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Ladies: What is your picture of a perfect Boyfriend


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I was going to say I hate lists because I could end up liking guys with qualities which aren't on the list, but since the thread is about the "perfect boyfriend", I'll be selfish and name a bunch of qualities that would make my perfect boyfriend. My perfect boyfriend is someone who:

-is good-looking

-only has eyes for me

-loves animals

-loves and adores me but at the same time doesn't smother me.

-is ambitious and has drive

-not lazy

-makes me laugh



-cultured and educated

-has a good relationship with his parents

-wants a family and lots of kids

-likes to read

-likes to travel

-is adventurous

-does some extreme sport

-is brunette and has tanned skin

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So this:


Family oriantated


Funny and sweet




Good looking to me


willing to try new things


Does not anger easy


Laid back and relaxed.


Immediately followed by this:


I fail at all of these lists.




Could play either Piano, violin, guitar, drums, bass, or sing well.


So, a mean sitar simply will not do?


Okay, I s'pose I should stop poking fun at other people's posts and start the listing! Though it's rather hypocritical of me, given that I just got finished writing in another thread that lists kind of miss the mark every time, for one reason or another. But, I love lists. Especially of really good things. So...hmmm...I'm gonna have to give this a think...

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But, it's not even a list of qualities for me.


My perfect man is an assemblage of these but has tons of dynamics. Even if a guy was to have all these qualities, he may not be the "Perfect" man. It's hard to explain.....


I guess this list may look like a checklist but it's not. It's supposed to be a little small part of a 3 dimensional dream.


Does this make sense?

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The same can be said about us guys, my friend. I think it's safe to say that no "list" can perfectly describe our ideal partners any more than a list of ingredients can describe the taste of a delicious recipe. Our perfect companions are those that fit our wants in ways that go beyond words and logic.


Too true. Good call.

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This is the kind of stuff that makes my blood boil.



I'm not that picky. The title was "perfect" boyfriend. Most of those qualities are not at all important for me, I was just being selfish and unrealistic lol. I wouldn't want that perfect of a man. The real qualities I won't overlook: -Must love animals and not abuse them, must be loyal and sincere, has to have some ambition/drive in life, and I have to be physically attracted to him.

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I'm not that picky. The title was "perfect" boyfriend. Most of those qualities are not at all important for me, I was just being selfish and unrealistic lol. I wouldn't want that perfect of a man. The real qualities I won't overlook: -Must love animals and not abuse them, must be loyal and sincere, has to have some ambition/drive in life, and I have to be physically attracted to him.


now that's better.

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Well, alright. I'll give it a shot then. Even though the total man is certainly greater than the sum of his parts.


In no particular order:


-- Earthy. EARTHY, very down-to-earth


-- Not jealous or possessive (able to trust me easily)


-- Modest, not a showoff; hides his gifts a bit but is confident in them (I hate overconfident, strutting types)


-- Very empathic, able to feel others' pain, not just his own


-- Patient and forebearing when the going gets rough


-- Has lived through something dark and become a better man for it; understands adversity


-- Is interested in self-knowledge; introspective and reflective


-- Embraces my sharing my darkest, deepest secrets, and wants to share his; no holds barred sharing our most intimate experiences of life


-- Is not afraid of my being vulnerable or being vulnerable with me; can cry


-- Is broad-minded, tolerant and thinks "outside the box"; a bit unconventional


-- Has the devil of mischief in him -- not a daredevil, but sly, mischievous, and a bit of a rebel


-- Has a sense of humor that is sarcastic but not mean, twisted but not sick, racy but not crass, witty


-- Has passions in life for what he does


-- Has ideals and is involved in making the world a kinder, gentler place, helping others


-- Wants equally to go on adventures with me, but also can laze around the house


-- Is inquisitive and curious about life, loves to ask questions with me and look for the answers; enjoys analysis


-- Has a physical bearing of strength and ruggedness but a touch that is gentle and perceptive


-- Has beautiful and expressive eyes



Ok, that got a bit carried away. But yeah. It did say "perfect", right?

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Oh, and Stella --


I've been there for so long, myself. Unable to picture anything perfect...or even wonderful anymore. I had all of what I considered perfection in my hands, and then it went away...leaving me feeling that imagining had become useless. It was like someone had taken all the pictures off the walls and everything was bare, blank and empty. It was that way for a long time.


Trauma does that. It looks at just what is needed to survive. To do that, the imagination and daring to risk new visions goes underground. But it is just there, latent. It will arise again, I know it will.


And in perfection, there is imperfection, so it's good not to strive for the "perfect" anything anyhow.

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  • 7 months later...

Loves me at my worst just as much as my best.


Understands me


Listens and talks to me


Isn't afraid to show how he feels about any situation/emotion whether it be anger,sadnesshappiness,fear,love etc.


Someone who is just as happy staying cuddled up at home under the blankets together watching a movie as he is going out to somewhere.


Someone who isn't afraid to stand up for something.


Someone who likes kids






Good hygeine


Someone who isnt afraid of coming in the kitchen every once in a while and cooking with me


Someone who takes care of themself and their surroundings


Someone I can trust to go out with their friends when I go out with mine.


Someone I can make happy and vice versa


Someone who can share my happiness and pain without bailing


Someone who can accept all my flaws with all of the good that is also within me.


Hello are you out there?


Hello are you out there?

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No body is perfect nobody every will be. Not to sound condescending but if gals are on an mission to find a perfect man you'll never find him and end up alone. Everyone has problems, everyone has imperfections, everyone has issues. YES having a check off list is perfectly fine! But perfect is unhuman. Know that you as a person are imperfect but once you find that right man he'll love your imperfections, issues and all.

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-down to earth

-close to his family






-self reliant

-when it comes to helping me out he's there

-can function without a woman but can't live without me =)

-makes me feel like a woman not a housewife, maid, or cook

-out going

-Love my imperfections but don't take me for granted

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