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The worst date in the history of mankind. period.


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so a girl can't change her mind? she can't be overcome with urge but want to stop because she doesn't want to come accross easy...


you should make a list of all the things you don't want in a g/f...i don't think there would be a female left...


Girls have physical urges but how far they choose to go at any given time is always thier decision and they shouldn't be judged for that...


Well said

There have been times i've been with a guy and my urges overcome me and I get to a point where we are all hot and heavy but then I realize I shouldn't take it any farther because it isn't right. So i'm wrong because I choose to wait? Just because I initiate it?

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1st of all you implied i shouldve raped her.

2ndly i shouldve kicked her out the door.

3rdly you dont liek women that get really into you, and then think they should wait a bit longer because she likes you so much she doesnt want you to think less of her.


ok before you type your next post.. shhhhh i don't want my thread getting locked.




Jesus Christ... you are right bro.... i better get out of here before another post kicks in saying that i implied this and that... **jeez**

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Everything that we are "implying" about you, YOU have said yourself. It has been quoted. Quit trying to play the victim here.


i have the right to choose which girls i keep in and which girls i ask to leave... to twist that and say i am asking the OP to rape her is ridiculous...


but as always its such a joy to gang up and jump on me isn't it?

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you should have responded with "i'm sorry, but i dont want you to think i am a nice guy" and continued with the making out.


i have the right to choose which girls i keep in and which girls i ask to leave... to twist that and say i am asking the OP to rape her is ridiculous...


but as always its such a joy to gang up and jump on me isn't it?


So you didn't imply he should have continued with the making out and rape her? Hm Ok.


I'm starting to wonder if you like stirring up stuff in threads? You post something and then when someone replies to what you say, you twist it around trying to play victim like someone is attacking you or whatever the case may be and then it turns into a war between people.

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So you didn't imply he should have continued with the making out and rape her? Hm Ok.


I'm starting to wonder if you like stirring up stuff in threads? You post something and then when someone replies to what you say, you twist it around trying to play victim like someone is attacking you or whatever the case may be and then it turns into a war between people.


where did i say "go ahead and rape her man"????


plz don't put words in my posts and then make false accusations on me.

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i have the right to choose which girls i keep in and which girls i ask to leave... to twist that and say i am asking the OP to rape her is ridiculous...


but as always its such a joy to gang up and jump on me isn't it?




Jesus Christ... you are right bro.... i better get out of here before another post kicks in saying that i implied this and that... **jeez**


Grym, im probably going to get into trouble for this , but what the hell.


this is a constant with you on every topic. you don't reason at all, hey maybe we got it wrong, maybe we interpreted it wrong. but you don't even correct it, you just attack. every time someone trys to give you advise, you reject it.

you constantly make sexiest remarks that attract angry posts from female members.


i don't get it, your constantly asking why everything is going wrong, yet your always right right right. you always play the victim. everyones ganging up on you. people start off playing nice and offering you advise, but whats the point. it always turns into an argument.


boo hoo , life sucks, im not gonna fix it, and everyone else is wrong attitude is old and boring. people on here give great advise and have different perspective on things. you should listen once in a while. when your willing to listen to people and except there views on things, im more then happy to give you advise and help were i can. till then i give up.


Honestly? i think you like causing arguments and enjoy the attention.

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