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Ladies: What is your picture of a perfect Boyfriend


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Has a good relationship with his family.


Has good work ethics.


Is kind and considerate.


He has to be faithful.


Appreciates the little romantic gestures.


Likes the arts.


A sense of humor is a must!!


Should be decent looking but doesn't have to be drop dead gorgeous.


Doesn't drink, do drugs or party.


Must have a great personality. No anger issues.

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Patient, understanding

Committed, trustworthy, open

Romantic, funny, passionate, outgoing, sensitive

Has his own passions, goals, interests

We have things in common, and things we don't

Thoughtful, confident, secure, assertive

He's always there for me, mature, intelligent, friendship

Share the same thoughts, ideas and aspirations for the future as I do

He makes me chase my dreams, be a better person, makes me feel amazing and beautiful in my skin, and gives me confidence in ways I didn't know was possible

Isn't afraid to let the world know how crazy he is, and can make me feel like the most special girl on the planet years and years down the road

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Could play either Piano, violin, guitar, drums, bass, or sing well.


Was exciting and adventurous.




Appreciated a good jazz impromptu.


Athletic but not buff, I prefer slender but with nicely shaped arms and shoulders


Could joke with me and keep up with my playfulness


Knows what he wants and how to get it


Deathly loyal to good friends and me


Chameleon; (is okay with snuggling at home, associating with the aristocrats, on the streets) He needs to be able to follow me wherever I go and lead me to places that he wanted to share with me.


Had a darker side but felt secure enough to talk to me about it.

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funny as hell


constantly seeking to grow and learn


someone who can teach me things

someone who cooks


health conscious



At the end of the day these are guidelines but I want someone I connect with on all levels...someone who has the ability to make me quiver just from a look or a word...or by no saying anything at all...i would give up all of my list to feel a real connection...

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Doesn't drink, do drugs or party.




I feel so much better now, i thought I was the only one against those three things, lol.


Anyway, my list would be:


-kind, generous, thoughtful to his family/friends/pets/strangers and will be the same to mine.


-no racism, no sexism. no macho man syndrome


-good work ethic, will not quit his job and sit on his behind all day expecting me to bring in the pay. I will work and so will he.


-moderation. I see many men and women coming to these boards complaining on how their significant other spends hours and hours on the X-box. Huge turn off to me, hobbies such as video games are great, if done in moderation.


-of course as I said earlier, no drugs, drinking, partying (the typical college frat kinds), clubbing, bar going

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Nice... its funny i am everything... ASTI.... described.. beside letting the world know i am crazy LOL... all that always came natrualy... i tend to be very passionate with the girls i care about.. i always thought it was a neg in a way....

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Nice... its funny i am everything... ASTI.... described.. beside letting the world know i am crazy LOL... all that always came natrualy... i tend to be very passionate with the girls i care about.. i always thought it was a neg in a way....



Haha well I meant crazy about their girlfriend. Not just crazy in general


Its not negative to be passionate. Its one of the qualities that I love in my partner and really value.

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Yea, if all you brought to the table was passion, and it was like borderline obsessive passion, then its a little bad. But confidence and security in yourself goes a long way, being happy with yourself and the relationship and your partner, and being passionate about it and them, there's absouletly nothing negative about it.

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Must have a good sense of humor

Must get along well with his family

Intelligent. I prefer men who are good at math, for some reason

Must love dogs!

Heath conscious/athletic. I just want him to take care of his body

Right now my favorite body type is very tall (6 footish) and lean-to-slightly husky

Absoluetly no drugs. Beer occasionally is fine with me.

Knows the balance between my indepence and my need to be taken care of

Can cook. I dont' need a chef, just someone how can cook a few meals.

Does his own laundry and housekeeping. I will share the work but I am not your maid!

Has a hobby.

Is passionate about me, life, etc

Is motivated and wants a job he will enjoy

Makes me feel beautiful and then tells me that I am

Will take care of me when I'm sick

Will listen to me rant about nothing, then hug me afterwards, and then disctract me

Adventerous in all aspects of life

Has a driver's liscence

Kind of a weird one, but must be somewhat materialistic. Past few boyfriend I have had a lot of trouble thinking of holiday/birthday gifts. Must give me ideas, or have a hobby I can buy stuff for, or something!

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makes me laugh, especially when im down,

cuddles me,

takes me to the cinima even lets me choose the film (sometimes)

random sense of humor,

never calls me sexy but calls me pretty and gorgous,

spoils me rotten,

talented, ( plays the bass, guitar,)


can fix computers,

can tell me anything, holds no secrets.

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Has a good relationship with his family.


Has good work ethics.


Is kind and considerate.


He has to be faithful.


Appreciates the little romantic gestures.


Likes the arts.


A sense of humor is a must!!


Should be decent looking but doesn't have to be drop dead gorgeous.


Doesn't drink, do drugs or party.


Must have a great personality. No anger issues.


You've made my day (and given me hope) with this post. Although I've never had a relationship before, I feel that your post describes me 99%. Being a college student, I always felt like I never quite fit in with alot of my peers, which is why I have more acquaintances than friends. It seems like everyone I know here is about drinking, partying, clubs, and smoking weed - I don't have a problem with people that enjoy that but it's never been my scene. Hopefully I'll be able to find someone that can appreciate this.


*edit: I'm extremely modest so in terms of decent looking, that's debatable, lol. Definitely no (insert good-looking male celebrity), but probably a step above Quasimodo.

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My guess would be that these lists are good ideas to follow if you are *already* the boyfriend of some girl.


I really get the sense that girls are not good at going after the things that they *think* they would *ideally* want in a guy. Subconsciously, they generally want a completely different guy, perhaps even the polar opposite of what they list here.

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My guess would be that these lists are good ideas to follow if you are *already* the boyfriend of some girl.


I really get the sense that girls are not good at going after the things that they *think* they would *ideally* want in a guy. Subconsciously, they generally want a completely different guy, perhaps even the polar opposite of what they list here.


The same can be said about us guys, my friend. I think it's safe to say that no "list" can perfectly describe our ideal partners any more than a list of ingredients can describe the taste of a delicious recipe. Our perfect companions are those that fit our wants in ways that go beyond words and logic.

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