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Everything posted by Roq

  1. i agree with Dreng3333 on this one from personal experience. love goes with sex and when you try to seporate the 2 bad things happen, especialy if the woman wants a relationship and all you want is sex.
  2. I did the same thing with my ex girlfriend. It was a little bit of lust but I did it also because I still loved her when we were broken up. And after that I remembered how much I loved her, but didn't say anything. That happened a few more times and she told me she couldn't do that anymore unless we got back and I realized that I really wanted her back. You should talk to him, I would guess he still likes you and probably still loves you.
  3. My ex of a year and 9 months just recently started having sex with other guys... she gets drunk and says she doesn't even remember the sex. She also told me she made out with a guy and girl at the same time, that hurt me so damn bad. I know how you feel man. I haven't gotten through this yet so I can't really give any advice, sorry, but I do know how you feel.
  4. thanks its just sad to see her doing this kind of stuff. we were both virgins until we met eachother, and now she sleeps around like sex doesnt mean anything, that REALLY hurts i thought we had something so special
  5. yeah you did, another thing is that I know she is very dependant on me, still to this day! She asks for money, help doing something, directions, and sometimes someone to hang out with if she is bored. It's almost like she doesn't want to let go of me but she does at the same time. She never used to go to parties because she was not involved with popular people at all. She came from Russia at age 12 to america and didn't have many friends here, so once she met melissa after about a year of us dating, she started to experience new things, behind my back too. She sees me as holding her back from doing these new things, especialy getting drunk. But I can tell she doesn't want to lose me... I hope she realizes the love we had and how great it was after a few weeks of us not seeing eachother...
  6. 1 more thing, when she comes to my house she still looks through my closet to make sure I am not hidding anything from her like dirty magazines or other girls phone numbers, and she still asks me if I have kissed other girls and seems like she still wants me to not see anyone else... why would she do that? oh yeah I am 19 she is 18 both out of high school, she isnt going to school and is living with a roommate in an apartment because she got kicked out of her house for not coming home for 1 week strait because she was drunk the whole time.
  7. I posted a little while ago when Liana first broke up with me. She basicaly broke up with me for her friend Melissa who takes her to parties, gets her drunk and she hooks up with guys. I guess that was more fun than being with me, although we were having a lot of fights, but I am guessing that is because she was cheating on me so she was always suspicious that I was cheating on her... Anyways we still see eachother maybe 3 times a week sometimes more and every time I break down and either cry or keep asking her to get back with me and this makes her just want to go home and not see me for a few more days. Today she told me she was so drunk and a party she woke up with jiz all over her face and only remembers some guy taking her into a bed room and thats it. She also said she made out with a guy and her friend Melissa at the same time. That really hurt me a LOT. Anyways, have I ruined my chance at getting back with her by crying and asking her to get back with me? I know I shouldn't have called her or written her notes, so if I don't talk to her for a few weeks do you guys think she might get back with me then?
  8. She didn't come out and tell me all this at first, I mean, I knew she went to parties but I had to talk to her for a while to get her to tell me that she was cheating on me and that she just had sex with another guy. She also seems to have RADICAL mood swings. Like one minute she is nice and comforting me and another she says "I can't take even being your friend anymore, I never want to see you again!" I just wish I had her back but things were like they were the first year of our relationship. Even she admited that the first year was perfect and great.
  9. yeah maybe, but should I break all contact with her or try to hang out wit her or what
  10. This is going to be long but please, I need your guys opinion and help: I was in this relationship for a year and nine months with Liana. The first year was almost perfect and throughout that year I broke up with her a few times because I felt I needed space and that I was isolated, but I always got back with her because I realized how much I need and want her. After I really realized how much breaking up with her hurt her and how much I need her I didn't break up with her again and we went strong for at least five months. Then she broke up with me for the first time after she goes to this girls house. I knew that there was alcohol and guys there and that was the reason she broke up with me. A few days later she was at my house and she got a call from this guy and I found out she met him at this party and thats why she broke up with me. After that I talked to her about how much I love her and how I wanted things to work for us and we got back together for another 4 months. We started getting into a lot of fights again over dumb things and now I know the reason we faught is because we both felt isolated form the outside world. I would also tell her things out of anger instead of love and that was wrong. Anyways, on the 4th of July she ditched me for a party and got drunk and met this same guy again. She broke up with me the next day. It has been since the 4th of july that we have been broken up, and I just learned that she had sex with that guy (Matt) yesterday and that really hurts. She says that she doesn't want a boyfriend now and would rather get drunk and have sex with other guys... how can I convince her to be with me and that we can still have fun and go to parties TOGETHER. I don't want to loose her
  11. I know how you feel, my girlfriend broke up with me because she wanted to party and experience other guys. Trust me, don't break up with your girlfriend. It might be fun partying and stuff for a while but your relationship is much more important. Maybe take a week off from eachother or slow things down a bit. Maybe just have a bunch of your friends and her friends get together and all of you hang out. Feeling the need to experience other things is normal but isn't worth a relationship, there are ways to fix you relationship.
  12. Maybe add more stuff about how you really want to be with her it seems more like you would be totaly OK if you didn't get back together, unless thats what you want. But if you really want to be with her just tell her how much you love her and that you know you can work things out.
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