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Why are people so nasty to overweight people?

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where instead of changing the menus in our school cafeterias to healthy choices, we just opt to change the labeling sizes on clothing so people don't feel so "bad". .



ahh!! i just had to comment on this..thanks for brining it up!


my mum has been the same size since she was in her 20's. She is now 61. She said she used to be a size 8/10... she now fits into a size 2/4!!


in a way this really ticks me off.. You are getting plumpy looking people walking around wearing a size 2!!!


I went shopping the other day and it bugs me when you see sizes that are a



sizes are most certainly getting bigger!!


This isn't helping our obesity rate at all!!! its just making it more acceptable for people to get fat and be unhealthy!!


Women all love finding that smaller number of clothes sizes... maybe if clothes manufacturers actually kept to the right sizes, it would give peopel motivation.


this is what i mean, by making clothes biggger, not only are we not addressing the problem, but we are making it acceptable for peopel to get bigger.


We have this society of people tiptoe-ing around being very very careful, not to say anything about a weight gain.... then we wonder why we have a society of children where 50% of them are overweight!!!

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in a way this really ticks me off.. You are getting plumpy looking people walking around wearing a size 2!!!


What country do you live in? In the US a plump person wouldn't get one leg into a size two.


I think that the size of your clothes is meaningless. Even if where you are a size two has been made bigger to accommodate larger people the end result - how they appear to others - is exactly the same. If a false sense of security helps someone sleep at night let 'em go at it.

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so i'm assuming that it would work the other way too then? if you saw someone who weighed 80 pounds and looked like they were on death's door, should people keep their mouth's shut as well?


Yes, unless your relationship with that person gives you the standing and the right to kindly and gently and lovingly say something. You don't know why that person is so thin. Boundaries - where you end and others begin.

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in a way this really ticks me off.. You are getting plumpy looking people walking around wearing a size 2!!!


What country do you live in? In the US a plump person wouldn't get one leg into a size two.



Check my avatar you can see where i live!!


ok, maybe exagerating a bit.. but people who have a bit of a soft tummy and rolls around the waist, should not be fitting into a size 2 or 4.


They do.


maybe people just have a different idea of what overweight is.


Whats wrong with wearing a size 6 or 8, even if you are small?



Thats the way it should be!

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in a way this really ticks me off.. You are getting plumpy looking people walking around wearing a size 2!!!


What country do you live in? In the US a plump person wouldn't get one leg into a size two.


I think that the size of your clothes is meaningless. Even if where you are a size two has been made bigger to accommodate larger people the end result - how they appear to others - is exactly the same. If a false sense of security helps someone sleep at night let 'em go at it.


but whats the point of wearing a size 000??


a false sense of security is what has gotten our society into this problem we are in today.

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Exactly... it becomes everyone's concern, when national obseity rates are at an all -time high there is a serious problem.


I'm all for a bit of the 'tough love 'approach. nobody can say anything.. this is why we have gotten to this point in society. I visit a lot of high schools with my work, and i can't believe the amount of tubby kids i see sauntering around the halls.. Comes from the parents of coruse, but when it gets to this level, its time someone steppped in.


When taxes or healthy insurance or whatever it is in your county go towards treating people who are just too lazy to take care of themselves, then it is my concern. So many health problems are treatable if people only took care of themselves a little better.


I think this post illustrates the difference in attitude toward obesity vs other societal problems. Unwed mothers also take your tax dollars, and that is preventable too. Should we go back to shaming them so we can save some money? Should we make laws forcing them to go on birth control or have abortions, because higher taxes are everyone's business? After all ,they were too *lazy* to use birth control, right?


Of course we shouldn't, we should be COMPASSIONATE and KIND to them. Human suffering is human suffering, in all its forms.

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I think this post illustrates the difference in attitude toward obesity vs other societal problems. Unwed mothers also take your tax dollars, and that is preventable too. Should we go back to shaming them so we can save some money? Should we make laws forcing them to go on birth control or have abortions, because higher taxes are everyone's business? After all ,they were too *lazy* to use birth control, right?


Of course we shouldn't, we should be COMPASSIONATE and KIND to them. Human suffering is human suffering, in all its forms.


there are programs out there to help unwed mothers, or help high school dropouts get an education..although they aren't very effective they are still there. And, because of these programs, SOME people are able to get on with their lives or get their lives back on track.


Why aren't there many programs to get people back on track for their unhelathy lifestyles?


There aren't very many around or they don't seem to be working.

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I dunno there's nothing right about being cruel to someone who's fat, but to bring up an earlier comparison, you can look at being overweight like smoking.


