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Is Lust That Strong?

Just Broken

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i think she is your 'rock'

your last post solidifies that idea to me.. the rejecting when she is chasing but wanting when she withdraws...

maybe its like an ego feed, or a confidence/stability addiction.

because when she stops making you feel wanted then you cant handle it. and that makes you want to stoke the fires so to speak.

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THe situation is this. She is a bad person. She is rude, has no respect, angry, bad temper, insecure, spoiled, drinks too much, and the list goes on... But I love her and I care about her alot. And very physically attracted to her as well... But of course I cant bare the thought of her with someone else, which I am 99.9% sure there is already... Which hurts bad too. I just need to find a way to release myself from thoughts of her, and move on. I dont know how. I keep myself busy, but not 24/7. I think about her too much. How do I let go?

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I cant do it. I can not spend another minute without her. I miss her so much right now.

I went out this morning and bought a beautiful 1ct diamond engagement ring. I went to her house to propose. She was home, but did not answer. and there was a strange car in the driveway. I dont know what to do now. Do i fight for her or give up? And how do I fight for her without looking like a stalker? She wont answer her phone or reply to texts. I only tried to call twice. I know what too much trying can do. I will leave her alone for now. But I feel horrible. I want her back so bad. What do I do? And it's Saturday night. I will be home alone... Probably getting drunk.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Why am I having so much trouble with this? Why cant I seem to move on? Why do I feel like contacting her all the time? (I don't at all) I spent the whole weekend with my family, had a nice time. Went on a date with a wonderful woman Friday night... But When I'm alone, the demons come. I know it was very toxic, and I dont think I want her back. I want to let go. I just want to let go.

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i think you will find the answers in your childhood. Have a good think about the relationship you had with your parents. As a child/adolescent, did you feel like you had to fight for your parents' attention and love? It sounds to me like you associate love with pain and accordingly, this is something you may have learned in childhood. If you have low self worth and insecurity yourself you will confuse the fear and insecurity this woman gave you with something more special. As you said, you are addicted to the high stakes and drama associated with unstable and insecure relationships because this is what you have learned at some point in your childhood or adolescence.........it becomes a biochemical response in your body........when you are chasing her, the anxiety creates a rush in your body that feeds that addcitiev 'high' feeling. When you finally have her, the chemicals settle down and you crash so you need to create drama to give you another rush and high.

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