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Laura Ashley

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Everything posted by Laura Ashley

  1. If you think someone is beautiful is that the same as 'loving' them?? Because mostly I get confused about looks and love... it confusing. I know what I mean I just don't know how to say it
  2. I am starting to feel a little more happier, but I'm no where near completely happy. I have a personal tutor now (a tutor who you talk to in absolute confidence) and well he's new. I don't trust him enough to tell him things that deeply trouble me. I want my old personal tutors back but I can't because they have nothing to do with 6th form college. He will talk to me about grades, college, course work and anything that troubles me. I don't know what to say??? I can't tell him anything because I can't trust him. I need someone who knows me well enough to be a personal tutor. I'm not sure what to do ...
  3. its just sometimes ... I lash out at my mates, I get angry easily, I'm fed up! Nothing has happened to make me feel fed up .... I just am. I get jealous when I see couples and feel completely lonesome. I just want to die but I don't want to die not knowing what love is. It sounds so frakish in my head. I just want hide away from the world all the time. I can't talk to people not even my best friends because they will never undertsand what I mean, and I don't need them knowing how weird I am. I'm messed up. I often have suicidal thoughts, I feel so ugly, I get stressed out easily at school or college now and I always expect things to go bad when I'm having a good time in my life. I often have a great week and then something spoils it, it's the story of my life ...
  4. I hide my my real feelings away from everyone. I don't like telling people how i feel. I feel stupid just writing on here I feel weird ... my heart is breaking a little each day and I just don't want to live anymore ... I just want to hide away and die. I feel sooo helpless and im hurting all the time. sometimes I want to cry and my body wont let me
  5. im still feeling as miserable as hell ... i can't pull myself together. Im hiding away behind a smile. i feel sooo useless ........
  6. umn ... im 17 so dated a college tutor or student support proffessor wouldn't be such a good idea... story of my life ... don't touch what you can't have
  7. I don't see it like that. When your 2 or 3 your pampered by your parents and you get away with things because "You don't know any better" however being a teenager is worst because we have to suffer the absolute stress and pressure of exams and everything! ComputerGuy is right crushes can hurt thats why I'm feeling completely out of it now! I have never had a crush that I have thought nothing of.
  8. I hate it though ... the one thing buzzing in my head is that I'm in 6ht form College now! and eventually I have to face a time when I HAVE too leave I don't want to. I have grown so fond ot my school/college I am finding any excuse to stay on once this yr is up. I want to be near my friends and the teachers that made my school life so happy. I don't want to leave them! I hate my life! I feel so depressed and everyone at colege thinks I'm happy but I'm hiding my true feelings behind a false smile! I feel so depressed and I don't know whats causing it! I'm not ment to feel sooo useless and unhappy I don't know how to deal with it, I just wanna feel happy ... I'm very very happy at College (exept for the re-sitting maths part) and I just having mixed feelings about everything such as: Teachers, love, subjects, apearance etc ... I'm sooo confused!!!
  9. Im at college now. You know I go through these days weeks even where I feel totally depressed. No-one has to have done anything to annoy me or upset me but I do feel utterly sad. I guess when I see couples it hurts. sometimes I don't feel as though I deserve to be with anyone at all ... I don't feel pretty. most people are just born with good looks. I don't wanna feel self-hatred, but I do when I feel these crushes!! I really ... really wanna be emotionless right now ...
  10. how do u avoid crushes?? I mean when u see this guy you really like and you can't avoid because their on the same grounds as you how do you stop? I can't explain!
