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For all of you that feel...


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Sad and deeply hurting tonight. My thoughts go out to you..


Remember this is just a night. Tomorrow is another day. Tomorrow is a day you can pick yourself up.. and realize that you are a wonderful person worthy of a wonderful life. A life that you are going to start to build from scratch .. tomorrow.


Break - ups happen for a reason. They are blessings in disquises as for whatever reason it was not working. If you take this chance, you can learn a lot about yourself. Ask yourself why. Why do I want this relationship so much. Is it truly because you are completely happy with this person.. or do you find yourself feelign down and lonely a lot of the time with this person. Do you have to comprimise yourself in order to be with this person?


There is a sun that will rise in the morning. Dig out those old cd's that you love... go for a walk.. DAYDREAM about the qualities of the person that is going to enter your life next. What things do you want to change about yourself before you meet this person..


You have a whole life ahead of you. This chapter may be closing in your life for good.. or just temporary.. but either way..change can be good. You will never experience anything wonderful without the gift of change and acceptance. Its a lot less painful if you accept life for what it has to give you..


To all of you who are hurting ... Make tomorrow your new beginning of the rest of your life!!


Hugs.. and happy healing!

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