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At which point does being a virgin become "too weird"?


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What's that thing?


Whatever it is. It was probably brought on by experience.


THAT THING! It's hard to explain, but it's just something they've got that makes you want them. Charisma I guess. Some people are born with it while others learn it. I think it's all about placing the energy in your eyes and speaking with them.

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Sorry, but it's on my mind from the time I wake up, to the time I go to sleep.


I constantly think about women.


I cannot get them out of my head.



Since my sudden cease on sex. Women have droped from being number 2 on the list to 7 by the day they keep dropping off the list.

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THAT THING! It's hard to explain, but it's just something they've got that makes you want them. Charisma I guess. Some people are born with it while others learn it. I think it's all about placing the energy in your eyes and speaking with them.


I don't think you can learn it.


You either have charisma or you don't.

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Since my sudden cease on sex. Women have droped from being number 2 on the list to 7 by the day they keep dropping off the list.


I just can't do that.


I feel bad if I don't have my release.



That and I love to think about women.

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I don't think you can learn it.


You either have charisma or you don't.


Oh yes you can! Not saying everyone can, but it's possible to learn it. It's all about how you use your body in every day movement. And once again, the eyes.


Try it out, buddy

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Oh yes you can! Not saying everyone can, but it's possible to learn it. It's all about how you use your body in every day movement. And once again, the eyes.


Try it out, buddy


So i'd have to relearn everything.


Walking and talking.


I talk weird, and my walk isn't cool either.


I almost trip over my own feet for no reason at times.

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No girl has a "Virgin fetish" I can almost promise that. They say do not mind but they really do, they really want a guy who know is experienced.


What?? I would gladly give a virgin guy a night he never wants to remember.



Except you forget that our whole culture seems to value womens' purity. Women go through horrible mental trauma when it comes to losing virginity. My mother kicked me out and called me horrible, awful names when she found out I lost mine at 20.


Many of my girl friends share similar stories.


Yeah, when I told my mom about having sex, she gave me a speech about throwing away my virginity, and that I needed to value myself more. I was 23.


I think Jonny is going for the 8s, 9s and 10s. Women that good looking are almost always shallow airheads. Go for a girl that is average-slightly above average looking. A 6-7 instead of an 8, 9, or 10.


Oh god... guess what? Pretty girls can be smart too.



I wish guys weren't so consumed about their height. If i met a short guy with confidence, a sense of humor and "that thing" (you know, that thiiiiiing. and i'm not talking phallic), it's ON.


My martial arts instructor is 5'4". I would love to get into his pants, but he is married.



Not true. Charisma is something you learn. I changed and there is no reason you can't either.


Exactly. I had no idea how to talk to people until I became a receptionist. Answering phones really helped with my communication skills.


You know the ironic part about all of this? Many of you are complaining about the double standards women have, and that we don't want to date men that are virgins, but I've seen many of you say that you don't want to be with women who have slept around. If you're going to complain about double standards, at least don't be hypocritical.

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No girl has a "Virgin fetish" I can almost promise that. They say do not mind but they really do, they really want a guy who know is experienced.


I always wanted to give a guy his first blowjob. There were guys in my class who were cute and looked inexperienced...I always fantasized about going down on them and give them a blowjob that blow their minds,lol.

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I wish guys weren't so consumed about their height. If i met a short guy with confidence, a sense of humor and "that thing" (you know, that thiiiiiing. and i'm not talking phallic), it's ON.


I do not understand this. I am 5'7, so not that short, but not exactly tall either. I never even thought about my height until I came to the usa, and everyone seems to be insecure about it. I have never had an issue with it, and don't see it as a disadvantage. I came from the Netherlands, the land of giants, yet there..I never heard much about height.


Also, charisma can definitely be learned. All it takes is practise, practise..and practice. Lack of communication skills come from lack of experience / practise.

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I always wanted to give a guy his first blowjob. There were guys in my class who were cute and looked inexperienced...I always fantasized about going down on them and give them a blowjob that blow their minds,lol.


The cute shy guys, right? hihi I'd so do them.

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I do not understand this. I am 5'7, so not that short, but not exactly tall either. I never even thought about my height until I came to the usa, and everyone seems to be insecure about it. I have never had an issue with it, and don't see it as a disadvantage. I came from the Netherlands, the land of giants, yet there..I never heard much about height.


Also, charisma can definitely be learned. All it takes is practise, practise..and practice. Lack of communication skills come from lack of experience / practise.


I don't understand what it is about the USA either. A lot of my Japanese friends tell me about how they were never insecure about their height until they came to America and told they should be. Even the still very tall ones. It'd be more embarrassing to be taller than average than average in Japan unless you play sports professionally.

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My friend says just fake it till you make it.


I sort of agree with him because I've faked confidence for awhile now and over a period of time I became a confident person.


He's currently in a relationship that started just last week. He wants me to do the samething.

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My friend says just fake it till you make it.


I sort of agree with him because I've faked confidence for awhile now and over a period of time I became a confident person.


He's currently in a relationship that started just last week. He wants me to do the samething.


I can't fake something in the hopes it happens.



Maybe i'll be able to dunk a basketball if I fake being a good basketball player for a few weeks?

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I can't fake something in the hopes it happens.



Maybe i'll be able to dunk a basketball if I fake being a good basketball player for a few weeks?


Its not asking to hit home runs on every bat or dunk the ball each time you take a shot.


But enough to atleast go out there and take the field and go play ball.

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