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Everything posted by luminousone

  1. I was thinking the same thing... He may be back for follow up work. The problem was, he had grad students in tow for some training. So that left little opportunity to chat...
  2. Oh, and a guy I went to grad school with showed up at my work to do some contract services. Wondering if he is single... I asked about his wife (she also went to school with me) but he said they are no longer married. Right when I finished grad school, I had my oldest son. He was born 2 weeks after my last class. So babies, life, and divorces have happened since I last saw him.
  3. Staff meeting went well today - my report was received well.
  4. The most excitement I get these days: last night I went to bed at 8:30. I heard a crash out in the kitchen so I yelled at my cat to "get down", figuring he was up to no good. So instead he brings a live mouse into my bedroom. More yelling from me. I ushered him outside, went to bed, and he brought it in the cat door again. Sheesh! Shoved him outside again.
  5. A friend of mine just started a year of decluttering. One thing must leave her house permanently each day for a year.
  6. Lol, you two! I have no one to blame except myself here. 10 years ago, when I went through my divorce, I did a big purge. Granted, he left me a lot of his junky stuff, and there areally still remnants here and there. I have some of my own, too. But really, 10 years later, I have only myself to blame.
  7. Lol my life is rather boring. Except for my strange neighbors. Still feeling low energy but I went back to work on Monday. I'm glad tomorrow is Friday. On the other hand, I have to prepare a report for staff meeting on a topic I am not totally prepared to speak on. Being out sick will do that. I ran a good meeting this afternoon, but people scheduled to be there were coming and going (due to legitimate reasons) so that was unusual. And one of our team members is home on leave for medical reasons for a month (back injury). But she was so bored at home that she Skyped in for the meeting. For 3 hours, lol! She is going nuts at home. I really need to clean my house this weekend for Thanksgiving. And that is about all the excitement in my life... sigh
  8. Sheesh! This virus kicks a punch! I think the fever was almost gone this morning, but I was still achy and stiff. I pulled myself up and about to take a few bags out to the bottle return center. On the way back, the sun came out and it was nice to be out and about in the sunshine. And I think it was good for me. When I got back, I realized my clothing was smelling like old beer and kombucha - I must have picked up residue when I leaned over to deposit my bags into the receptacle. Ack! So off to take another shower and put all new clean clothes on... and I feel ever so much better! My friend J was going to come to have Thanksgiving with me, but her cousin had a stroke and she is going to spend it with their family instead. While this year would have been the year my sons would have Thanksgiving with me, my ex let me know that his girlfriend's nice is getting married at Christmas so they won't be in town during that time, so could I please trade holidays. And he and his gf invited me for Thanksgiving so we could each see our sons. At first I was going to have J over and possibly my neighbor and another friend, but since J won't be here then I would like to hang out with my sons. Yes, it is awkward at my ex's house. However, my ex's current gf is really nice, and had nothing to do with the breakup of my marriage 10 years ago. I would get to catch up with my inlaws, whom I love and miss. To put a hitch in things, my older son may not even come up to Oregon for Thanksgiving because he is going to stay with his girlfriend's family instead. So maybe they will fly up for that weekend or not. It is all up in the air. My sister wanted me to fly out to Michigan for Thanksgiving, because it is the first one for my mom, after my dad passed away last spring. But, I have to work on Wednesday, then back to work on Monday. I just don't see how that would work, flights wise. Plus it would be grueling and I would probably get sick again. It is all so complicated, so I'm just going to go with the flow.
  9. For what it's worth - I don't have dreams like you describe, because I am such a sound sleeper that I don't remember my dreams. But I have a friend that does. And she gets premonitions. She had one about my mom, and I flew out to visit her (I was going through my divorce, and wanted to go out to tell them in person). When I came home, I told my friend that my mom was just fine - premonition or not. Of course, my mom fell and fractured her neck the next day (long recovery, but she is fully recovered from that. She now has dementia and is almost 99, but that is a different story). Anyhow, about my friend. She is visited in her dreams by her own deceased mother. It is comforting to her. Personally, I believe her mom's spirit is truly visiting her. But that is because I have come to respect my friend's premonitions. While they don't always end up being exactly true, there is such a strong connection of truth that I take them seriously. (There have been several). But even if you don't believe, it does not matter. What matters is this: your dream of your mom was comforting to you. Doesn't matter if it was real or not. You got yourself a "mom hug", something you needed at that moment.
  10. Oh RIM, you are still grieving your mom. And traditions that would have included her have now gone awry, bringing to the forefront your mom's absence. Sounds like you will go spend it with your youngest son and his family. Maybe find a different day to spend some special time with your other son when he is not working? I don't know that there is any good answer. The grief is there and times have changed. Just know we all support you here.