Someone who smokes is probably told daily that it's a bad habit and that it's unhealthy for them - a lot by strangers. But if the same thing was done to someone who was overweight, all of the sudden it becomes "cruelty" and criticism.


There's this big negative attitude towards people that are mean to overweight individuals, but why? The truth of the matter is overweight people (generally) are just too lazy to take care of themselves physically, and then play the role of a victim with no control over their situation when criticized. It'd be like a smoker going "well, I'm addicted, what do you want me to do!?"

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there are programs out there to help unwed mothers, or help high school dropouts get an education..although they aren't very effective they are still there. And, because of these programs, SOME people are able to get on with their lives or get their lives back on track.


Why aren't there many programs to get people back on track for their unhelathy lifestyles?


There aren't very many around or they don't seem to be working.


There are programs that are free to help them, like overeaters anonymous. But the government's not doing much, that's for sure. I agree, there should be help for people who want to change.


But the point is that other societal problems are given far more tolerance by us. When the obesity epidemic becomes *really bad* society will change.

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There are programs that are free to help them, like overeaters anonymous. But the government's not doing much, that's for sure. I agree, there should be help for people who want to change.


But the point is that other societal problems are given far more tolerance by us. When the obesity epidemic becomes *really bad* society will change.



I guess i thought it was pretty bad already!! i wonder if will take for people to start doing something about it!

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but whats the point of wearing a size 000??


a false sense of security is what has gotten our society into this problem we are in today.


There is no point to it. that is why i asked what country are you in. In the US the clothing sizes are the same as they have been.


Well made clothes that are more expensive tend to run smaller for the reason of hoping a wmoan will feel better about fitting into that size six, but even those only run about one size smaller and that has been that way for years.


But I think the point some are trying to make is that a person's size or health issues are their own concern. We can have preconceived notions in our minds if we like, so long as we are not hurting others (i.e. Raykay's posts) but at the end of the day it is not our business if smoeone walking down the street might have a heart attack at 50.


If someone makes a rude comment over what someone is putting into their mouths it is just that - rude. I also think what is being said here is that "fat people" are the last group of people that some think they can outwardly criticize. It would be pretty insensitive to say to a stranger at the bar "are you seeking treatment for your alcohol problem" so why would we tell a stranger "are you sure you need that ice cream cone"?


Yes, being overweight is unhealthy. No matter what excuses we hear we'd be hard pressed to find a really healthy person who classifies as obese. But the reality is that if this is not our spouse or child it is none of our business. Just like it is not our business how many strangers drink away their sadness in a bar or how many people smoke (providing they are not smoking around others and blowing smoke in their vicinity).


Being thinner is healthier, but not all thin people are healthier than heavy people. That is a misnomer. My sister is much larger than i am but i doubt I'm all that much healthier. I'll suffer fewer weight related illnesses but i smoked for many years and she didn't, so I'll suffer more illnesses that might have resulted from that addiction. I also like a few beers now and again, my mother doesn't drink a drop. She is much heavier than me, but I have a feeling she is healthier. She has always ate well and never smoked or drank, for some reason each year she just seems to put on more weight. Her diet is not that bad. She likes sweets but is very conscious to not over eat. I KNOW she eats healthier than I do, I just happened to inherit my father's side of the families metabolism and size.

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Also, jadedstar.. I agree, it is rude to make comments on people's appearance...


So, how come when peopel post in this section about their weight and peopel say things like "Actually, i think you are too skinny" then no one blinks an eye?


if people say 'you are overweight!" then they get told to mind their business or that they have nice 'curves'

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I guess i thought it was pretty bad already!! i wonder if will take for people to start doing something about it!


I don't know...how bad will the gas crisis gets before the government gets permission from the corporations that run it to do something about it? I think there have to be a lot of collateral effects before things will change, it has to cost the gov't some serious money before they care.

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I do agree on the clothing sizes.....my body size has not changed in the last 7 or 8 years for example (after I healed from my anorexia and became actually healthy...) and where I used to wear a 6 or 8 (depending on manufacturer) as of maybe three years ago suddenly I was a 4; where I used to wear a medium (I am petite framed but I have breasts...lol) suddenly I am a S or XS.


DEFINITELY not just designer clothing because I can't afford it


It's not a secret, clothing manufacturers admit to changing the sizing to "fit" the market:


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The world caters to attractive and successful people.


It's the way it is. Society builds itself into tiers on a social ladder.


Best bet is to work on improving yourself to climb the ladder rather than whining. Those who can only climb by pushing others down are of poor character and should not be within your social circle. Make sure they are not a part of your life. I try to bring people up, not down. I'd like ever night of my life to end like an episode of cheers.


