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What is the stupidest thing anyone has said to try and get you back?

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I was talking about this earlier with a friend & it just got me curious. Lets face it, we have all been the dumper or the dumpee at one time. But hearing the ridiculous things they said kinda helped me. Here are my two with brief back ground, but I really want to hear all of yours.


Ex husband total relationship time of 16 years. Found out he had been cheating on me the whole time. At one time had an apartment with a girl in mexico for over a year. Cheated on me w/ a stripper on our honeymoon...I find out about all this (and much more) it's very bad and I am leaving him... As I am not giving into his plea's for forgiveness & walk to the car he yells after me


"LOVE FORGIVES, LOVE FORGIVES! If you really loved me you would come back."


I found that oddly hypocritical.


Ex BF after EX hubby...pulls the "silent break up" no calls, no texts, no return calls for well over a week more like two. I am completely shut out. Then of course I get the random can I see you text. To which the answer is no. Which is followed by...


"I can't believe after everything we have been through together, you don't have it in your heart to see me and be my friend. I love you so much and you are the best thing that has ever happened to me....I know it doesn't seem like it, but its true"


Ok people whatcha got? Im feeling better already remembering this stuff!

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There was a guy I casually went out with a few times in high school. He was a loser and I realized that soon. He broke up with me in a weird way but I really didn't care...wasn't hurt or anything. So, fast forward several months, he e-mails me and asks me to add him back on MSN. I do that. We talk, and soon after he's saying that he's been having dreams about me these past few nights (lies). He says that we kissed in the dream, and he misses my kisses, and asked if I would kiss him again. I said no, flat and simple. Then we stopped talking. What a lame-o lol.


"I love you so much and you are the best thing that has ever happened to me....I know it doesn't seem like it, but its true"

I got that too, but it was a day after the breakup so it was forgivable.

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I had a girl text and call me from strange numbers. One started texting me very sexual things late at night while I was seeing another girl. In high school my ex jumped on every guy she knew at this carnival then wondered why I didn't want to be there with her.

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What is the stupidest thing anyone has said to try and get you back?


1. i am sorry.. i will change...

2. have you ever love me before?

3. i really love you..


in fact, saying anything after breakup is stupid... the person want you out of their life... and saying anything is going to keep them permernantly away...

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I had a girl text and call me from strange numbers. One started texting me very sexual things late at night while I was seeing another girl. In high school my ex jumped on every guy she knew at this carnival then wondered why I didn't want to be there with her.


Ohhh!!! Nice! Sounds like she was jealous you found someone else!

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"don't worry, I have changed"


That sounds like I love you...even though it doesn't seem like it!! LOL


"I said I would call you because I don't want you out of my life" ...


WHAA???? LAME!!!


* * * ??? You walked out on me without a fight or a warning! So you want to be buddies now????


1. I forgot why we broke up (he broke up with me)

2. you're too beautiful to be single (yeah, way smooth ....lame)

3. I've come to realize that the only thing keeping me from going crazy was you holding me by my edges (that one sounded super sweet at the time but he's just way to unstable)


I forgot why we broke up!? Thats awesome!

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"Beg, beg baby, you want it; come and get it!"




By my son's father... amazingly... it worked!


He was a gorgeous, blue eyed blond, captain of the university football team... and yes, we had a beautiful son!


20 years later... ahem... yeah, it wouldn't have worked


(and I have not seen him since 3 months after our son was born, 16.5 years ago... his very sad loss - MY son is awesome!!!)

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"Beg, beg baby, you want it; come and get it!"




By my son's father... amazingly... it worked!


He was a gorgeous, blue eyed blond, captain of the university football team... and yes, we had a beautiful son!


20 years later... ahem... yeah, it wouldn't have worked


(and I have not seen him since 3 months after our son was born, 16.5 years ago... his very sad loss - MY son is awesome!!!)


Hahaaa!! I guess he really thought he was all that! I bet your son is awesome! Excellent trade!

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I was in an LDR...my ex cheated on me so I dumped him. Some of his classic lame lines are:


"But...I love you!!! Come visit me in London and look at the tears in my eyes...then you will see how genuine I am."


"I want to have a future with you, and you cannot deny that you love me too!"


And....are you ready for this?


"Doesn't your religion teach you forgiveness?"


Bwahahahahaaaaaa! image removed

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He tells me:


"you know you aren't supposed to hold a grudge if you are a Buddhist, you will never be a good Buddhist if you are angry at me"


I know I know....You are all thinking WTH? Only he, in his special little world could come up with something so bizarre.

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He tells me:


"you know you aren't supposed to hold a grudge if you are a Buddhist, you will never be a good Buddhist if you are angry at me"


I know I know....You are all thinking WTH? Only he, in his special little world could come up with something so bizarre.


Oh...that is so sweet of him to remind you of how you are supposed to act when someone is being a jerk to you!

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I guess he really thought he was all that! * I bet your son is awesome! * Excellent trade!


Oh yeah, he did think he was all "that" and honestly - he was BMOC and I, the "ooohhhh - so - lucky -one" - after 5 years with the bloke, an adorable son (who still is)... I dumped him.


He told me on top of the above after I busted him cheating on me for the umpteenth time that, I "could have learned something from her" and I said, "yeah, how to take out the trash. Cya!"

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Oh yeah, he did think he was all "that" and honestly - he was BMOC and I, the "ooohhhh - so - lucky -one" - after 5 years with the bloke, an adorable son (who still is)... I dumped him.


He told me on top of the above after I busted him cheating on me for the umpteenth time that, I "could have learned something from her" and I said, "yeah, how to take out the trash. Cya!"


Ok, sorry for being stupid...but whats BMOC??


And * * * !? "You could have learned something from her??" HAHAAA!!! nice. I bet your pillow is soaked with tears after losing that one!

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