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The meaning of life?

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What IS the meaning of life, anyways? Have any of you actually pondered this question... even if before bed at night?


I mean, we are all born, forced into a reality none of us really understand, forced to cram astronomic ammounts of information in our brains, use that info to earn degrees and other pieces of paper, work hard at a job that we wouldn't have if we didn't need to fulfill anybody's demand as well as our own, get married, keep working, have kids, keep working, retire (if lucky), spend time with the grandchildren, and await the afterlife that we use to comfort us at night.


Sure, there are a few extras in there, but this is basically what I see as the point of life. I sometimes wonder if there even IS a point to life. I've been looking since I was a young child, and I keep reaching the same conclusion that there is, essentially, no point to life. The only point of life I've found is to procreate. Spread the seed, keep the system going; yet now, we have a peak-oil crisis and our lives might be going back to the stone age sooner than we thought.


Thus, all we've worked for, our houses, our cars, our conveniences, our sanitation is going to be all gone very soon. We'll be back to "survival of the fittest". It's a sad, but inevitable truth. Sure, you don't see it on the evening news, but that doesn't mean it's not there. I try to remain as ignorant as I can thru this whole ordeal of being forced into a life I couldn't choose and tried to do well in school and shut my right-brain off and get a girlfriend and distract myself with as much as I could, ignore all the problems of the world and deal with the fact that everything (from styrofoam to aluminum to electricity to even soy) is harmful in some way to the planet (as well as ourselves), but because of my A.D.H.D (in large part), I seem to lack ability to do so. Thus, now I'm a college drop-out still living at home, suffering from existential depression on a daily basis, working a job where I feel empty and unfulfilled, and yet, still a part of this system.


Albert Camus once said "there is but one truly philosophical problem, and that is suicide". It's funny, no matter how pointless life actually is, people (ministers, authorative figures, teachers, public speakers, even psychologists) try to whitewash that elephant in the living room. I can't help but think "what's the point, if soon the global economy is gonna collapse, there will be almost no jobs left, oil will run out, hospitals will become autopsy rooms, and I can't even get into a frickin' university. There's nothing that my existence harbors anyways, so why should I even bother waking up in the morning?" Time goes way too fast anyways, and soon, my brand new cell phone will become obsolete. There aren't even such things as objects; everything is an event, and now, in this fast-paced world of no sleep and accelerated growth that we can't even control, every event is gonna get more depressing, more meaningless, and more morose. Incidentally, just like the minute, futile span of human existence.




I know these aren't healthy thoughts, and some optimists who refuse to look below the surface (or who did and don't like what they see, either) will say "the purpose of life is whatever you give it and do only GOOD things and think only HAPPY thoughts!! So SMIIILE!!" I tried to be one of you... I really did; but that doesn't change the meaninglessness of life.


I've got a question for those who object... what about those living in deprived, war-torn, third world countries? Especially the children... born only to die in some horrible "friendly-fire" accident or to suffer thirst and starvation and die an excruciating death. What meaning do you say their lives serve? I mean, the world's gotta end sometime... nothing lasts forever... how about those who are young and will have to deal with the end times? What purpose does their lives have? They will never grow up to even enjoy their first night of recreational drinking... so, why does god (if he even exists in a way we can percieve) create them in the first place. To me, it just doesn't make a whole lot of sense...


Oh well, none of these things are supposed to happen tomorrow, the news tells me, so I might as well work those 4 measly hours tomorrow and bother waking up at least 2 hours before noon.


I envy the ignorant and stupid of the world... 'cause at least they don't have existential battles like I do.


Worry not, tho... psychological help is soon being re-sought. Hell, maybe even a nice lobotamy would work.

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I'll bet those sad people, living in their war torn wasteland, have their faith. Does that make them foolish? Or are they wiser than you give them credit for?


The universe is so vast and complicated... So inexplicable. Consider this: the human mind, by its very design, is wholly separate from objectivity. No individual, no matter how great his learning or knowledge, can divide his point of view from his understanding. He strive his entire existence to understand without compulsion but it is simply beyond his capacity to do so. Everything you see will be colored by opinion, experience, and mental construction. Science can create a looking glass for you but it can never change your eyes and your mind.


Isn't that, in its perverse contradictions, strangely comforting? That we as a species are denied the right to know it all... To have that final answer?


Who denies us? Why are we denied? Who draws the border? That's the question I ask.