Sorry I realize this is a callous reply, but I have found that life has pity for no one.


Callous, but true.


At the end of the day each person can only be responsible for the decisions THEY themselves make. I think it would be a better world if people would stop worrying aobut what their neighbor's are doing and clean up their own backyard.

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In the uk there is talk of refusing to perform surgery on people with a BMI of 30 or above, similar to the refusal to operate on those who smoke.


There has also been a campaign for healthier school dinners.


Food labelling has changed and daily food guidelines and recommendations have been altered and publicised.


For some people it takes a significant health scare and the rehab that comes after the health scare to make them realise their situation. For others nothing can help them to alter their lifestyle. That's just the way it is.

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Are you gals in the US? Clothing sizes here are the same based on my own experiences. I know it is not just me and hopeful thinking because my daughter was the same exact size that i was when she was in 11th grade. She wore exactly the same size clothes I wore when I was in 11th grade.


Same body type, shape and weight and wore the same size clothes two decades later.


I think smoe trendy shops like to do the size 000 thing but I shop good ole JC Penney or similar. LOL I have never been in a store where I saw a triple zero.


Measuring tape doesn't lie. All a person has to do is measure their waist today and figure out if it is too large or not.





I do agree on the clothing sizes.....my body size has not changed in the last 7 or 8 years for example (after I healed from my anorexia and became actually healthy...) and where I used to wear a 6 as of maybe three years ago suddenly I was a 4; where I used to wear a medium (I am petite framed but I have breasts...lol) suddenly I am a S or XS.


DEFINITELY not just designer clothing because I can't afford it


It's not a secret, clothing manufacturers admit to changing the sizing to "fit" the market:


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Your post and some others as well as what I have observed in real life actually do illustrate the point perfectly.....people who eat healthy and exercise a lot, are constantly telling everyone how much they exercised and how they ate green beans and tofu for lunch and skipped the cheesecake...like we are all supposed to be impressed and clap our hands....and why do people have this bragging right for eating tofu and beans and exercising 5 days a week for 2 hours at a shot...is it really because they want to be "healthy" or is it because they want to impress everyone. Why are your models and actresses working out and not scarfing pizza..is it because they want to be healthy, or is it because it is to impress the right people so that they can be photographed and courted. Exercise and eating healthy is good, but there are lots of people who overdo it and it becomes an obsession which is also very unhealthy. I have seen people who feel guilty if they can't exercise for one day so they will go to the ends of the earth to even climb up and down stairs because circumstances prevented them from getting to the gym. They have this incredible guilt like they will plop dead right then and there if they missed a day of exercise. Is that healthy??? What about those healthy eaters who one day break down and eat French Fries and then they are sitting there telling you how healthy they eat normally and how this was an off day and tomorrow they will be back to their tofu. Is it healthy to feel so guilty about eating something bad for you.

I try to eat healthy but I fall short many times...I am not slim but not obese either...I have just witnessed how destructive this obsession with diet and exercise can be and how people who are big proponents of it look down their noses at those who are not so inclined and somehow think we are all jealous and resentful. No...you live your life and if working out every day for hours and eating tofu makes you happy, go knock yourself out...the rest of us have other interests which are no less noble than exercise and eating tofu.

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Are you gals in the US? Clothing sizes here are the same based on my own experiences. I know it is not just me and hopeful thinking because my daughter was the same exact size that i was when she was in 11th grade. She wore exactly the same size clothes I wore when I was in 11th grade.


Same body type, shape and weight and wore the same size clothes two decades later.


I think smoe trendy shops like to do the size 000 thing but I shop good ole JC Penney or similar. LOL I have never been in a store where I saw a triple zero.


I am in Canada, but buy clothes that come from US, or go accross border (not that far from it) and buy clothes there at times.

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Nice post Crazyaboutdogs.


And this world is chock full of addicted people. Food addiction is just one of many. I wonder how many people we see on the street who look healthy who have a painkiller addiction, or who suffer from suicidal thougths and depression.


We just don't do ourselves any favors by worrying about what eveyrone else is doing. I have a hard enough time in this world trying to keep me and my family sane much less worry about what my neighbors are having for dinner and snacks!

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Like i said ..until you have struggled with your weight and felt what it feels like... mind your business.


Believe me, I've dealt with weight gain in my late 20's. It took my little niece to tell it to my face that I was fat and ugly before I realized I need to take control of my weight. And I did something about it rather than employed the mentality that it's no one's business to be concerned if I'm overweight.



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