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The BellaDonna, Get off Your Ass Journal


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I know I put myself out on a limb a bit- but all of my intuition keeps telling me "go for it" and that it will be worth the risk. I feel like I have a good chance at getting that job, AND a good chance of a counter offer. That same day I opened a Chinese fortune that said:



"Your character can be described as natural and unrestrained."


It motivated me to be very direct and assertive with my boss, but in the most professional way possible.

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The universe seems to be working the way that I want it to. It seems I will now have a win win situation no matter what. Boss said he'd fully support me and will give a strong reference for Director job. He wants to collaborate if I get it and partner on some initiatives. He also said if I didn't get it he would re-define my job title within my current organization, and I would see a pay increase and better workspace, and for the first time ever, gave a timeline of when I could expect that, and full transparency about what he has to make happen budget-wise to send the money my way.




I am still rooting for the Director job. It is ultimately the best of the 2 options, as I will not be at his or anyone else's mercy.

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Ugh. I've been so stressed with work, with the uncertaintly of what the future holds. I REALLY want that director job!!! My boss kissed my butt today. I suppose that was validating. Still, money talks and BS walks.



I am also preparing for a trip. I'm super nervous. I have a flying phobia and will be getting on a plane for the first time in 20 years..... I have so much to do before I leave it's unreal.


I ate bad today. I had french fries. grrr

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Getting ready for my trip to a warmer climate. I can't wait!!! I leave tomorrow morning....really early. I'll be gone for a little over a week. May pop in ENA from my phone at night if I am bored. (My family and child are not exactly party animals lol)


I'm so freakin' scared to fly because of a flying phobia. I have not been on a plane in over 20 years. I will overcome this (well with the help of a little Xanax and maybe a glass or two of wine on the plane that is!!!)


I plan to go to the (on site) gym at least every other day, and do lots of swimming and walking. I already made a grocery shopping list for when I get there. It is the first thing I will do. I need to stock the fridge with healthy breakfast options, lunch, snack, and meal options. I don't want to go out to dinner every night because of the fact that restaurant foods always have more calories.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I officially combatted my flying phobia. I had a great trip. It went by too quickly.


Now that I'm back it is time to track my eating more closely and get my ass back to the gym. Despite being very active while away, I splurged too much on treats and it shows. It always goes straight to my lower stomach. I HATE that.


I know its not in my head because my grandmother asked me if I was pregnant today. Nice eh? That was my kick in the ass to get back on track. grrrr

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Well I officially combatted my flying phobia. I had a great trip. It went by too quickly.


Now that I'm back it is time to track my eating more closely and get my ass back to the gym. Despite being very active while away, I splurged too much on treats and it shows. It always goes straight to my lower stomach. I HATE that.


I know its not in my head because my grandmother asked me if I was pregnant today. Nice eh? That was my kick in the ass to get back on track. grrrr


I'm sure that's just her wishful thinking, Bella. I can't imagine she isn't hoping for another great-grandbaby.

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It's amazing how a few days of eating really clean can make me feel so good. I already lost that bolated look and feeling that I had from junk food. Hopefully my grandmother won't continue to think I'm pregnant with triplets now. grrrr :silly:


I need to stick with this plan because I really want to tighten things up before I have to be in a summer wedding. Unfortunately the bride chose a bridesmaid gown that isn't very forgiving (strapless short gown in a light color). I want to look my best for the day.

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Cholesterol is a concern for me too. It have a really bad genetic disposition to high cholesterol. It runs rampant in my family. I have to really watch it. I have managed to keep my total cholesterol at about 160. (aAfter I had my son it was over 200!) My LDL is now within healthy range, but they always tell me my HDL should be just a little higher.


I love your avatar with the hummingbird, Huntress. It reminds me to get my feeder out and ready, because its almost hummingbird season where I live. They are amazing.

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My HDL is good is just my LDL that needs some work plus Vitamin D which I am picking up a multivitamin today that has the required amount as directed by my doctor. I eat 2-3 servings of dairy a day and get out in the sun so it's a mystery why that would be low. It's not high by a lot but I do have family esp my aunt who has dangerously high cholesterol and I refuse to let that stuff happen to me if I can prevent it.


Thanks! I'm actually waiting for my feeder to come in. I bought a Hummzinger which are supposedly the best ones to get right now. It is hummer season here and my husband has to put my bird feeder pole out. I'm looking forward to making their nectar.

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After a week of squeaky clean eating, I am feeling much better about life.


I don't think grandma was lying. I think I probably really did look knocked up last week- probably from being bloated from eating junk food while on vacation. The waists of my pants definitely look and feel better this week. The weather is warming up here, so I've been outdoors a lot. Walked 3 miles on a trail yesterday while pushing a carriage that was about 50lbs total between the kid and the gear. It was a good workout.

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(Is this the one that's in a different department but where you work now?)


Yes. It would be ideal because I'd be promoted, make more money. I would be able to stay in the same company, but I would not longer be at the mercy of my boss' mood. It's also a permanent position and not based on nonprofit soft money. I'f be in leadership position with only 2 people above me. I'd be right at the same level of my boss. lol

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