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I've thought the exact same way as you, but I have fought off that negative way of thinking. You have to give your life meaning otherwise it doesn't have any. Just about everyone has these thoughts cross into their mind but they get over it. The existential depression is like living in a dream sometimes it doesn't even feel like your all the way here really. I've been there but you have to keep trucking along.


Situations come up in our lives and our world is refreshed. There was a philosopher who once decided for himself that he would much rather question the meaning of his life than remain ignorant and question nothing at all.


You'll get over your ways of thinking eventually, it's a phase of life. Just read and learn what the greatest minds to ever come into existence think about the world around us and it's mean.


You are here in reality no matter what, remember, "I think thereforeeee I am"

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Hello. I'm so sorry that you are suffering from some kind of depression, it really sucks doesn't it? I have recently sought help for that too.


Anyways, just wanted to add my 2 cents. From a young age I had a problem with death, I couldn't get over it. It depressed me for years. Then I finally did something about it, I went to visit a spiritualist/medium. He told me about some of my family members who were currently around me and told me about my spiritual guide. He was very accurate with the family members. I not only wanted to contact my loved ones but I wanted to learn about life and death as well.


He told me that we are on this earth to experience life and make connections with others. God is not a man, it is a life force, it is everything. When we die our spirit lives on in another plane where we can connect with other dead loved ones. The spiritualist also talked about all the pain and suffering like in third world countries, he said that it will all be made up in the after life. Maybe they get to go to the First Class heaven instead of Economy, I don't know lol. He told me that suicides think they are killing themselves to take the pain away but when they die they have to deal with their problems in the afterlife, which can be more difficult than dealing in the living world.


Take from this what you will. I know it gave me a great deal of comfort. I am on a journey at the moment and becoming more spiritual and it is helping a lot. Maybe this won't work for you but perhaps it helps.


I am not a christian in anyway btw, I very much disagree with religion. I am just spiritual.

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Sure its fun to consider the meaning of life and to wonder why we as people are here. It fun to think about why I am here as well. BUt at the end of the day it doesnt really matter all that much as we simply are here, now.


As for the peak oil issue I can assure you we are not running out anytime soon and most likely something else will occur before we need to worry about lack of oil. Plus new technology will eventually be adopted that will phase out the need for oil. At least in the Western world. Necessity is the mother of all inventions.


So why not make it your purpose in life to invent something? Anything?

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It may not be a direct answer to your question (as it is way to broad), but I believe happiness carries the most weight with people. However, quite a few think happiness lies in what they by or who they meet or how high of rank they are in their profession. Happiness attracted by greed will only lead to greater suffering. The dualistic way of thinking - making comparisons with the world and getting caught up with the "self", who you "are" - is merely an illusion. Some think they are who the title says they are at work, or the car they just bought, etc. The process goes on forever.


So I think that rather than wondering too much about one meaning of life, be content with the life you have and shine on those who feel lost.

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Sure its fun to consider the meaning of life and to wonder why we as people are here. It fun to think about why I am here as well. BUt at the end of the day it doesnt really matter all that much as we simply are here, now.


As for the peak oil issue I can assure you we are not running out anytime soon and most likely something else will occur before we need to worry about lack of oil. Plus new technology will eventually be adopted that will phase out the need for oil. At least in the Western world. Necessity is the mother of all inventions.


So why not make it your purpose in life to invent something? Anything?


Actually, I DON'T find it fun pondering the meaning of life. It hurts, and wastes a bunch of time that could be used a lot more productively. Also, we are NOT here, now. The present doesn't even exist. It's over in an instant shorter than a millisecond, as is the future. Hell, time doesn't even exist; it's something else (just like money and our dependance on fossil fuels) that's been used against humanity to control us. The sad truth is, we're using up those ol' buried dinosaurs like In N Out trays at lunch hour... Also, these "alternatives" either a. derive from oil or b. utilize less than 5 percent of how we even get our electricity. It's pretty much too late now, unless this "god" feller can somehow implant someone with a magical solution. Well, hey, gotta have hope SOMEWHERE.


Oh, and the only meaning of my life is to sing. Yes, I'm dead serious. I'm quite fine with that, because that's the only time I'm ever truly fulfilled and happy.


I'll bet those sad people, living in their war torn wasteland, have their faith. Does that make them foolish? Or are they wiser than you give them credit for?


