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Day 2,

Amazing! I have never felt so confident and moved on as i am today. My feelings for her are I'm sure still hidden underneath. But right now I feel great. I just got back from the library and had a cute girl eye on me. Unfortunately, I didn't make a move. But that's ok. Maybe it's all in my head but the important thing is, my confidence is there.

Another important part I should mention is I have been hearing little news on my ex. My buddy lives with my ex and tells me certain things. I don't ask him to. He just needs to vent about her and his other roommate haha. He gets angry at the stupid things they say and needs to get it out of his system. And the things that he says tells me that she isn't even the same girl anymore. My girlfriend is gone. The person she's become is not someone I want to be with. So my hope to reconcile is gone because I don't want to be with her.

So I can conclude that I'm taking big steps to getting over her. I don't want to be with her, and I am regaining my confidence around other girls. Things are looking up.

This is a great site and helped me out a lot but I think as long as I am feeling better, I am going to avoid it so I don't get the wrong mindset. I hope everyone the best of luck. Take care.

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Day 14


Two weeks since I've seen her! Can't believe it. Am going out tomorrow, Saturday, to treat myself to a load of new clothes, something I haven't done in ages, was to busy spoiling other people.


I hear ya when you say that... Its been 3 weeks since i bumped into my ex of 4 and half months i thought when he saw me he may have had second thoughts not to be but yes i wa stoo busy spoiling others to to look after me... well i tried to look after me to but ya know the juggling act isn't easy....

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A week since I haven't seen him or talked to him... I miss him and I do want to see him. Yesterday he asked about me but, of course, would not do anything to reconnect with me. I know he cares, only doesn't want me the way I want him. I haven't contacted him in a week although last we exchanged some closure emails to remain friends. I don't know how possible this is as he is not comfortable with me at all as if I broke up with him. I really don't understand why... is he guilty? Does he still have some feelings? I wish I knew.

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Day ... no idea, have lost count..... about 60 days ish !


It's the first day for ages that I cried over my ex. Only a wee bit, for a couple of mins. I guess I still miss her. It's nothing like a while ago. I am really enjoying my own company and my own life, but hey I still love the woman and will do for a long time to come. But today for some reason I kept going back over the last day we saw each other. But she is gone from my life and that's just the way it is. I wish we had worked it out, but she didn't want to, so I just need to get on with it I guess.

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Hi Everyone! I'm brand new to the forum. After looking around a bunch, I've found an amalgamation of posts, some helpful, some not. That being said, I think posting on this thread is a good exercise. A brief background of my breakup...


I was with my ex for two years. We were best friends, but we quickly fell madly in love over the course of some months. We were only together a very short time before she moved to work in europe, and we had been long distance ever since. We used to laugh together at how invincible we seemed. The distance was hard, but we always told one another that it would just make the time we would have with each other in the future that much better. How we would be so ready for it. Sure enough, just a few days after she moved to be with me, she freaked out and split, citing it wasn't even the circumstance, that she had not communicated some doubts that she had been having over the course of the past month or two. She no longer could be in a relationship, and it quickly became apparent to me. I was absolutely shocked. I had planned and dedicated to the moment that she used to dump me. Still, she desperately wanted to remain friends. I declined.


So, my situation is this: we broke up almost two months ago. It's been 3 weeks of NC. I first initiated it, then broke it, then she initiated it. We ended on good terms. She will be traveling soon for up to 3 months and will get in touch when she gets back. Reconciliation is a possibility, it has been discussed. The full reasons for the breakup are still unclear, but there was no one else. She was still a confused mess three weeks ago. The possibility has made it very difficult to move on, but I do feel like I am making a lot of progress, especially over the past few days.... for whatever reason.


Today's report: the days are going faster, but I know I have well over one hundred days to go. And that isn't the way I should be looking at it. I'm enjoying my own self more than I have since she left for europe two years ago. I miss her less. I'm more willing to accept that it might really be over. I wouldn't be devastated if that was the case when we do speak again. Things are pretty good. Thanks for listening.

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I want to contact him so bad!!!!! I want us to hang out again and be friends and then eventually get back together!!!! I can see it all happening in my head. I want it so bad. The hope seems so real in my mind. I want to know what he's doing, how he's feeling, who he's seeing. I have to stop thinking like this.


Day 4

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Day 17


Difficult. Met with two of her sons yesterday and they seem to think that we really are through, their mum is digging her heels in, they agreed we both need to sit down and talk but I'm not ready to do that just yet. They were both genuinely upset that it may finally be over. I need to be very strong in the next couple of weeks.

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Day 1



Wow. I woke up with horrible bags under my eyes and when I blinked, I still had tears. Anyway, today is going to be my first day. I have to take an exam this morning and work from 8 PM to 4 AM so it's going to be a long painful day. I know I can do it becasue I've done it before but it just hurts soooo bad. I just have to remember to stay very very busy at all times. It's hard though, when you're studying and stuff... you can't concentrate and your mind wonders. I hope I can get through it.

I'm also upset because I'm going to Texas to see my brother on Wednesday. He just graduated from the air force and I hope I'll be able to enjoy him instead of feeling crappy about this the whole time.


I just can't believe this is happenening again. This is the last time.

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