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Day 3 of No Contact.


Feeling ok. It's been 3 weeks now since he broke it off with me. I should've started NC back then, but I felt so hurt. I tried to mix in a few days NC with friendly txts like "Oh, I heard the new Star Trek's supposed to be really good." (Yeah, he liked Sci-fi stuff.) But that got no response.


Friday, I txted that I hoped it'd been long enough, that we could talk about what was wrong- that I did care, and I'd listen. No response. Saturday, I finally said this was his loss, that I thought he had sincere feelings for me. "And maybe you do- only you know how you truly feel. It's cliche, but- if it's meant to be, it'll be. When both of us are ready." Corny, but...Still no response.


So, the ball is firmly in his court. I've said everything I could say. This'll give us both a chance to clear our heads.


I made a deal with my friend- that from now on, if I am totally overcome with the urge to txt or call, I just send it to her instead. We even changed it so while he's on my contact list in my phone, it's linked to her cell number. His number is only listed under "Some Guy"- cuz as far as I should be concerned right now, that's all he is- just some guy.


But it still hurts, and I want to cry. It's not just that I want to be back with him- but also that I want to believe everything he'd said before was true. The idea that he might've been lying all that time, and just playing with my feelings...it's a painful idea, that I could be betrayed like that.


I guess the way he did it also hurts- not in person, not a phone call...but a txt message. He still tried to be nice, I guess, saying "I'm sorry you got confused. Truly. But you're a cool girl. You'll find a good guy. I promise." But then it seems like he's actually eager for me to be with someone else, and that makes me even sadder.

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Today is my first whole day without texting or calling him.... I just keep on wondering what is so wrong with me, there are plenty of reasons why I should have ended it with him.... But I literally was the best gf and I know i'm not perfect but to just completely shut someone out of your life without giving an explanation, what a coward. eventually I hope we can be friends considering we were only together 3 months and we have the same friends. But time will only tell, I know that's not possible right now but maybe in the near future.

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Crud. On Day Three and already broke NC. I am weak.


I txted to say "it took some time- but I know you tried to do what the right thing, what you thought was best, by ending it. So thank you- a lesser man would've exploited me more. But, I guess you knew my feelings were getting deeper...& you barely have time for yourself, let alone a GF. But, can we keep the door open between us?"


I don't know why I thought this was a great thing to say. I guess trying to convey maturity, or that I can understand the reasons for the break? I felt good...for all of 2 minutes after I sent it. But now, 30minutes later, no response back. And probably little chance of any response back. So I'm left feeling bad again, and with even less hope of reconciling.


So...back to NC.

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Today is my first whole day without texting or calling him.... I just keep on wondering what is so wrong with me, there are plenty of reasons why I should have ended it with him....


nothing wrong with you girl....hang in there and believe in yourself....


But I literally was the best gf and I know i'm not perfect but to just completely shut someone out of your life without giving an explanation, what a coward.


i know how you feel....




eventually I hope we can be friends considering we were only together 3 months and we have the same friends. But time will only tell, I know that's not possible right now but maybe in the near future.


just take it a day at the time....look to the future...


i am having one of those nights myself so i'm trying to take my own advice...

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Day 16


I soaked my pillows in tears last night before I fell asleep. Not because I miss him (I do terribly), but because I began to accept that we may never speak again. That it had to be the other option other than reconciling. We may never hug, kiss and laugh together again. I started to accept that for the first time in years, I had to do something for myself, not for an "us" or a "we". I thought i was ok today but I cried on my lunch break by myself. Sad I know, but therapeutic.

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Day 5, Missing her oh so much especially after that text yesterday, I hope its a sign that she is missing me, well I am sure she is but I wish just enough to have her want to fix things and come back.

Sounds horrible but new girl that has been hanging out with my friends and I is beginin to show some interest in me and I am likeing it and it makes me feel darn good, it just sucks because if it becomes of anything I know if the ex comes back anytime soon that I will hurt this girl and I dont want to do that so I plan on takeing things crazy slow!!!

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I forgot to post in this thread yesterday


it's day 55 now. Wow... I think I am so OVER this. I don't even feel like contacting the ex anymore.


FigureItOut and Cat76, great job! Keep on rollin', you know you can do it!


Thats brilliant ScorpiGal. Can't wait till I get to day 55!!

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woke up at 4am missing her so much......


i have a feeling it's going to be one of those days.....


i'm trying to hold on but sometimes.......



Day 23 for me also and I am having a bad one too.


I woke up so damn tired of it all this morning and I knew I was in for a bad day.


We can get through it tho, we WILL get through it!!

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Day 10 - I have dreams of him every night. Usually when I wake it doesn't affect me at all. But for some reason last night was more vivid then the others and I am finding myself thinking about him through out the day so far. Hopefully it'll go away by this afternoon.

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I forgot to post in this thread yesterday


it's day 55 now. Wow... I think I am so OVER this. I don't even feel like contacting the ex anymore.


FigureItOut and Cat76, great job! Keep on rollin', you know you can do it!


Thanks SG. Go you...\\

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Day 23 for me also and I am having a bad one too.


I woke up so damn tired of it all this morning and I knew I was in for a bad day.


We can get through it tho, we WILL get through it!!


You will get through it Jellybaby You've been very helpful for me and lots of others on here, so the favour will be returned.

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Ok this is officially day one because he sent 100 for my child and baited me into calling what a bad call...not worth it...here we go I can do this. He is a state away and lies about everything...even his boss said he skips work and borrows money.


I hope all goes well...I am here for ya guys!

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