The universe is so vast and complicated... So inexplicable. Consider this: the human mind, by its very design, is wholly separate from objectivity. No individual, no matter how great his learning or knowledge, can divide his point of view from his understanding. He strive his entire existence to understand without compulsion but it is simply beyond his capacity to do so. Everything you see will be colored by opinion, experience, and mental construction. Science can create a looking glass for you but it can never change your eyes and your mind.


Isn't that, in its perverse contradictions, strangely comforting? That we as a species are denied the right to know it all... To have that final answer?


Who denies us? Why are we denied? Who draws the border? That's the question I ask.


Faith... ah yes, the final tool of the desperate. It's funny, faith makes people believe and do some odd things. I mean, just look at all the contradictions and hypocrisies of the fundamentalist Christian bible... faith is simply believing something without proof. I'm not saying it's a BAD thing... Sometimes faith can do wonderful things (well, I do commend Christian Children's fund, despite their guilt-trip advertising) but it can also shut people off from reality. To me, reality is like nothing more than a drug trip; some people have fun, some think it wasn't all that, and some have a horrendus experience, but either way, it's eventually gone, so, what's the point from there?


Too bad I'm too chickencrap to try psychedelics...


You need to study Neichtze...he was like life is meaningless...now use that to free yourself.


I've found that the only real way to be completely "free" is to die. No matter what we do, no matter what we avoid, we are helping a corrupt, dependant, conniving group of people who control a "system" that can be used to benefit or imprison us; as I've seen as of late, it's been the latter. Now that I think of it, life is an imprisonment; think about that... why is it that people always yearn for what they don't have and want more of what they already do?


Now THERE's a question I can spend all day on...

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People yearn for they do not have and want more of what they already do have because Western culture in particular is about greed, consumption. Some of the poorest people in India are also the happiest, because they are not living in delusion, pulled in my the powers of conditioning in ways that society is driven in the West. If you have less and expect less and live in a society where abundance is not high on the list, there is more of a chance of being content with what you have. Trying to get away from the Western way does little good if you are living in a culture dominated the kind of lure that you/we speak of. Aversion is the same affection. Don't run from it. Just observe it, nothing more. Decrease your wants, but accept what the system is like at this moment in time.


Rather than being pessimistic about the whole thing, why not simply accept it and find ways to adapt? If you avoid it in fear, you will suffer. If you cling to it, you will suffer. There is a soft spot somewhere in the middle where you see it from the outside the box, and learn to take on wiser ways of dealing with it. It is much easier to complain, but if you think of things in term of good or bad, you will never be unconditionally blissful.

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Actually, I agree with you, but I personally take it a step further. LIFE is all about greed, selfishness, and competition. Social Darwinism is what rules our society, but in a more subtle way than past generations; in this society, we spend hour after hour going to school and climbing up the corporate ladder in hopes that we can not only stave off starvation, thirst, and hypothermia, but "keep up with the Joneses" and make others envy us. In schools, we are taught to praise materialism and shut off the right brain unless everyone else agrees with it. Face it, people everywhere are miserable; not just in "western" countries. I, personally know poor people who remain miserable and rich people who are energetic and happy. It's a paradox that, in fact, doesn't always work.


I'm thinking of moving outta this country, of course, but when the big oil crisis hits, it's not gonna matter where I move; everywhere is gonna be chaos and life is gonna be even more rigid and unforgiving than before. We'll all be back to tilling the crops and hunting and gathering and living in huts with cow and horse crap all over the place. I'm way ahead of you for "accepting" things as they are... cause this is the way things will remain. Life isn't "grand" in my mind, consciousness is merely an over-rated hallucination.


I will say this in defense, though; the only way to stave a bit of this existential depression off is to laugh. It's the only other thing making my life halfway worthwhile. It's also a major reason why I love watching a good comedy (black comedies especially)... no matter how frail and easily corruptable life is... HEY, there's always something to laugh at, even something awful and repulsive, I suppose...

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I used to feel exactly like you. Honestly, I had the same thoughts.

I made myself have a positive outlook on life.

Everything was good. I was always happy. If something went wrong, that's okay. There's nothing to do about it now so might as well just chill and have fun anyways.

Then everything turned to crap again...


Perhaps it's because I'm broke and no longer can buy weed? Or it could be that my best friend hates me?


But you know what, it's okay. Life goes on and there's nothing you can do to change that.


I give up at trying to have the "right" attitude. There isin't one.


I decide at this instant, after reading your post and getting reassured, that people should just do whatever they feel like. Because you are right, life is pointless.

