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After reading some posts from men who have a women cheat on them....


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Seriously, if a woman cheats on you, if she sleeps with another man for any reason, even after you break up. IT IS OVER. If she inserts another man's penis inside of her, after you met her, and you still want her, IT IS OVER.

Unless she is just a piece of you know what, IT IS OVER. Don't ever consider taking back a woman who has cheated on you.

A man can NEVER forgive a woman for cheating on him. But a woman CAN for forgive a man. There are various reasons for this. One, a man can't get pregnant. Two, a woman is suppose to be loyal, pure, genuine, and sincere. She should be the other half of you which no one else should see naked. I know I will get a lot of pressure on this, but a man cheating is not as severe as a woman. Period. Although both are shallow and nasty acts in itself, it is definitely more serious if a woman cheats. A woman sleeping with another man is an extremely unforgivable act. A man cheating on a woman leaves it to her to decide what to do. A woman cheating= goodbye. There is no thinking about it. If you take her back, she will never respect you. She will always question your character. She will always say "damn, I cheated on him and he took me back, what the hell?" She will never be attracted the same way again.


I wrote this because there are lots of posts about chicks who sleep with some dudes friends or other people when after they say "I want space". A man should never, ever, be okay with this.



Have a good day and please get over her.

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I want to state my agreement. Although both situations should be avoided in a healthy relationship, when a man cheats, he either has an uncontrolled libido, or a problem with emotional intimacy or it´s a way to get a "high" and compensate for other areas in their life. It´s a personal disfuntion that has nothing to do with his love for his better half (I guess that´s why they call it "better half"). When a woman cheats, she basically has lost interest in her companion and respect. And if she stays with him it will be out of pure self interest and not affection.

Anyway, cheating, for whatever reason, is very damaging.

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While I see your point if the cheating happens when you're with them, when you break up all bets are off.


Hypothetical: If I happened to meet an ex from the past and there was something still there and we were both single at the time, I honestly don't see the issue. She's not my sexual property and indeed I am not hers when we are apart. Any thing else is down to ego. After all unless we were both virgins we slept with people before and she had another mans penis in her before me and I had mine in someone else. Big deal.

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when you break up all bets are off.


i agree.


i'm back with my g/f from earlier this year and during the 3 months we were apart we both slept with other people.


its not a problem. we weren't "on a break" and at the time we both fully believed that we were finished for good. So we were both totally free to do what we wanted.

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A man cheating on a woman is just as serious.


Give me a break.


'a man can't get pregnant'? No, but he can get another woman pregnant, catch venereal diseases, and everything else that goes along with cheating. Not to mention the emotional devastation.


Where do you get your double standards?


My ex cheated on me, and it hurt every bit as badly as a man would have hurt had his girlfriend cheated on him.

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MAN, I agree with you, My ex was always out never coming home. I would be at home with her children. I love them so that part was cool. I came to find out she was out with another guy and finding another place to live. She moved out while i was at work no goodbye just a note....Now her and the kids I have raised for the best 4 years of my life are gone. I took care of her cause she quit her job I was paying for her a nice car and insured it. I still love her but I know I need to stop, I love those kids like crazy 5 yr and 8 yrs. She is going to regret this so much. I think it might be too late for us.

God I hate it.

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Sorry tray25 but what the heck is the matter with you?


This is totally sexist and a moderator should delete this thread, really. I can't believe what a selfish, sexist and untrue post this is. I REALLY hope that this is just a joke to get some reaction and attention from the ena members...


otherwise, I would really suggest you to see a therapist. There is obviously something not right in your mindset. What is the difference between a woman cheating and a man cheating? Is it any better to stick your penis into another womans vagina, possibly getting her pregnant and a high risk of STD's?


So you say if a woman cheats and you take her, she'll never respect you again, she will question your character and she'll never be attracted the same way again. And how is that any different if a guy cheats and the woman takes him back? It's just the same.


