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The worst date in the history of mankind. period.


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No need to ask, because it's obvious that she was testing you the whole night. But it's interesting to see how many people are taking this at face value and not reading in between the lines. She really likes you and I'm being very serious about this.


I learned long ago that women test guys to find out if they are being for real and not for malicious reasons. She'll test you by not returning your phone calls (to see if you are persistent and thereforee really like her), if you get jealous of her talking about another guy (you would only get jealous about someone who you have feelings for, if you cave to her every demand (test your spine to see if you are a man).


Cause it's so easy to lie with words and say "I'm a confident guy", but it's more convincing to show it through actions. Girls have to do this cause they've been lied to their whole lives by guys who are just faking it.


So...you should've stuck up for yourself about the mayo, stuck up for yourself or teased her about the cartoons, and stuck up for yourself when she implied that you would think she is a **** for putting out tonight (if that is in fact not the way you would feel).


Women aren't that complex, they are just speaking a different language. Cheers!

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Women aren't that complex, they are just speaking a different language. Cheers!


ok, i kinda agree with you but look at it from my point of view - she said she needed it to eat, and she was being "serious",


now that gives me 2 options =


1. i dont get it, and she would prob not touch a bite to price a point resulting in me = inconsiderate A hole


2. i get it, she has her fun resulting in me = push over.


if i had a chance to "stand up for myself" without looking like a complete a-hole, trust me i wouldve. but the stuff this girl was coming up with didnt leave me with that option.

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Hey my man, I used to think the same way as you. All it led to was an extremely single life!


There is definitely a way to stick up for yourself and come off like an a-hole, I've been doing it pretty consistently for the last 2+ years. And it works. I can put myself in your situation and think of exactly what I would say to her and how I would say it.


If you really believe that she was being serious and not testing you about the mayo, that is your perogative and right as a man on this earth to believe in whatever you wish. But whether or not what you believe is the truth is a separate matter. Either way, you are the one who will have to live with the results.


But the hate for her is unjustified.

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no dude, i know she was testing me, but she was doing it for fun trust me lol, to be honest im not normally single that often which is why i agree with what your saying, and your giving great and correct advise, its just in this case, im talking unbelievably unrealistic. and even if she is being serious, i dont want to know anymore lol.

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really??!?! i don't test the men i am interested in..not in that way anyways...yea i might wait for him to call but i don't look at a meal that was made for me...that was obviously home made and took some time and refuse to eat it without mayo..

That is NOT normal behavior for someone who cares about another individual...

she's rough and i think you are right to see this as a stop sign for sure!

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Aww man. Sorry to hear this. But when the right girl comes along, think of the freaking laughs you will have talking about this cheap number! LOL


You did great. Keep being who you are becasue some girl will LOVE all that you did!


Some of us gals LOVe southpark and we melt over a guy who can cook like that!

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no dude, i know she was testing me, but she was doing it for fun trust me lol, to be honest im not normally single that often which is why i agree with what your saying, and your giving great and correct advise, its just in this case, im talking unbelievably unrealistic. and even if she is being serious, i dont want to know anymore lol.


If she WAS testing you, still RUN just as fast as you would even if this is the real her. I know you don't want some idiot who plays games like THAT!


My guy grilled a fabio filet mignon our first date at his place where he cooked. I usually like A1 even on the best cut of steaks (it is a thing i'm ashamed of LOL) but i would NEVER have asked him for A1 when he made me that meal! Her asking for mayo and acting that childish was WHACK!

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i think asking for mayo is ok (a bit tacky, but ok), but making you get up to go buy some is awful!!!!! i wouldn't expect someone to leave their house to get me someting, i'd just eat the meal.




and certainly not for 2 itty bitty tomatoes!!! I laugh every time I think about it just because it's so surreal...


girl's got issues I say....



I mean I love me some mayo, but dammm....!!

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yeah, 'testing someone' in that way isn't fair or cool.

Oh hey, I make no judgment on the quality, I just live in the world as it is.


But I really don't disrespect this girl one bit, she can't help it. These are hard tests, she has probably been jaded by a lot of different guys. I can just see where she's coming from.


Cause she's right, OP feels pretty upset but is keeping it all inside. She doesn't feel like he's being very upfront and honest about his feelings here.

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Aw, okay. Firstly, you seem well sweet! I'd love a guy to cook me a meal, and do all the things you did! And watch Southpark with! lol.


Secondly, she's an interesting one. I think she was playing some kinda game...a test. But I'd never make a guy go out and get me mayo! You spend time cooking for her, and like it wasn't good enough?


Nooo, she's not right for you. I think you're right in giving her the boot. Crazy girl.

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Oh hey, I make no judgment on the quality, I just live in the world as it is.


But I really don't disrespect this girl one bit, she can't help it. These are hard tests, she has probably been jaded by a lot of different guys. I can just see where she's coming from.


Cause she's right, OP feels pretty upset but is keeping it all inside. She doesn't feel like he's being very upfront and honest about his feelings here.


i think you are giving her WAY too much credit...and not giving the OP any credit...it was the 2nd date he handled it the best he could...

i being female with a vagina...disagree with everything you have said...if my being female and having a vagina counts for anything...

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I'm straight, but if you cooked me chicken and pesto pasta I'd probably have sex with you. If you backed it up with a little South Park, I'd dress all in leather and live in your closet. If that can be construed as a good thing.


But seriously, I would have hit her with a candlestick after that mayo comment. NO!! How about I give you a used hankerchief - how's that for mayo?!


I'm so glad I'm not dating an English girl.

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it was the 2nd date he handled it the best he could...

Of course, just offering advice in case he wants things to turn out better in the future. He's free to take it or leave it, I still get paid the same

i being female with a vagina...disagree with everything you have said...if my being female and having a vagina counts for anything...


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I don't think she's testing him either, really, and she's WAY beyond high maintenance. Honestly, I'm not sure what folks in the UK call it, but over here in the states we says she's nuts. Bonkers. A few cards short of a full deck. A few bricks short of a full load. A certifiable whack-job. Seriously, there's something wrong with her. Even if she is just "testing," that's still nutty.


Consider yourself lucky she showed you here true self VERY early on.


I agree with Kuiks. To say that she's just "testing" is giving her waaaaaayyyy too much credit.


Too bad a taxi ride back to London would be sooooo expensive, otherwise I'd suggest you just send her back immediately and pay for it yourself.


I'm sorry this happened to you, but hey, it's a great conversation starter: "Did I tell you about the absolutely most horrendous date I've ever been on in my LIFE?"

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i think you are giving her WAY too much credit...and not giving the OP any credit...it was the 2nd date he handled it the best he could...

i being female with a vagina...disagree with everything you have said...if my being female and having a vagina counts for anything...


I agree. The whole she was testing him is giving her way too much credit and taking away credit from the OP for not wanting to deal wtih such insolence.


Maybe some women test men like this but they will have a real hard time finding a man who really wants to deal with her. Why fool with something like that when there are appreciative women out there?

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