because at the moment you don't have anyone else for sex


And give yourself a bit of credit, you must at least have cared for her a little unless you are extremely shallow


But your words speak volumes - she's not for you and it would never work, so move on.

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  • 1 month later...

ok. it is done. I let her go. It has been 2 weeks. Now what? Time? Well I have a lot of time... Why do I choose loneliness instead of a woman who loves me and wants to spend the rest of her life with "me".? me, of all people... Why is she so powerful over me? Why cant I move on? Why do I continue to pine over this negative woman? When I know it's wrong...

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I think I have some sort of psychological dependency on her. Almost as if it were a spell. Or it's like an addiction. I cant seem to stop wanting or needing her...


Have you ever heard about the 'Stockholm Syndrome' or 'cognitive dissonance'? If not, read a bit about it and apply this to your situation. I think it might help.


e.g.: link removed

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I just read the article. But I dont think this is my situation. She was not abusive towards me... It was just a toxic relationship. But I'm starting to think that I actually like or even crave the drama our relationship offers... Is that weird? A week ago she wanted to marry me. I did not. Now, I want to marry her. And I am about to call her. Is there anyone here who can stand behind me and say it is ok to spend the rest of my life with this woman? Anyone?

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seems like more of a codependency and possession feeling rather than lust.

you like her features, you place alot of emphasis on them. shallow makes shallow.

when she is gone you 'fall apart' because you want her to stabilize you. perhaps having her around even makes you feel better about yourself.


but enough of that. you call it lust, i call it weakness.

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I just read the article. But I dont think this is my situation. She was not abusive towards me... It was just a toxic relationship. But I'm starting to think that I actually like or even crave the drama our relationship offers... Is that weird?



no. actually its terribly common. and its the key to why alot of terrible chaotic and unfufilling relationships work.

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do whatever you want. there is no right or wrong here. its what you want or what you dont want.

if you are done playing with the shiny toy and want something different.. like a decent girl you actually are compatable with, then leave her alone. go no contact and sever the tie.

if you arent done, then you arent done.

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seems like more of a codependency and possession feeling rather than lust.

you like her features, you place alot of emphasis on them. shallow makes shallow.

when she is gone you 'fall apart' because you want her to stabilize you. perhaps having her around even makes you feel better about yourself.


but enough of that. you call it lust, i call it weakness.


Perfect. Remember, sex and toxic relationships can feel addictive ... almost like a drug; moving away from that is like a painful withdrawal. You need time, focus on other things in your life, and self-improvement to move forward. More than anything, you need to grow up and mature - work on your shallowness and developing stronger interpersonal relationships.

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No, I am not sure. But I am sure that I dont want to spend the rest of my life alone... Whats worse?


lots of people do it. and besides there are alot of women out there. ALOT. i highly doubt that you will never ever.. ever... find another person to date than her.

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I guess your right. But man, What on earth has this woman done to me? I cant get her off of my mind.

For the past few weeks she has literally thrown herself at me, and I kept denying her. The minute she stopped, is when I start to fall apart. And want her back. Is it the chasing that I miss, or is it her?

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I think it's a mixture of both... maybe your feelings for her aren't 100% genuine, but you still sorta-kinda-maybe like her/care about her.


But let me get this straight... for the past few weeks, she's made herself really available to you & she's stated she wants to be with you and then you deny it?


I'm just curious as to what the situation is exactly.

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