  11. whats the cure for a common crush? and don't say "keep busy" because that has never worked for me
  12. Hi, It's so true when people say being a teenager is the worst part of growing up! You have exams, HORMONES, appearances etc ... The thing is you fall in and out moods all the time your happy, your sad, your calm, your stressed and the thing is I wish I could live my teenage life emotionless! I'd rather not feel anything that suffer! You see sometimes I only have to look at a guy once and your addicted! It's like you only have to see that person once and you think your in love but your not its just your body adapting to maturity!!! The thing is I go through life with so many MAJOR crushes and I hate it! their either too old, married, imature or just don't like you in the same way you like them! So unfair!!! The thing is boys my age (17) are so immature!! I want someone older who I can to that will understand and listen!!! I have a crush on this guy who's at college but he's married. this happens so much! Why can't I be emotionless! LA
  13. hello everyone, as some of u can probably appreciate, I hate being single. I go for a walk to shops, couples everywhere! holding hands, making out, with children (I don't want kids or anything) I feel like I'm have my face rubbed in it because Im single. All the guys Im attracted to are spoken for, it's just annoying and I hate being single and I hate it when my friends start saying saying about being dumped and they'll never date again at least they have HAD bf/gf whatever!! how do u cope? LA
  14. well Im concerned because she keeps talking to me about it and im not sure what she wants me to do. Im not going to ask him about it for her because its too weird. It is my buissnes if she includes in to the situation which she has. shes made it quite clear she isn't interested in him to me. we were both in the shop today and we were in que and he was stood so close to her he was nearly on to of her. I could feel her pushing me. then when we left the shop he kept turning around to watch her and see what she was doing. so if u was her what would u do. LA
  15. Thanks annie well he's leaving in september to go to a new school in Arazona. I was gutted. Im trying my best not to see him or talk to him but it's hard. how do you get over a crush? I want to get over it now. Keeping busy only makes it worse. la
  16. hello people. Long time no chat. well my friend lizzy is telling my how this teacher called Simon seems to be flirting with her. He's 29 she's 17 going on 18. We are leaving college and both got a yr book photo and a book for people to sign. On hers he put: To Lizzy! Besta luck in your exams! love always Simon x x x he signed mine and put: To Laura Ash good luck Simon He wrote on everyones book the same as what he wrote on mine, so I ask you why is lizzy so special? THEN everytime we alk accross the yard and pass the theatre room windows he looks straight at her and waves. I mean he holds his hand up to his chin winks then gives this silly little wave! What gives! He's there as a helper he actually works for a shop called Jessops. He's doing it to earn extra money. He always watches her and when he walks past he turns his head to see what she's doing. This other girl Nikki noticed to. She told me in private away from lizzy how simon was eyeing her up in theatre studies. She felt uncomfortable as simon and lizzy where laughing and talkng about whatever. lizzy assured me she's not attracted to him at all and she feels weird around him. so is he flirting or are we all paranoid? LA
  17. Hi everyone I think I might be on love with this guy who I know. I find myself thinking about him all the time. The only dilema im facing is the boundries. You see we cannot be together because his and mine job. He doesn't know I feel this way nor can I tell him without akwardness and confusion. But how do you know when your truley in love with someone and it's not just a phaze crush sort of thing? LA
  18. heya guys Well this post was written months ago almost ab yr ago. This guy has left work. I thought about him every day since i left, and now ... he's gone. I feel so gutted. I'll never see him again. I got a birthday card a month ago and he signed it with a big kiss at the end. I'm seeing my sis in a couple of months and I'll meet her from work as usual, it wont be the same without him. he never really did leave my mind. I feel so empty I want to tell my sister that I had a crush on him but I daren't. I want to ask why and when he left, and what he's doing now, just so I know. but how can I ask without it sounding to intruding? I want to ask as though I'm being polite ... please reply I feel upset. My sister told me that he left work when we was out last night. It hit me like a rock and couldn't accpet that he'd gone. Miya PLEASE reply I'm desperate!!! I'm hurting so badly here.
  19. yeah I'll be good I promise. It justn hurts to know every guy (and there is an endless line) I have a crush on I can't have for some reason because their married their a teacher they don't like me they have a girlfriend they find my friend more attractive (and thats an issue cause i begin to hate her) and so on and so forth,. Always an exuse This guy is special he's different and I can't have him. LA
  20. I want a job where I can get a great pay, but where im in a relaxed environment with no pressure but a job where I can wear suits and nice formal clothing. I want to move away from my home town and live somewhere new with my best friend. I want to meet new people and be able to do things like go on holiday get a car stuff like that. I fancy traveling for a job as well. I want to do something officey but not boring. I don't really want to go to uni but I will be better off if I go. I did really want to go year ago but now I can't bet bothered but I'm making myself go even though I don't want to. does such a job exist? LA
  21. I know he's doing well to put his career first but it just hurts knowng he has too. No I don't know him very well but he's really cute and have you ever had a crush where whenever you see him you can't stop smiling because it's the effect he has on you? well thats what im suffering from. LA
  22. im not complaining but sisterlynch your making it sound like he has the crush on me and it's visa versa. I can't get over this crush it's too hard. and believe me I have tried you have to believe me when I say I worked so hard trying. LA
  23. wow thanks you two! I really expected some harsh posts. But maybe he is have trouble in his own life I had considered that. I aren't sure if he does chat to other students or not. How do I start a convo without it being to weird? I hate some of the women he works with. I'm jealous of them. At least if the wanted him they could have a chance. LA
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