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The worst date in the history of mankind. period.


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im not even exaggerating, this has to be the worst evening of my life. ( dating wise)


so for anyone that's been following this is London girl.


well i invited her down to my house for tonight, theres not much to do in my town so i had this great evening game plan worked out -

~il cook a really nice dinner

~chill out some rubbish films and talk alot, get to know each other better.

~ see were it goes.


i went all out for dinner, everything made from fresh, even the sauces etc., candle lit, music playing the whole sha-bang, we sit down and ... she wants mayo. ( this is a pesto based dish wish chicken, pasta and basil dressed salad, you dont have mayo with it)


i looked, i dont have mayo. all of a sudden this becomes a problem, she actually said she cant eat with out mayo. its ok.. i spent 2 hours working on this, and its going to become a warmed up microwave dinner- great rubber pasta and dried up chicken, my dream dish.

so i get my coat and we walk to the shop, i get the bloody mayo, and we come back. we eat , we kinda chat but to be honest i was pretty pee'd off.


2 cherry tomatoes. thats all she used the mayo for. 2 bloody cherry tomatoes. i actually felt like ramming the mayo down her throat ( not literally ), but we finished and i tried to put it behind us.


we go into my bedroom to chill out and the following convo occurred -


Me = hey i just downloaded the new episode of southpark, mind if we watch it


Her = i hate cartoons, theyre not real and they dont make sense

Me (jokingly) = to be honest nothing on tv is real....

Her ( with her head up her A ) = That's why i only watch soaps and the news


i could list every situation like this popped up constantly, but this thread would be 6000 pages long. i had to endure 2 hours of coronation street ( for those that know , this a british soap thats been going on for about 6 billion years, and lost its edge within the first 5 minutes, it the pinacle of poor producing and plot lines written by 90 year old virgins.), everything i said or did was wrong.

afer that we got talking again, and she pounced on me. were in my bed, shes on top, shes getting really passionate she takes my top off, i take hers off, we get down to our underwear, i go to take her bra off, she stops me,


"Im sorry i really like you, but i dont want you to think im a sl*t."


i didnt argue, i mean you cant really. it annoyed me because she was leading the whole thing, then decided to say that after...


im so glad shes asleep now. i seriously think she was trying to push to the point of snapping. we went out for dinner last week in london, she was cool and funny, SHE DIDNT TOUCH MAYO. now all of a sudden its like a 5 year old that has just spent a whole evening purposely trying to piss me off > and she accomplished that. ive been constantly put in the position of being a push over, or a complete a-hole for the last few hours.


sorry im just venting before i go to sleep on the couch. sorry so long.

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I'm so sorry, man. Maybe you have more fun with her in groups?


well last week i spent a few hours before hand just me and her when i took her out for dinner. it was the group thing that it kinda went mellow and i got mixed vibes from, i don't get it, why is she in my house right now if she's not interested? seriously its like she came down here to upset me. if there was a way for her to get home she would be outside, im not even joking.

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I am sorry your night turned out so crappy, i know you put a lot of effort in to that and she kind of crapped all over it from the sounds of it...

Some times you really don't know what a person is like until you get them out of a more official setting...so maybe this is her showing her true colours and you not responding well to them...i don't blame you!

So i guess this maybe makes you rethink the whole idea of pursuing things with her...i mean with the distance you really want to be with someone you connect with.

I have learned for myself that as long as I am connected to a person i can be happy anywhere doing anything...and for me being low key is my fav thing to do so I need to be with someone who is like that...more interested in playing games (board games, cards etc) or curling up to watch a movie rather than going to parties or clubs etc...


Wish your night had of gone better


What time is it there

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yeah but this just seems unrealistically. ive tempted to confront her about it and see if it is just some silly game shes playing because she feels she needs to test me.

but the other part of me is just saying " get her on that train 2mo and out of your life."


I reckon get her out of your life.

Even if it was just a game to test you, do you REALLY want to be with someone who plays silly games such as this to test you?

That's very immature of her.


And then jumping on you and then saying she doesnt want to go any further coz u will think she is a * * * * , that's crazy! She should never have jumped on you to start with.

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i think you have to laugh at this... because you are right, it is so terrible, that all you can do is laugh at it..


Ps. remember to keep your fridge stocked with mayo!


i am kinda laughing now, cheers guys its just so unbelievable, i just cant imagine someone being like this for real...


p.s. screw you on the mayo comment ! lol

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omg , the worst thing is , with the dish i made, it really is like putting mayo into tomato soup. you just dont.


i dont even like mayo - that's why i don't have it

and trust me now i have a good reason to hate it other then the taste... lol


Some people have strange taste buds. I wonder what would happen if you didnt get her the mayo??

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Ohhh. When she wakes tomorrow. Make her eggs covered in mayo, mayo on the side and cherry tomatoes with mayo. If she asks, say well you don't eat mayo you don't want it to go bad.


im thinking a whole plate of mayo with a cherry tomatoe on top lol. seriously, she aint getting breakfast tho. lol

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