It is JUST AS serious if a man cheats. There is no discussion to that. I am utterly disgusted by you guys, tray25, anakara and Toki. DISGUSTED.

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This is true, and is like this cause we live in a chauvinist society where men think they are the booses. I think noone should cheat, that's very bad. If you wanna do it better stay alone, go riding but without hurting someone.


"a woman is suppose to be loyal, pure, genuine, and sincere." Hey not only women, also men are supposed to be loyal, respectful and honest right?

we get what we give and treat others the way you would like to be treated

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Oh man, this is rubbish.


How old are you? Seriously.


First off, I loathe generalizations and stereotypes. If a person cheats, a person cheats and it's up to the individuals involved whether they can get past it and forgive. Could I forgive? Never. I do however know a couple that forgave (she cheated btw...not him) and they've been happy ever sense.


To say that it's cheating even after you've broken up is dumb. You're not together anymore, so what they do with another individual is non of the ex's business.


Sheesh, logic like this frustrates me.

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My last bf cheated on me. As soon as I found out, I kicked his lying butt to the curb and never looked back. I have not had anything to do with him since, nor will I have anything to do with him in the future.


Oddly enough, that's pretty much the same reaction my husband had when he caught his ex-wife cheating on him. It was a little more complicated for him to sever the relationship because of having to divorce, but he did that as quickly as he possibly could.


Doesn't matter if you're male or female...if you find out a supposedly monogamous partner is cheating on you, it's devastating. Some people (male AND female) can forgive that kind of betrayal...for many men and women, cheating is a deal-breaker, period end of sentence.


I am guessing tray25 is heterosexual. If that's the case, then I can see where he might think a man cheating isn't as big a deal....the scenario of a man cheating on him would never happen to a heterosexual male. If something's not likely to impact you, it becomes easy to minimize the impact it might have on someone else.

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Two, a woman is suppose to be loyal, pure, genuine, and sincere. She should be the other half of you which no one else should see naked


Because she is your property over whom you have exclusive rights, right?


The sooner you stop putting all these creepy and misogynistic standards on women and start realising that we are , gosh, people and belong to ourselves just as much as a man, the sooner you'll be happier.

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Wow...You are really sexist. And I will leave it at that as far as name calling. *sorry Mods* but my goodness. Cheating is cheating no matter how you look at it and it is up to the individual on whether or not forgiveness is warranted. It is no better or no worse either way. IMO anyway.

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I do not agree or disagree with the original poster. However, i think that the topic should not be deleted. we all have different views and we should be allowed to share them if they do not harm anyone.


As long as those who choose to participate in this thread follow the forum rules regarding flaming, disrespect and personal attacks in their posts, it'll be fine.

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I think it is sad when some men hide behind their gender. We are all people here. That is what matters most. Being born with male chromosomes does not automatically mean that a man should not be held to the same standards as a woman (..."loyal, pure, genuine, and sincere"...) if such standards are to be placed on us. Cheers to all the real men who believe in equality... I'll have a drink to you this weekend

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OP, you're gonna get a huge bunch of c**p from the ladies for this thread...


good luck mate!


As well as he should, AND from any respectable man as well!


OP, it's ok to think this way. I'm glad you're being honest because apparently, many men feel the way you do......as they've shared it with us here.


You have a long road ahead of you in life if you really do believe this, and

I have a feeling you'll experience a few heart breaks because of it too!


Find all the excuses you need to to justify this in your own mind...because when you find a lady, and cheat on her....see how fast she strongly disagrees with your philosophy!

I hope to never, ever date a man who thinks the way you do!

Maybe you feel women don't have feelings, or that somehow we don't deserve to have the same respect given to us as men deserve.

Or, you posted this thread to piss off every logical person on here.

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I know I will get a lot of pressure on this, but a man cheating is not as severe as a woman. Period. Although both are shallow and nasty acts in itself, it is definitely more serious if a woman cheats. A woman sleeping with another man is an extremely unforgivable act.



Have a good day and please get over her.


Are you flipping kidding me?!

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