  11. Not much going on with me. I stayed home sick today with a nasty cold and will likely stay home tomorrow. My friend J came for a visit and she mocked up a possible plan for my back yard, so that was good. I've had my fill of Latin names for plants though... Work is way better this year, and it seems like there is a much healthier atmosphere this year. So thankful for that. Hope to see my boys around Thanksgiving, although they will likely be staying at their dad's, due to schedules.
  12. Happy Happy Birthday Sera!!! Hope your day is wonderful! Enjoy your time with your mom.
  13. Can't remember if I've written this in here or not. So my back yard borders 2 different properties. Last summer one neighbor knocked over the fence, so he and his buddy rebuilt that section, and it looks super nice. So last summer I had workers come over to cut down blackberries that had invaded my entire yard, and they are mostly gone but trying to come back. Once those were cut down, I had to replace the fence across that part of the yard - basically continue it across from where the other section was put in. Right where the fence is/was, the power lines, phone, and cable wires are all along there and a portion of the property is a utility easement - property that belongs to the utility, but we can use, as long as they have access to the lines. Anyhow, the fence was historically through the middle of the easement so each person got to use half. My neighbor's fence was so nice that I asked his fence guy if he would continue the fence across the rest of my yard too. He was hesitant at first because apparently he was doing it as a favor to his buddy - I guess he owns a business, so he was not really a fence guy. Anyhow, he decided he would do it for me and I have the money set aside for that. So he met me after work and I showed him where I needed the fence. Basically straight across where it used to be. There was a sapling tree in the way, but he said he would cut it down. A few weeks later, he put in the fence while I was at work, and he left the tree there and built the fence farther into the back neighbor's yard! Technically it was still in the utility easement, but obviously my back neighbors were not happy. So I told him he had to move the fence. And he was not happy, because he thought he was done. Maybe he misunderstood my directions on where to put the fence (not sure how he could have, since he and I ran the measuring tape across exactly where it would go). I actually think he decided not to deal with the tree and took liberty. Anyhow, I told my neighbor that my word stands and I would have the fence moved back where it belongs. And then I called a stump grinder guy to drill out the stump, because it was right smack where the fence goes. Stump was drilled out yesterday and the fence was moved and is now complete. Yay! But - my take-aways: get it in writing, draw a map or paint out the lines, and hire a professional. The fence does look super nice though. On a different note : it got down into the mid 20s F. overnight. Brrrr!
  14. Fall is at its peak here - the trees are so beautiful!
  15. Went for a hike yesterday and the Fall leaves were glorious. It started raining halfway through the hike, but we were in the trees, so most of the rain was blocked by the tree canopies. Today I was busy with church, then I took my neighbor shopping. When we got back, she said that she couldn't get her voice mail to work. Her doctor's office was upset that they could not leave her a message. So I Googled it and printed off instructions to take over to her house. She couldn't remember her password, and when I called CenturyLink for her, the phone menu kept redirecting her to their website. Well, my neighbor has no computer or internet. So I lamented that it would be far easier for her to have an old fashioned answering machine. Turns out she did have one - new in a box. So I set it up for her. She has early dementia, so we will see if she can use it.
  16. I agree that he is not dangerous. I also do not think he is a meth head - I would see the signs of that. He is physically healthy, just mentally off. I'm still going to mow my lawn, but I know he will likely remow it for the stripes. I think that will make it healthier and keep the dandelions down.
  17. I was at a dinner last night and told the group about him. There was a psychologist at the dinner that got a funny look on her face when she heard the story. And then, strangely, she asked me to describe him. I wonder if it was one of her clients. But of course she won't share that with me and I won't ask. But it was an odd question.
  18. I love the pumpkin painting. You have your own style - you don't need to change it to suit the instructor. (Not that I think you would, anyhow). Is that your kiln? Or at the art place.
  19. All I remember of The Last of the Mohicans - my then husband was watching our 1 year old son and his buddies came by. So they watched the movie. When I got home, there was a gory battle scene and every time someone got shot and fell off their horse, my son said "Oh no! He got boo boo!". He was captivated and I was not amused - not appropriate for him to see. On the other hand, my son is an adult now and likely has no memory of it. So he survived it.
  20. Work has been so much better. My new boss is zany at times, opinionated at times, and you always know where she stands, whether you agree or not. I do better with direct communication. The harder thing about that is she has a firm opinion and may be more closed minded than I would like. My old boss was so collaborative and I miss that. But new boss is bringing positive changes in with her, so she is shaking things up a bit. And that is a good thing.
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