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Finished ALL Mortal Instruments Series (waiting for the last book next year) and Infernal Devices.


My take? Mortal Instruments was much better than Infernal Devices. However, both books could of been better written.


Where to start for Infernal Devices:

Character Development was lacking. Tessa's ability to shapeshift could of been much more. She doesn't do enough of it. In the last book (SPOILER) she does transform into an Angel... which was cool... but seriously? Instead she shifts into old women or girls who have been murdered... nothing powerful or could be used as a weapon (and so why Charlotte makes the decision to place her in Shadowhunter training is BEYOND my cognitive understanding... like Tessa is really going to use it). Why not other things like an animal or something? And Will (main love interest) was whiny. There was NOTHING attractive about him other than he was booknerd (least he wasn't abusive or sparkles like Edward Cullen, but his personality SUCKED). I literally could NOT stand his ass, his whining, his angst, etc. He just was not crafty or humourously snarky as Jace was in MI.


Repetive writing. WTH was up with Cassandra Clare's OBSESSION with the color of Will's eyes? I felt like I stumbled upon a private dirty fangirl's diary, with pages full of her obsession for a character's physical aspect. I could almost FEEL her drooling accross the pages within her writing over this particular character that it made me skip parts in the book. NOT GOOD AT ALL. Anytime Will was present in the book, almost every singing Freakin page was about his pretty blue eyes. I could give less of a damn about it... work on more character development. THAT is what makes your books sell.


The Epilogue was half-assed. I felt like Cassandra was trying to cater to all fangirl groups of Will and Jem. Tessa hardly had ANY romantic feelings for Jem, so their hook up didn't logically flow with the characters and their feelings. It felt "off."


I did enjoy reading both series... the romances were intense at times... but there is room for improvement on character AND story development. I really hope she does a better job for the 6th book of Mortal Instruments and I am PRAYING the City of Bones movie doesn't suck (based on what I've seen n the trailer... it's not going to follow the story ). Her fifth book was just plastered with characters getting into relationships than the focus on the actual story development or action. I am wary about her third series coming out in two years... Dark Artifices.



Right now... onto Divergent. Movie of the book will be released next year in March. I'm on the ninth chapter and I don't know what to make of it yet. If you like Hunger Games, you may like this series.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Depressing! I love Cormac McCarthy though.


Just finished "Stardust" by Neil Gaiman


Stardust is a fantastic book and has a pretty great movie attached to it. I'm a fairly big Gaiman fan. Really trying to reinvent the fairy tale with this, Neverwhere, American Gods, and Coraline.


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Divergent was a thrill ride. Amazing in every aspect. A MUST read. I cannot wait for the movie to come out on this next year in March. Hunger Games has a run for it's money with this one.


Coworker was raving about this one. I wasn't a *huge* hunger games fan. I felt like the book would have been 10x better if Peeta would have turned out been playing her the entire game (as they hinted towards his manipulative nature) and she ended up stabbing him to become the victor.

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I just finished "Breakfast of Champions".


Next on my To Read List is "Into the Wild" followed by the second book in "The Once and Future King". I'm nearing the end of books I own that I haven't finished or given up on yet. I guess I could give "Life of Pi" and "Middlesex" another chance. My friend assured me that after the first 200 pages, Life of Pi gets really good. That's kind of like saying "Over half of this book is just dreadful".


I have a lot of friends trying to get me into "Wheel of Time" since the series finally finished. I keep reminding them how much they used to complain about it and how they felt that they were only reading because they had to see through a series they'd invested this much time into. And one actually said "Well, books 5 through 11 were pretty terrible. But, the rest was great!". That's more than half. Why...why would I read this >>>

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Live Right 4 Your Type ~ Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo


Interesting stuff to say the least. I want to say someone here a while ago mentioned in a thread about lifestyles, illnesses, diets..etc according to your blood type so I thought I would give it a read.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Coworker was raving about this one. I wasn't a *huge* hunger games fan. I felt like the book would have been 10x better if Peeta would have turned out been playing her the entire game (as they hinted towards his manipulative nature) and she ended up stabbing him to become the victor.

As much as I LOVE Hunger Games, it is nothing compared to the Divergent series. It has a LOT of action, twists, and suspense. I won a free book at a school book fair and had one of my favorite students pick the book out for me because I had no idea what to read next after finishing Mortal Instruments and Infernal Devices. She picked a GOOD one!


The whole entire time I was reading Divergent, I was like "OMG... NO WAY!" Very hard to put down. I finished it in two weeks (would of been a couple days if work wasn't so busy).


Onto the second book of Divergent...


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While waiting for the last book to come out in October, I'm going to finish out on Percy Jackson series after this.

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