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You know its funny. The entire time I was reading this thread I was thinking of ways to refute your words – but I can’t. Most have tried and you continue to battle with them about the meaning of life. So why did you ask the question if you feel you already have the answer? That MAY very well be your meaning to YOUR life – but it doesn’t mean it’s the way or meaning of others. Its somewhat of a stupid question in my opinion – you really won’t know the meaning at the age of 15, 20, 25 or even 40. If you asked your elders this same question I’m sure they’d have a completely different answer and something that may be a little more prolific in your mind. My grandmother is 101. She lived through both of the wars, served as a nurse during the Second World War – lived through the depression and came from a poor family. Every day she gets up she is glad to be alive, even at 101.


I think you just need to grow up a little before you or anyone of us can tell you the meaning of life. If you are believing every single bit of crap they teach you in schools, etc you need to break out of the box – not everything they tell you is written in stone. If you can’t enjoy the time you have here now, then why bother having that crappy job you talk about? You may be trying to keep up with the Joneses – but I’m not, and I’m happy. Yes, we all die. Fact of life – but while you’re here, perhaps doing something productive for your own good will make you feel better. If you can’t find satisfaction in your own accomplishments you have more problems than wondering what the meaning of life is.

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The meaning of life is really quite simple. Purpose Knowledge and The Open or Enlightened Mind.


I think you need to get out of your parents house and see the world and be an independent person. You seem to think your mind is more open than most, but honestly, it's so tightly closed up inside a box of your own design that you're struggling with simply placing one foot in front of the other.


Education is enlightenment, and englightenment is freedom. Freedom to know and to have knowledge and to THINK critically and for oneself! Education is not some corporate ladder of career benefits that all the peons must climb, it is about learning and experiencing EVERYTHING that makes LIFE such an incredible thing.


Dreaming of death and despair and the irreversible path of destruction that humanity is on is not free, it chains you to feelings of disappointment and causes you to dwell endlessly in the past and future. The should haves and could haves and what MIGHT happen.


Your feelings of helplessness are warrented, we are only small as one person with little power, but you have to give up the controls in order to find true happiness and enlightenment. You have to open yourself up instead of hiding behind this shield of fear for the future and regret of the past. Step to the edge and shake off your phobia of failure and you will see that the meaning of life is much deeper than a shortage in oil or children starving in Africa or the big brother and his corporations.


I highly suggest saving up some money and traveling the world, alone, for at least a year. Go from continent to continent, country to country. It doesn't cost much, there are many cheap hostels and cheaper modes of transport. Saving up the money to do so will also give you more purpose to your so-called meaningless job as it gives you a goal. Just do it, you will come back and be an entirely different person and you will find happiness and strength and meaning.


The only difference between you and those who know the meaning of life is the fact that they DID something, took a risk, and chose to think that there is more to life than sadness. If you choose to continue running in circles with your hands clasped tightly over your ears, you will forever be angry and unhappy and will never find your meaning and your true path in life.

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I forgot to add that these types of feelings are REALLY common amongst young adults, usually entering their early twenties.


It is the fault of the westernized culture, we are brought up quite sheltered where small achievments are rewarded grandly and we are constantly presented with images of glamorous and exciting lives of adults through movies and video games.


It's a bit of shell shock caused by the realization that lifes problems can't be solved by money and fame and that lack of talent and constant failures are no longer rewarded as "achievements" or statements like "at least you did your best".

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I'm not trying to keep up with the jonses, or believe everything school tells me (if I did, I'd have a highschool diploma) but I'm trying to actually LEAVE my mark; one of the only real ways to prove that my life meant something and wasn't a bunch of wasted time. I'd find satisfaction in my accomplishments, but it's hard when I'm alone with these thoughts and my greatest accomplishment yet was getting my GED. I'm trying to form a band and make art, but it's been really tough as of late. Unfortunately, singing is what I'm best at, even though I'm not a great singer and have bad writers block. I'm also hoping that peak oil is really not as bad as the scientests say it is. I've gotta find a meaning though; if I can't, why go on? I know it isn't a healthy mental state to be in, but that's why I have one of the quotes from the fantastic film "Being John Malkovich" in my sig. I haven't found a purpose yet, other than singing; and I'd rather not do anything else with my life. I'm not good at anything else anyways, so I guess it's something to hold onto...


Again, professional help is being resought soon.

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I highly suggest saving up some money and traveling the world, alone, for at least a year.


