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Everything posted by Willow2609

  1. hey i posted on here a year ago. about my bf doing all that . myspace causes rifts between friends and loved ones. try to talk to one another without the friggin use of myspace. there are people on it that love causing trouble my and my boyfriend are still toegather after all things have worked out cause we didnt bother with each other on myspace hell he doesnt use things after all. myspace is just a site for people to make out there better or prettier than others, it maybe to late for others on this thread but for other people who have the same problem. didnt listen to whats being said on myspace. talk person to person and bulid trust through that to hell with my space and realtionships never work you get to parnoid!
  2. i just need a way to forget what happened people keep saying to me oh its in the past put it behind you, but i feel like i cant not that easly, i still think she or they could do something like it again, and mock me aswell. jeepers i sounds full of postive thoughts!
  3. ooo he really aint gonna think hes gonna get away with it. i put my foot down and told him hes not seeing her again and hes agreed saying he wants nothing more to do with her and he deleted her msn and myspace addy's but i still well what i want to say i think that shes laughing at me. meh i sound really werid sorry.
  4. its just i love him sooo much and ever since then he has been really sorry. but i still feel werid about him going out i still have anger and mistrust over it. i just wanna now how can i not feel that? any ideas?
  5. nah i dnt want that. ahhh i dunno what to doo!!!!!!
  6. i understand and im glad someone has accucally told me what im basically thinking, he has said sorry, but i still feel like. "will he do it again" and in a way it is with the girl, as she is known to have fancied my boyfriend and has tried on many occastions to kiss him. this time she was lucky. he has done everything to make it better, he brought me roses well picked me roses and took me to a bbq. but still i feel hurt and angry at them both. i have no clue where to go. do i stay with him or finsh him, its hard because i love him. and i thought he loved me.
  7. ok back last saturday there was this huge gig in my local pub. i went with my boyrfriend of a year. and he got a little drunk. not much he still knew what he was doing. he left me with my best mate most of the night the first time i saw him was when i walked over to him and he was kissing another girl one of our joint friends. i freaked i ran off as fast as i could but from the mass of vodka i had drunk i was a little hazzy. so any way, my mom was picking us up and i ran to her told her everything then went back to get my bf. he was crying, my best mate told him to stay away from me. so i ended up having a full blown screaming fit at him punching and hitting him. when we finnally got home we talked and i sort of forgave him i have no clue if that was the right thing to do but since i found out that the girl he kissed tries to get off with every guy she can i forgave him a little. but i everytime i see the girl or a pic or here about the night i brake down in to tears. am i over the top should i just pass it all over my head or should i confront her? and is there a away i can get the image out of my head.? any help. its really starting to affect my commitment to my realtionship. everytime i kiss him i feel like hes kissing her? HELP!!!!1 please!!!!!! ](*,)
  8. im not saying "Women are not little fawns needing rescue." im saying behind every women theres a strong man nad behind everyman there a strong women like ying yang, one needs the other im just putting accross that, i believe that this women need reasurance, maybe this guy doesnt now why she cheated in the first place. maybe if i new her or him my view would change but for my pov give her a chance tlk to her, he must have been attracted to her in the first place, why ruin 7 mnths on trust.
  9. Benfit, From Consilling the only thing she'll gain from that is the even more untrust in a guy, oh and come on to make herself feel that deeply with untrust he must be doing something to make her feel that way. And no he doesnt have to be a mind reader in reationships there are two people, not a thrid party aka a srink. talking is the best way of comfronting each other. working differences out.all women need encouragement if theyre lying or not, they need to feel that they have a strong man to look out for them, someone to hold there hand and not run out when the first sign of trouble comes along. Like my best mate just had a baby by her ex bf. He current BF bailed. but he bailed the first second she told him and thought he was the father. come on the girl need a hand to hold a rose to make her believe that you trust her, if she cheated in the past then prfft that the past people change.
  10. i like it the way allu men are siding with ur gender looking at all her down sides maybe you should look at his, he could be the one making her feel like this, im not pointing a finger i think they should tlk about it every realtonship gets stuck on rocks sumtimes. just give it time
  11. maybe shes not ready maybe your mr rebound guy if you feel like that finish her but that would prob make her more and more up set and would be harder for her to trust men in the future
  12. Please counseling what your girlfriend needs is to now she is loved and safe and the need not to cheat maybe in her past reationship she has found the need to cheat but maybe in time and the seciraty that you wont cheat will make her trust issues improve, do not tell your girl that she needs counseling, she needs to be shown the one thing women want "for men to know what they want without asking" they want you to stop lying to them and being jumpy cum on stop blaming each other for cheating and smell the roses, you only have one life whats meant to be is meant to be if your meant to be togeather then she'll get though the trust or lack of just give her support and incouragement in to believeing you.
  13. it seems to me that your girlfriend is scared of losing you so by making up all that crap shes making herself feel better, if i was you try to spend aleast one day even if its a sunday moring togeather bring her breakfast in bed with a rose and always tell her that you love her and dont want anyother, if she carry's on with accusing you then leave her be you cant make her believe you just give her time and give her something that would make her ogb smacked in to believeing that you are telling the truth.
  14. ok im new at this but i have got a similar problem, my boyfriend and i havea been going out 9 mnths, back last year i became paranoid about this girl he spoke to on myspace, i kept asking him about her and he just told me that she a afriend but i then started hearing that she spent time down his house, they went to the cinema and stuff. then my best mate showed me the girls picture comments they we're really bad like "ooo kissable"" "oooo hugz" " your smexy" i went nuts he then told me he was sorry he didnt mean it her was drunk then the girl sent me convos off msn. and my god i nearly killed myself he made me feel special then she kept having cyber and stuff with this girl, and im not proud but i kept cutting myself, and he nearly dumped me becasue of it. we got over it he deleted her contacts and numbers we were fine until, 3 mnths ago when she text him, when i was with him, other than that i've seen messages off one of my mates being all filrty, ahhh i cant stand it i think he might be cheating again, wot do i do!!
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