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I've been having a barrage of dreams about my ex lately. It's got me worried. I'm afraid this means I'm not over him, even though I'm currently very happy in a new relationship and do not want to go back to the past. In fact, I've asked myself many times how I'd react if he called me right now wanting to reconcile, and even though what we had was great, I cannot forgive him for lying, cheating, making false promises and basically stringing me along. I've dreamt about him 4-5 nights in the past week, but I'm telling myself it's because it was his birthday a few days ago and my current relationship just recently got a little more serious. In one of the dreams, he said "I'm not coming back to you" and I woke up feeling hurt, but only for a second. In another, he came to hold me but I pushed him away. The dream from last night consisted of his calling me telling me he'd dumped the woman he left me for and asking to get back together. I woke up before I could answer him, but I didn't feel much of anything, just annoyance that I'm still dreaming about him!


This new relationship is so much better for me and I really want to try to make it work and see where it goes. I feel guilty about having these dreams. Maybe I need closure? I know it's overrated, and it needs to come from within myself, but it doesn't help that at our last conversation, he still couldn't give me a straight answer about whether we were done for good, and intimated a call from him sometime in the future. I really want to move on, and I feel like I have been. No more thoughts of him (at least not when I'm conscious), and I'm fully dedicated to my new bf, but these recent dreams are making me doubt myself.


Do you guys think I have residual feelings to worry about, or is it just my mind coming to grips with a new stage of my life and filing away old memories?

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I have been having dreams about my ex as well. We are still broken up since Jan 09. I use to have dreams about her after the first few weeks of the break-up but they eventually went away. Until now...I have had two scary dreams about her and a certain guy she had slept with during our break up.


In the dreams I am chasing after her trying to get her to be with me then this guy pops up in the picture. She says I don't love you anymore, I love him. I wake up sweating, hurt, and angry. Is this normal?

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