Doing it alone is nothing short of a pipe dream, and would make me feel even more isolated than usual... however, this is a reason why I wanna be a world-touring musician. My dad actually traveled the world, and I have an urge to explore (I used to ride my bike alot before I was working), plus, I wanna go somewhere with music. It's all I've got, and now that I realize it, it's all I've ever really had.


Well, hey, I'd rather fail doing what I love than succeed at what everyone else is doing.

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Faith... ah yes, the final tool of the desperate. It's funny, faith makes people believe and do some odd things. I mean, just look at all the contradictions and hypocrisies of the fundamentalist Christian bible... faith is simply believing something without proof. I'm not saying it's a BAD thing... Sometimes faith can do wonderful things (well, I do commend Christian Children's fund, despite their guilt-trip advertising) but it can also shut people off from reality. To me, reality is like nothing more than a drug trip; some people have fun, some think it wasn't all that, and some have a horrendus experience, but either way, it's eventually gone, so, what's the point from there?


Too bad I'm too chickencrap to try psychedelics...


I'm disappointed that you didn't bother to respond to any of my post's pertinent points.


How do you think existence began?

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I'm disappointed that you didn't bother to respond to any of my post's pertinent points.


How do you think existence began?


Does it even matter what happened in the beginning? Is it plausable that I think humans are really nothing more than alien/primate hybrids that were nothing more than a freak accident? You may disagree with me, but I could really care less. I'm ranting alot, yes, and I have ADHD so I miss a lot of things when I reply on these threads. I apologize for that. I often go off on tangents and don't exactly reply in "normal" fashions.


Again, my apologies.

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Doing it alone is nothing short of a pipe dream, and would make me feel even more isolated than usual...



Yes it does seem like it would make you more isolated, but it actually does the opposite. When you are truly isolated, you will reach out and connect, find a common ground with others around you. When you've experienced language, culture and location barriers, you will know TRUE isolation and realize that back home you were not isolated or alone at all. Look around you, there are many many people of your age who feel this way, only six years ago I felt this way and then I traveled with very little money and even less confidence and my eyes were opened to what the world actually is.


You say that you know more than the media lets on, but from what you have said, you are completely nieve to anything BUT what the media is telling you. It is nothing short of propaganda with all this 'apocolypse' type stuff, I mean, YES it is happening but if you had any faith in human kind you'd know that the only thing that could stop us in the face of adversity is attitudes like your own. Those who give up hope in humanity because it is supposedly obsolute and worthless are our downfall. You can't think that way, because it's not true. "The Man" wants you to think that way, because when people feel that way, they do nothing, they just complain but have no motivation for action, no inspiration for change, no muse for ideas. They are simple uneducated sheep who gloomily wait for the worlds end crying 'WHY ME!?'.


Please take the chance and travel, if you want to be a musician this is a good way to get recognized as well. Show people that you are worthy and that you take risks. Noone ever got recognized sitting at home waiting for life to come to them. In the meantime you have to see that getting an education is really important and that you can't depend on a music career to get you through. My dad plays in a band and travels all over to music festivals, but he still comes home to go to his menial blue collar job because that is the reality of life. Anyways, I'm rambling.


Here's the best advice I ever received " * * * * or get off the pot"

You have to DO something, whining about how horrible the world is will not get you anywhere.

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To offer an answer on a topic that is really the ultimate question - (one I have also battled daily with)...perhaps the existence of human beings is the universes' own attempt to stand up and gaze upon it's own face...and understand itself? Furthermore, with many scientists now agreeing that the universe too - will ultimately die, is the existence of intelligent life the universes attempt at self preservation?


I know this is a more astrophysical answer than existential...but this is actually the kind of answer I was always craving.


This idea, that we are truly children of the very universe we occupy, also lead me to be very spiritual. I am not religious per se, but I now believe (no - stronger than believe) I KNOW that we were created by something. Witnessing the infinite complexity of one atom has taught me this. I also know that this is not an answer that can be taught by one person to another...we must discover our own "truths".


For me, arriving at this conclusion has brought me a lot of peace. I no longer ponder whether or not my existence has a point, instead, I long to discover what my purpose is - secure in the knowledge that there absolutely is one.


After all, although we are "infinitely small and inconsequential dots" in some far of corner of some tiny dot of a galaxy, if we actually believe we can even begin to grasp our purpose on this continuum in the microsecond that we are here breathing - I think we are fooling ourselves.


Ironically, with all things being relative, I also believe that as tiny and temporary as we are, we are truly are miracles. I have only to look at my children to know this.


Good Luck with your journey!

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